


/"one more please, this is too cute. I'm going to post this and watch everyone comment at how cute my little nephew is/" I rolled my eyes at my brother's antics as he took photos of Jayson.

I will not deny the fact that my son looks extra adorable today. I dressed him in a Nike onesie and pair of the tiniest Adidas trainers that Leon bought him last week.

I practically had to drag Jayson away from his uncle. Does he have no shame when he's getting likes just by posting my son.

I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it outside to the car. George was driving me to the airport where we would meet Leon. I barely had any sleep last night since I was nervous about this trip.

We were deciding on where we would go the other night and after not being able to agree on a place Leon decided to write a bunch of placed down on pieces of paper and et Jayson pick out where we would go.