
Chapter 13

After Wang Jing's father's condition had been stabilized by Chen Wen, the latter looked at the man with a smile as he had managed to save his life as he felt happiness from it.

'It really feels great to help and save someone.' Wen thought to himself as he looked at the man.

"Mr. Chen Wen!" Jing shouted as he bowed in front of him with his head on the floor and on his knees.

"C-Cousin?" Mingyun said shocked at his actions as Wen turned and looked at the man.

"I'm truly sorry for the way I had acted in front of you! I thank you for saving my father and I promise to make it up to you in any way I can!" Jing said to him as he kept his head on the floor.

"It's nothing Mr. Wang. Please stand up from that position." Wen said to him with a smile.

Jing slowly stood up and looked at him as he saw Wen smiling at him as he was surprised at the smile on his face. He had thought that he would have a satisfied expression on his face, not a kind smile.

"Your father's life was in danger and you were very agitated. Your reaction is nothing out of the ordinary as you were only just worried for your father. I hold no grudge against you for that." Wen said to him with a smile.

"A-Are you sure?" Jing asked as he was surprised at his words.

"Yes." Wen said to him with a smile.

"Then, thank you for saving my father's life and forgiving my rash behaviour. I swear on my family name that I will surely repay you for your help." Jing said to him seriously.

"I would appreciate that." Wen said to him with a smile.

Then another thought came to Wen's mind as he thought about what the two members of the Wang family had said to him.

"You know, Ms. Wang, you did say that you will repay me for my help before didn't you?" Wen asked the woman with a smile.

"Ah yes! Do not worry brother Wen! I will immediately put 10 million in your account." Mingyun said with a bright smile.

'Okay. That is a lot of money.' Wen thought to himself when he heard that.

Sure he had reached enlightenment but he still has his human common sense, or more precisely the common sense of a middle family. He also knew that he still needed money to live here, not that his body needed physical food to maintain itself but he was sure that having money isn't going to be bad.

"Ah, about that. I do need to make a bank account for myself." Wen said with a sheepish smile.

"Oh? What happened to your previous one?" Mingyun asked curiously as she and Jing looked at him.

"Let's just say that my life wasn't that great before meeting my Master. But nonetheless, I don't want to discuss it since I had decided to move past it." Wen said to them with his smile never leaving his face.

Mingyun and Jing looked at each other from his words but decided to not pry anymore into it as they looked at him.

"Sure. I will help you with that. Cousin Jing, please take care of Uncle here and tell me about his condition." Mingyun said to him with a smile as she told her cousin.

"Of course.Once again, thank you for your help." Jing said as he thanked and bowed to Wen.

"It was my pleasure." Wen said to him with a smile.

After that the two exited the hospital and went to a prestigious bank to get a new account for him. After that was done Mingyun transferred the 10 million to his account, also shocking the bank staff that was there were surprised that she just gave so much money to someone they were sure that they had never known about before.

"Now you just need a phone." Mingyun said to him as they are going to a phone store.

"Thanks for the help." Wen said to her with a smile.

"Please. Compared to what you have done for me and my uncle this is nothing. I am surprised that brother Wen doesn't have a phone though." Mingyun said as she looked at him intrigued.

"Well, at the place where phones didn't have much use and without any maintenance of any kind, well, you get the drift." Wen said to her with a smile.

"I see. Your Master must be very knowledgeable since he was able to make you so skilled." Mingyun said to him as she looked at him.

"That I have to agree with." Wen said to her with a smile as he looked outside the car.

The two then went to a good phone store. Though Wen told Mingyun that he didn't have much of a preference for expensive phones so he wanted her to not spend a lot of money on it. With that said their shopping was done as they are outside the phone store as he is looking at his new phone.

"Um, I did say not that expensive right?" Wen asked her as he looked at the phone and sweatdropped.

"Yes. I made sure that it wasn't that expensive." Mingyun said with a happy smile on her face as their car came to pick them up.

"This phone is 94000 Yuan." Wen said to her as he entered the car.

'Lin had given me 100000 when we divorced and this phone costs more than 3/4th of that.' Wen thought to himself at the irony of the things.

"It's pretty tame if you ask me brother Wen. That being the case, now we only need to get you a sim card and we're done." Mingyun said with a smirk after she was done giving directions to her driver.

"I see." Wen said with a sweatdrop before he decided to just go with it.

"By the way brother Wen, what are you going to do now?" Mingyun asked him curiously as she looked at him.

"Hmm. I didn't think much but... I think I would like to put my medical skills to use and help people." Wen said to her as he thought out loud as he looked outside.

'And maybe I can also give help to those in the society who aren't able to afford the luxuries of higher medicine.' Wen thought to himself as he knew that a lot of people may not have the income necessary for higher medical costs.

"That's a good idea. Brother Wen already has the necessary knowledge and skills for it. I'm sure that if you were to do that then it will be a success." Mingyun said with a smile at the idea.

"I'm glad to hear that." Wen said with a smile as he looked at her as they went on their way.

'Using my skills to help others. That thought does make me happy.' Wen thought to himself as he looked at the sky through the window.