
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4 (Reboot)

A/N: Contains some bullshit that I made up. You'll know what I mean when you see it. Also the ending was a bit rushed because I was tired.

3.2K words. Thank you, I'm die forever.


When Enrico woke up, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling and it definitely wasn't his. He blinks his eye before completely waking up.

'That's right... I was given a place to stay by the Rose...' Enrico then rubs his eyes as he got up from and sat on the edge of hid bed.

"I should get up and take a shower first." He said as he got up and look around his room.

There he saw on the desk of the room some clothes for the day. Although he prefers his priest outfit, this was better than nothing. It was a long sleeve turtle neck black shirt and a white pants.

'Not bad...'

He then turns towards the digital clock that is on the desk. It was 5:37 A.M, he woke up very early in the morning. Something that he always does even before coming to this world.

There were also a towel, toothbrush and a toothpaste for him to use. Safe to say that Scarlet was prepared in advance for any guests that would come and stay at their place.

He decided to take a shower before anyone else wakes up because he thought that it would be an awkward thing to show his body to people he barely met.

15 Minutes later he was already out of the shower and have already put on his clothes. Seeing that no one is awake right now, he decided to read one of the books that he asked for yesterday. He received them from Scarlet after the dinner.

'Hmm... a book about Grimms.' Enrico opens the book as he saw an introduction that was written on the first page.

'The Creatures of Grimm or just Grimms, are monster inhabiting various parts of Remnant. They originate from the Land Of Darkness, it is the most dangerous place on Remnant as it is heavily infested by Grimms.'

Enrico saw the name Remnant and connected two and two together. 'So this world is called Remnant.'

'They are described as "creatures of destruction" that lack a soul; hence, they are unable to use Aura. They are also drawn to feelings of negativity such as envy, sadness, loneliness, hatred, etc. often congregating on the source of these emotions.'

'I see... this is a problem indeed. If one cannot control their emotions, then they can endanger a whole settlement full of people. So that's why everyone here are so happy and cheerful despite their situation. If they are sad and depressed the whole time then it could spell their doom.' Enrico thought to himself as he looks through the different kinds of Grimms and their variations.

He mutters to himself as he looked through the different kinds of Grimms. "Beowolf, Ursa, Nevermore, Death Stalker, Boarbatusk, Goliath, King Taijitu... So many Grimms. How did they come to be?" He thought to himself as he looks at the Grimms.

Most of these Grimms have alpha variants of them that are bigger, stronger and faster than their predecessors. It was an interesting thing to read for Enrico because in his old world except stand users nothing was interesting.

The book also says that their are people who hunts them, people like Siegfried and everyone else in this town. They are called Huntsman or Huntress, they are hired to basically hunt these creatures as they terrorised the normal populous.

The Huntsmans or Huntresses are super humans that uses Auras to enhance their strength, speed and reaction time. The Aura also acts as a barrier, like a forcefield to keep them from being harmed by attacks. But these Auras are limited depending on how much reserve you have in you.

Enrico felt that his eyes was itchy because he might've been reading for too long, when he looked at the clock it was already 7 A.M. 'Huh? I guess I was too distracted...' He thought to himself as he looks out at the rising sun.

"Beautiful..." It has been too long since Enrico last admired the rising sun. He didn't mind waking up early just to see this view over and over again. It might be mundane, but to him it's something worth seeing everyday.

His thoughts was interrupted by a childish voice he knew to well and a knock on the door. "Mister Enrico are you up?"

For some unknown reason, he instinctively smile. "Yes Summer I'm up. I'll be there right away." He said as he closed the book and got up from his chair.

'I will just read it in another time.' He thought to himself as he had all of the time he needed to read as much as he wants.

When he opened the door he Summer was standing there still waiting for him and her clothes freshly changed. "Good morning Summer, I take it that you had a good sleep?" He said as he crouches down to her eye level.

"Yep! Although... I'm grounded from eating cookies for the whole week..." She said while she looks sad.

"Hmm... What do you want Summer?" He said while looking at her in amusement.

She whispers into his ears and said "Cookies... Can you get me some cookies..."

He whispers back to her "What do I get from this Summer..."

"Mom's baked cookies next week... I'll share half of my portion..." She said with a mischievous grin.

"Done, but if your mom finds out, then you're on your own young lady." He said as he gave her a handshake to seal the deal.

"Oooh Summer~ What are you doing with Mister Enrico~?" She said in a sing song manner which sent shivers down her spine as she broke out into cold sweat.

Her mother was there, right around the corner of the corridor. Watching her... watching them... She had a not so friendly smile on her face.

Even Enrico broke out into cold sweat when she suddenly appeared out of nowhere. His supposedly battle harden instinct as a stand user was rendered useless against this women, because she snuck near them while still going unnoticed.

Seeing that both of them would get in trouble Enrico had to make a sacrifice, a sacrifice that would save his skin but lose someone's trust. "It was Summer, Scarlet! She asked me to buy her some cookies!" He points at her.

Her eyes widen in disbelief, as she was betrayed by someone she had trusted. Enrico gave her an apologising look as he mouths at her ' I'm sorry...'

"Well now... but I remembered clearly that she was grounded from eating cookies for a week. What to do~ What does mommy have to do~" She said while still looking menacing down the corridor.

"Then... Your... time for being grounded has been extended for two weeks~!" She said happily.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She went down on her knees in defeat.

"That's what you get Summer, let this be a life lesson." Scarlet said as she retreated back to her territory, the kitchen. She who rules it is absolute in her domain.

"Why'd you do it Mister Enrico!? How could betray meeeeee!?" She said as snot came out of her nose and tears falling out of her eyes.

"I had to Summer, your mother... She terrifies me beyond anything I have ever encountered." He said with a solemn look.

"I'll make it up to you on way or another. This was a sacrifice for the greater good." He said as he gave her a hug and then pats her head.

"You promise?" She said while sniffling.

"Yes, I promise. Just like yesterday remember? We're gonna watch the night sky tonight." He said as he calms Summer down. It felt very weird for him to calm a child down considering he was trying to kill one before this, and not even 2 days has passed since then.

"Okay... but you have to carry me down stairs..." She said as she tightens her grip on Enrico's shirt.

"Very well Summer..." He said while giving her a defeated smile.

Enrico got up as he carries Summer with him in his arms, he went downstairs to see that Sieg and Scarlet already eating bacon and pancakes.

"Yo Enrico! That outfit suits you." Sieg waves at him as he continues eating his breakfast.

"Hmm~ Looks like Summer has really taken a liking to you Enrico~" She said before continuing eating her breakfast.

"Hehe... I guess so Scarlet." He said as puts down Summer on her seat. Her face was smeared with dried up tears but she happily ate her breakfast as if her punishment did extend.

"Oh! By the way Enrico, I've talk to the mayor. He said that there's a vacant spot as a librarian, it pays well and you could use your time there to read some books. Not alot of people want that job because nearly everyone here are full fledged Huntsmans."

"Then what time does the library open?"

"Well... Seeing the time right now, It should be... at 9 O'clock in the morning. Why don't you head there on early and inform the manager of that library. It's near the village centre, not far from our place actually and there should be a sign that's says its a library."

"I see, thank you Sieg. I'll go there at 8:30. There's no need for me to rush. Until then, I'll just play with Summer for the time being." Enrico said as he takes the first bite of his breakfast.

His eyes widen in suprise due to how good it actually is, the pancake wasn't to sweet nor too soft. It had the perfect balance as the edges of the pancake was crunchy. It was a flavourful breakfast to say the least.

10 minutes later he had finished his breakfast and is now watching over Summer who was drawing something. It wasn't a normal kids drawing either because she was drawing a weapon.

She said that that would be her weapon when she grows up. Enrico glances at her parents and they weren't to worried or opposed of her being a Huntress.

'So it's a normal thing for kids to draw their future weapons?' He thought as he raises an eyebrow.

Enrico sighs as he looks at the clock, it was nearly 8:30 but he decided to check out the library earlier than he had planned because he had nothing to do.

Summer notices that Enrico was about to leave so she walks to the front door with him and gave him a goodbye.

"Remember our promise Mister Enrico!"

"Of course Summer. See you in the evening, then we'll watch the night sky together." He said as he pats her head before walking away.

Enrico is in a good mood right now, because he was able to find a job easily which he won't have to worry about money anymore. He was also in a good mood because of Summer, he didn't know why but he was still exploring this feelings.

After a few minutes of walking Enrico arrived at the centre of the village. There he saw many shops already opened and ready for business. The streets are yet bustling but there are already some people here doing their business and menial tasks.

Exploring a bit more, there he found the library. It wouldn't be called a library if it was in a city, but to the people it is a library as it holds informations that could be beneficial and fictional stories for entertainment. The library looks more like a bookstore as this was a village.

The library sign says it was still closed but it wasn't locked. He assumes that the manager knew he would come later and left it to be unlocked.

When he entered the library, he was impressed by how much a small building like this could store so many books. Although small, it still has a second floor with a metal 'spiral staircase' leading to it

At the same time as he push the door open, the bells on the door chimes, alerting the manager who was sitting there at the desk near the door. It was the information desk for people needing inquiries.

"Hello? Are you Enrico Pucci?" Ask the manager.

"Ah yes, I am Enrico Pucci but please just call me Enrico or Pucci." He introduces himself to the manager.

"Well the names Christopher Hans. I'm the manager of this library, I keep things in order here and occasionally repair old books right back to it's pristine condition. Most of the time I take care of this library. Now that you're here, your help will be very much appreciated cus it helps lighten the burden of keeping this place open."

Christopher the manager was not what Enrico expected. He is a burly man with a thick beard that is tied up, nearly 2 meters tall and he also wears glasses. One thing to note was this man could hit like a truck because his button up shirt was barely hanging in there. R.I.P button that is keeping the man from showing too much skin.

"When do I get started sir?" Enrico asks the manager.

"Well you'll start right now. Oh and don't worry about uniforms and whatnot. We don't do that here, everyone in this village is just a part of one big family. You'll start your shift at 9 A.M till 6 P.M because there's only two of us. I take the night shift cus I'm already used to it. I'll see you tonight Enrico, I'm headen back to my home. Good luck on your first day." He said as he got up from his sit and gave Enrico the key to the library.

"Umm... What should I be doing?" Enrico asks confusingly as he saw the key being handed to him.

"Well... since it's your first day, you'll just be taking care of the library, so feel free to read some books here. Other than that, there's some books that have been returned but have yet been put back in it's place, so that'll be your first task. Finally, just make sure this place is clean and everything is in place. That's about it really. I'm count'ing on you Enrico. See you soon!" He waves Enrico goodbye before exiting the place.

"Huh. I guess this I'm going to be busy for awhile." Enrico said as he glances at the mountains of books that have yet been put back in it's shelves.

'Looks like the villagers really love reading books, seeing that these was just recently been returned.' Enrico thought to himself as he looks at the returned date.

Seeing this, Enrico decided that he would do this job without his powers because he may or may not find it relaxing. The Library was very quiet, with the occasional sound of people passing by the library.

Some people had come into the library either to return or borrow books. The villagers were very surprised when they saw a new face in the library, but they quickly introduced themselves after a brief suprise.

He even met a familiar face, Casper the guy who he saw at the gates yesterday. Casper came to the Library to return a book and then borrow another one.

The time he spent on his shift was quite uneventful. Not that it was a bad thing. Even if Enrico reads book in that library, he would still need time to get used to job though.

When the manager came back at 6 P.M he quickly went back to the Rose's house. He was surprised to see Summer waiting for him on the front porch of the house.

"Summer? What are you doing here?"

"I was bored... So I was waiting for you to come back..." She said cupping her head with both of her hand as she pouts.

Enrico nods as he extends his right to her. "Now come, let's go inside."

Summer took his hand as both of them went inside her house together. "Mom's cooking fish and chips for dinner... By the way Mister Enrico..."

"Yes Summer?"

"Do you think I'll be a great Hero?"

"Truthfully Summer, I can't say. However, if you have the will to be one then I'm sure you'll be a great Hero one day Summer. Maybe even the greatest." Enrico said the last sentence with a smirk, giving her a little push towards the right direction.

"Then I'll prove it to you! I will be the hero who can make people smile!" She said as she looks at him with resolute, her eyes filled with unwavering will and she was smiling.

Enrico chuckles as he ruffles her hair. "Then if you do become one then I'll show you something that no one in this world has seen before." Enrico was talking about his stand, he was already 39 years old, he was old. If he was to leave something behind in this world, then he needs a successor who will pick up where he has failed.

'The path to heaven shall never be lost... Summer Rose, you have the determination to achieve heaven through another means. I'm sure of it...' Enrico thought to himself as he looks at the child. He needed another way to extract his stand into a disc.

He knew he could still use his disc ability, but that would mean he would have to forcefully revert Made In Heaven back to Whitesnake. Meaning he would have to mold his soul back temporarily before it has ascended.

[3 hours later]

Enrico and Summer was sitting under the night sky right now, admiring the view. Enrico had never taken the time to appreciate the night sky before and it was beautiful.

"Did you know Summer, there are countless of stars in the universe, and the ones visible to us are but a speck of it. As those stars that are visible to us are the only one light has reached us."

"The how long does a star lives for Mister Enrico?" She asks curiously.

"Up to billions of years Summer, but when you see the stars up in the sky, some of them have died out. The light you are seeing are what remains of them, the light that is still traveling towards us, trying to reach us."

"Fascinating..." She said before looking at the moon. "H-huh?"

"You noticed it right? The moon was put back together."

"Bu-but how?"

"Do you believe in gravity, Summer?"

"Yea... but... what do you mean by that?"

"Because gravity has dictated that the moon should be put back together, and gravity has led us here."

"I'm not sure I understand..." She said while still confused. As confused as she was, she was still enjoying her time with Enrico and his... riddles...

"When you'll grow older, the truth shall be revealed and everything will make sense. Until then, always remember your goal." Enrico had already failed heaven, even if he could do it all over again without anyone to stop him this time. He does not want to because he had already lost.

The plan of heaven was for the humanity of his world, not this. So his heaven was not needed here because the people here also lived differently than the one from his world.

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.