


Leon walked over to the fridge and started making me my drink. I looked around hoping t see Trevor. Even though Trevor is a pain in the ass I do actually miss him. He reminds me of Leon back in high school with the way he behaves.

/" looking for me?/" I heard him call from behind me. I turned around and he was standing behind me in a hoodie and shorts.

He gave me no choice as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly.

/" okay that's enough/" we heard Leon say but Trevor kept his hold on me going against Leon's wishes.

/" Trevor/" Leon warned. I laughed pulling away and stepping back.

Trevor folded his arms /"still so possessive, well call me if you need me/" I had thought Trevor was leaving but he grabbed an apple from the table and went into the lounge.

Well, I guess he is staying then.

I turned around to Leon, he had my drink in his hand.

/"we need to talk about that night/" I stilled.