
Enjoying The End of The World

His parents disowned him after he failed to make any progress in his studies, and he had to sell his games and consoles to survive. While cleaning his apartment, Bruce feels a cold wind again and sees strange electric currents and a HUD bar in front of him, resembling a game interface. A voice announces that God has disappeared and Earth has been chosen to participate in a test to elect the new god of the universe. Bruce receives quests to survive for an hour, leave his base, and level up. Just as he is processing the situation, a goblin appears in his apartment... it seems that one crazy party is about to start for him.

WritingMachineGun · Urban
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230 Chs


The entrance to the dungeon was a chilling sight to behold, encircled by an overwhelming sea of hundreds of skeletons. Their eerie forms stood tall and rigid, their hollow eyes fixed on the dark abyss of the dungeon. The air around them seemed to hum with malevolence as if the very essence of death itself had coalesced in their presence.

The sheer magnitude of the assembly sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers. The daunting sight painted a vivid picture of the relentless opposition they faced. It was as if the horde had amassed to guard some dark and ancient secret buried within the depths of the dungeon.

"It seems that I have a challenge before the real deal," Bruce said. "This is great, there is no shortage of enemies! It is time to rock."

"Even if you got stronger… that is a bit too much," Diane said. "We should at least wait for Chris and see what he will get from the blacksmith temple."