

Robert is a young man with a past that is not at all normal, who is reincarnated in a world where several stories from Manhwas, Pornhwa sand Webtoons come together, trying to adapt, survive, and enjoy everything he can. But for what reason was he sent to this kind of world? (Starting in chapter 8, the MC begins to fully intertwine with the plots of the different works used, but maintaining the story of this fanfic as the central line) Cover image taken from Pixiv, credits to whom it may apply. If you want me to remove it, send me a message and I'll remove it. .................................................. .................... Look at the labels before reading to avoid misunderstandings later. Warning!: If you are one of those self-conscious children who only comment on stupid things just to comment, I will delete your comments. This is not a fanfic where everything happens overnight, its pace is more or less slow, and there is interaction for the construction of a more or less functional world. If you get bored quickly, maybe this is not for you. DISCLAIMER: I do not have any rights to the story or characters of the Manhwas used, credits to their respective authors The cover was taken from the internet. I do not have any of the rights to the characters present, credits to their respective authors. English is not my native language, so there may be some grammatical errors. Related worlds: | Solo Leveling | Teenage Mercenary | How To Fight | Lookism| Manager Kim | Silent War | Fitness | Beautiful New World | Panty note | Celebrity Next Door | and other manhwas Additional tags: | Manhwas | Mature | Ecchi | Netori | Milf | Antihero |

Culture_Lover · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs


A week had passed since Robert had arrived at the school, and many things had happened since then.

Even though several days had gone by, there were still students who couldn't stop talking about that infamous fight where the school's tyrant, Cheo Gunner, had been defeated, thus making our protagonist the new 'boss' of Shinan High School—especially those students who had been beaten by Gunner in the past.

Everyone at the high school was surprised by this turn of events, as they never thought they would see the day when the red-haired bully would fall. For some, this event was a blessing; for others, it was a nightmare. However, it was truly a significant change within the high school.

Another event that rocked the entire school in particular, and the political world in general, was the emergence of various files and documents linking Congressman Kim, the father of Hee-jin and Ki-soo, to different illicit activities!

Extortion, money laundering, fund misappropriation, and many other crimes for which he would likely spend several years in prison.

This brought disgrace upon his entire family. Many students who had suffered under the abuses of Hee-jin and Ki-soo would never forget how both siblings seemed to cry like children when they were pulled out of school to be transferred to another city's school, all to keep them away from the public eye.

One of those students was Dayun, who for the first time in a long while felt peace within herself. Now she could go to school with peace of mind, no longer enduring abuse.

Was this somehow connected to the fight between Robert and Gunner? Although many mentioned it, no one really believed it was possible, as everything seemed too far-fetched to be true.

Nevertheless, karma had finally caught up with Hee-jin's family, and now they had to pay the price for their actions.

However, those responsible for this were walking calmly along the sidewalk, dressed in their respective uniforms, heading to the high school.

"Wow, I didn't think that congressman would be stupid enough to send the head of that gangster group after you," Robert murmured carelessly.

"You know it wasn't him, someone else did it," Ijin responded casually. "Because it was only you who fought, they thought I was an easier target, so they sent them after me."

"I know, genius, I was just... never mind," Robert spoke playfully. "By the way, I think that guy named Cha Dusik holds you in high esteem. What did you really do to him?"

"I really don't know... I just beat them up, that's all," Ijin replied thoughtfully.

"Wow, it seems like giving someone a beating in this reality can lead to some curious consequences," our protagonist hummed.

This conversation was about how Cha Dusik's gang had gone to 'test' Ijin's strength. Their goal wasn't to beat him up, just to see if the boy was as strong as Robert.

In the end, all these thugs, including Cha Dusik himself, got the beating of their lives!

Upon hearing this, Robert went to the place where Ijin had swept the floor with those guys to investigate, as he was interested in getting to know this guy and possibly gaining some additional points.

While he did earn a couple of points, what caught his attention most was that Cha Dusik seemed to hold Ijin in high regard, which was quite strange.

However, the guy really was a very friendly person and someone you could truly converse with. Even though he tried to deceive them by saying it was Congressman Kim who ordered the attack on Ijin, both boys knew the truth.

Nevertheless, the three of them agreed to expose all the dirt that stupid congressman had behind him and finally rid themselves of that annoyance.

And sure enough, the news came out the next day, causing the predictable media frenzy.

"Setting that aside, you still haven't told me why you wanted to fight in my place if you obviously didn't want to get involved at first," suddenly, Ijin asked.

"Well, there's not much to explain, you know how I am, so I thought beating up the most famous bully would help me with better chances with some girl."

If our protagonist's answer had been heard by anyone else, they might not have believed it, considering it a very basic excuse.

However, for someone like Ijin who knew his companion's true nature, it seemed the most logical.

"That explains why I've heard you've been seen a lot lately with a student named Woo Mia. Don't tell me you fell in love and did that whole show to impress her?"

With a slightly sarcastic tone, Ijin wanted to tease Robert.

"Was that supposed to be a joke? And here I thought you had no sense of humor!" our protagonist responded ironically. "Relax, buddy, you know my motto is 'heart for none, body for all.' I'm just helping that girl solve some problems, nothing more."

"You know... sometimes I don't understand your way of seeing things," Ijin sighed.

"That's because we come from different realities, my friend," Robert replied cheerfully. "Maybe the day you become a real man, you'll understand."

Ijin just glanced sideways and said nothing more, only shaking his head, which made our protagonist laugh.

It's been almost eight months of living together, and all this time Robert's words could always put Ijin in a bad mood. It's not that he disliked how our protagonist behaved since during his life with the mercenary group he had seen that behavior.

The problem was that he always brought up the only point in which Ijin was inferior to Robert, as the latter seemed to want to break a record within the army about how many women a man can go with in the middle of the year!

"Rather, instead of talking about these things, I must tell you something that you must take into account, which is why I asked you to talk as we walked," Robert suddenly stopped smiling and changed the subject of the conversation.

Ijin, who quickly understood this change, nodded.

"Meeting Congressman Kim's daughter is something to be alert about and know how to handle these individuals who believe they have the right to trample the rest just because they have gained a little power. That's why I reviewed the backgrounds of all the students enrolled in the preparatory school, finding some very interesting things, to say the least."

"And I suppose Lieutenant Kang doesn't know about this, right?" Ijin sighed. "Who gave you this information?"

"Miracles are said, not saints," Robert replied. "There are many children of politicians and businessmen at school, but we must be careful with some of them."

Robert took a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Ijin. The latter began to read and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"As you can see, we have the heirs of three groups of businessmen so powerful that they could easily turn the country's economy upside down. I know you're smart, so you'll know how to prepare yourself if you ever face these groups."

"Thanks," Ijin replied calmly as he looked at the paper for a moment before putting it in his pocket.

He didn't need more words to understand why Robert was doing this.

Of the two, it was Ijin who had a very obvious weakness.

Yes, he was strong, abnormally strong, but strength is something that isn't enough when you mess with people who control everything. And while Ijin could solve it completely thanks to his abilities, his sister and grandfather were his Achilles' heel.

Even if we don't take into account his family, in terms of value for the South Korean army, Robert would be the most valuable and for whom they could take the heat if something were to happen.

Lieutenant Kang had told him that the school he would attend was one where he wouldn't have to worry, but in just a week, many things had already happened. If Ijin asked for some information, it probably wouldn't be given to him.

However, Robert was a separate matter.

"Don't even mention it," Robert smiled. "Keep in mind that one of those girls returned from the USA a few days ago and will be in your class, so try not to get into too much trouble."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ijin replied. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something."

"Hmm? What could it be?"

"Dayun keeps insisting on inviting you to dinner one of these days, as a way to thank you for what you did that day. When will you have a free evening? As far as I know, you're going to a gym, I suppose just to see women, so make time."

"Hey, I'm really trying to stay in shape," Robert replied with a feigned hurt expression. "Hmm, if all goes well, I won't be able to tonight, I've been preparing something to eat for a long time. Tomorrow night I'll be able to."

"Ah... sometimes I shouldn't even ask you about the things you do," Ijin shook his head again. "Alright, don't you dare miss it."


"Whew... this really was exhausting" - our protagonist sighed as he sat down slowly after having done the last bench press session, wiping the sweat with a small towel - "Now that noona, shall we do another exercise?"

Seon-Joo, who was by Robert's side while training, was really surprised by the boy's physical strength.

At first she assumed that, based on the age and physical appearance of the newly admitted young man, he would be someone with stamina a little above average.

But the boy in front of her had exceeded all of her expectations, both in terms of routines and the way he treated her.

I feel this last point was the one that irritated the woman the most.

From the first day this teenager behaved so relaxed and intimate, as if he didn't mind having physical contact with a woman like her!

To the woman's surprise, Robert hid very well since he was the one who little by little approached her with subtle insinuations such as calling her intimately 'noona' or saying that he did not understand a type of exercise at all times and wanted her to guide him personally. 

But it was all a big lie, because the technique with which the boy performed the exercises was very good, showing that he knew what he was doing to her and that he was just playing with her!

Seon-Joo, who had gotten used to being the one who teased and played with the embarrassed men who came to the place, right now felt played by this brat since with every touch and touch he always maintained that soft smile and those penetrating eyes on she.

And as a form of revenge, Seon-Joo made him test all the machines that existed in her gym, in order to show him that strength does not have to be shown off, but rather demonstrated.

But Robert turned out to be something else!

The damn brat could handle them all and with a completely abnormal weight!

What the hell was going on with this guy?

"Noona, is everything okay? Is it just me or are you getting really distracted these last few days?" – Our protagonist asked again as he stood up and approached the woman.

"Heh? Yeah... no, I mean are you really okay with all the exercise?" – Coming out of her trance, the woman with glasses looked in amazement at the young man in front of her.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be? These are supposed to be exercises for beginners, right?" – Robert responded as he pretended not to understand and gently took her hand – "But that is not the most important issue now. I have noticed that almost every day you have been somewhat absent, that is why I worry."

The woman stared at the young man who, without any qualms, had gently taken her hand while his eyes stared at her, as if he wanted to hypnotize her.

'Damn brat, I have to show you who the adult here is and show that you still have a lot to learn' – the woman thought while outside she began to smile.

If this brat wanted to show off like this, why not play along? It was time to show her why she had been one of the most desired women in the entire university when she was a student.

"Yes, I'm fine Robert" – with a smile and a sweet voice, the woman caressed the young man's hand as she raised it to put it close to her chest – "Now that you have finished the first week of training I know what the most appropriate plan would be. for you, that's why I want you to accompany me to another place so we can talk in private, do you think?"

'Heh, line, hook and sinker' – our protagonist, who had been playing all this time, smiled internally as he saw this free card, which he would not waste.

Since he had already decided to take advantage of all kinds of opportunities that this world offered him, he was more than willing to play with this beautiful woman.

"Of course noona, with pleasure" – responded the young man as he was taken by the smiling woman to the deepest part of the gym.

Despite it being her last hours of service, she was not interested since she firmly believed that she could handle the young man in a short time.

So she took him to the local warehouse, making the boy enter first.

Robert entered with a curious look as he scanned the small room, as if he didn't know why he was in this place.


"Noona, shall we talk about training here?"

Our protagonist turned around when he heard a metallic click and asked very 'innocently' when he saw how the gym boss had closed the warehouse door while she kept a very flirtatious look on her pretty face.

Seon-Joo walked very sensually as she placed one of her index fingers on her lips, partially opening them. She was determined to show this precocious brat the consequences of starting a 'fire' without having the ability to put it out.

She slowly approached as she pressed herself against the boy's side, breathing softly next to her face, as if she wanted to provoke him.

"You know, these last few days you have been a bad boy with your noona" – she whispered next to his ear – "You are a boy with a lot of guts to think that you can make fun of me without having consequences~"

One of her hands surrounded his neck while the other began to make small caresses over Robert's clothes, from his chest to his abdomen.

"Noona, is this the other training you have for me?" – Robert asked with a relaxed face while one of his hands surrounded the woman's waist and they went in search of that big melon.

His other hand was not idle either, because without any impudence he began to knead one of the woman's large breasts.

"Ah~! But what a naughty boy, attacking your trainer so suddenly" – the woman tried to maintain her seductive posture after feeling the young man's hands that had begun to massage her body, warming her more and more – "But yes "Let's see how good you are at the training that Noona will give you."

And as the woman smiled, our protagonist's calm face made a small smile as he began to move his hands in a way that the glasses girl didn't expect!

Feeling the way his fingers moved over her clothes, how they applied the perfect force in each kneading, how she knew which areas to stimulate properly, the woman's mind began to feel a little anxious.

'Shit... Why the hell does this brat have such good hand skills? Are young people today so ahead of their time?!'

Seon-Joo didn't know how the hell the boy next to her had such a mastery of caresses since they made her feel so damn good, feeling like little by little, and steadily, her skin was heating up as her body flexed like a putty!

She, who was a predatory woman, just now seemed to have returned to her years of innocence by feeling this kind of pleasure and excitement!

"Well, I won't say no to what you want to teach me Seon-Joo. But if we're in this situation, let me show you what real training should be like."

Suddenly, the boy's voice took on a hoarse and harsh tone, transmitting a sensation of dominance that made the excited woman shudder.

"H-Hey, wait a sec-!"

Before Seon-Joo could continue speaking, she was firmly pushed against the wall, shocking her greatly!

Her surprise was not because this was a violent movement, which it was not, but because of how he was able to dominate her body so easily, as well as because of the direct way in which the young man spoke to her, making her mind shudder

However, the reason she couldn't continue speaking was because her lips were sealed by our protagonist's in a passionate and hot kiss.

the unbridled tongues intertwined in a hot fight for dominance while their bodies seemed to want to merge.


Without being able to say a word, the woman's eyes opened as she felt the boy's thigh slip between her legs and reach the most sensitive part of her.

As her body had already warmed up from the touching that his chest and her butt had had, she instinctively began to rub herself while she squeezed her thighs, at the same time that she surrounded the young man's neck and her mind became clear.

She was losing in this hot moment.

'Why the hell did being next to this brat feel so good?' – That was what Seon-Joo kept repeating in her head while little by little reason was slipping out of her hands.

After a while of these hot kisses and exciting friction, the idea of ​​punishing him or any nonsense no longer mattered.

'Damn…. Damn! This can not be…. I'm cumming... I'm cumming!'

Her mind still wasn't processing why the hell everything felt so damn good, but she didn't care about that anymore. Right now, the pleasure that intoxicated her mind was so great that at any moment it would explode.

And exploding was what happened to her.


With a muffled moan, the woman began to convulse while she clung tightly to the boy as she felt an electric current running through her entire body and numbing all of her senses.

"Ahh…ahhh…ahhh…w-how delicious~"

Breaking the heated kiss, the woman began to gasp for air as her foggy glasses were removed by the smiling boy supporting her weakened body.

The young man in front of her smiled as his skillful hands lifted her without problems and carried her to the place where a tarp was lying on the floor.

"Come on noona, we're done with the warm-up, it's time to start the serious stuff"

And while the guy laid her down on the mat, Seon-Joo felt a sensation of pleasure, excitement, and fear run through her body due to the words her partner had just said.

She, who could last several rounds with anyone, right now felt like a virginal girl after cumming for the first time.

If this was just the warm-up, what the hell would she feel if they had sex?


She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts as her body was turned, exposing her round bottom.

Without giving the trembling woman time to protest, Robert lifted that appetizing cake while with unusual skill he tore the bottom of the bodysuit and nylon stockings.

With this action he exposed her small underwear, which he pushed aside with her thumb, revealing a carefully shaved pussy, but which was now completely flooded in her own love juices.

"H-Hey, be gentler!"

The woman scolded him as he turned her reddened face to look over her shoulder at how this boy, whom she had promised to teach him a lesson, was now himself looking at her with a mocking smile from behind.

She had already regained a little consciousness and the feeling of discomfort at being in such an exposed position was mixed with the excitement that still ran through her body.

What was supposed to result in her being on top of an embarrassed boy had not happened, but right now, in this place, she was the one subdued!

But for our protagonist, despite showing slight annoyance on her face, she was like an open book.

Right now, almost literally.

"Noona, you know? Since I saw you, you made a good impression on me" - Robert began to speak while pulling down his shorts, revealing his 'little' brother - "But as I interacted with you more and more I realized something"

'W-What the hell! Why is it so big?!'

Seon-Joo's mind tensed as her eyes widened and her thighs instinctively pressed together in surprise at seeing such a newly released dragon!

"Seon-Joo, you know? I think you think a lot about yourself."

Robert kept looking into her eyes as he rubbed the bulbous head of his member along the woman's exposed drooling slit to moisten it.

The woman with her butt up and her pussy exposed was now in a complete dilemma.

Although her feeling as a mature woman was completely humiliated by this treatment received, by a brat no less, a new and strange taste and pleasure of hers made her stay in this position, waiting for our protagonist's next move. 

And that feeling of anxiety was what she was winning the dilemma, which is why she continued in that shameful position.

"You think you can handle all men because of your sensuality, but" – Robert aligned his penis against Seon-Joo's wet pussy, parting her soft lips – "Today you will see that you must be willing to pay the price for starting a fire"

Without another word, Robert buried his cock in the woman's tight, drooling pussy, causing her entire body to tense and her mind to go blank from the biggest cumshot she had ever had in her life!


The woman began to extend her arms as if trying to grab something as if she wanted to prevent her soul from escaping from her body, while her eyes seemed to roll back.

Ding, ding, ding

[Congratulations on unlocking the hidden quest: having sex with a main character! You are awarded five additional points]

[Kim Seon-Joo's fate has changed!]

'Fuck, double prize' – Robert thought as he saw the system screen that he had suddenly appeared.

This distraction was for a moment, however, as he shut down the system and focused on the convulsing woman shaking in front of him.

"Wow, just by putting it in you already came, what will happen to you from now on~?"

With a broad smile, our protagonist decided to give this woman the experience of her life.


It was almost ten at night and everyone had already left the gym.

Life in this place was always surrounded by a lot of 'intensity' both by those who trained in this place and by the coaches who supported all those attending.

However, the effort people put into this place was not just about the exercises they did or the diet they followed, but how interested they were in the personalized help each instructor had for them.

That was the 'extra' profit that the coaches had in these places if they knew how to play their cards.

However, not everyone had those intentions, firmly believing that this place was for the care of the body in a healthy way and without other intentions.

People like Coach Cho, who was just now closing the gym doors.

Normally the boss always stayed until the end to make sure everything was completely correct.

However, she sometimes delegated that task to some of her coaches, so there were days when she could not be seen at the end of the daily shift.

And today seemed like it was one of those days.

That is why Coach Cho did not find this strange and closed the place as usual, since it was not the first time that the boss 'escaped' in the middle of daily training.

Although this may seem strange, he knew he shouldn't ask and just do her job.

However, without anyone knowing, the boss had not escaped from the gym because she was still in intense 'training'.

And how intense it was.

Puff Puff Puff

"Ahhh... p-pleasesh... ahhh~!... No more! I don't want to cum mash... or I'll die!"

Seon-Joo moaned painfully as she leaned over her legs at the same time as her hands squeezed the arms that hugged her tightly.

Robert, who was behind her, was passionately kissing her shoulders while his arms were wrapped around the devastated woman's sides.

He had his manly hands busy masterfully kneading those plump breasts, while he slammed her pelvis against her trainer's round butt from behind.

This woman, whose glassy eyes showed extreme lust in them, grunted in a crazed display as she felt her pussy tighten every time her buttocks were spanked hard.

This woman's statuesque body was completely blushing from the pleasure she felt with each thrust she received.

It had been a while since her clothes had been savagely torn by our protagonist, only having remains scattered everywhere, without taking into account whether that was the only piece of clothing his coach had to go home with.

However, that didn't seem to matter to the lustful woman, because now she was howling like a bitch in heat with every thrust of hers.

Or maybe she didn't care because her mind couldn't process anything other than the wild pleasure that made her die and revive with each following moment.

"Ohhh...n-no again, noooo...OHHH~!"

Begging not to cum again, she climaxed, and at the same time, her vagina clenched tighter around our protagonist's dragon, milking him in a massive eruption of cum like a perfect wringer.

"Ahhh, that felt good... now we're getting serious~"

Robert didn't let go of the violently writhing woman once again as his soft smile seemed to grow bigger and bigger as she saw the mess of a woman he held in her arms.

"I congratulate you for making me cum noona, but you've barely opened the score, you have about seven more times left to equal me, so put in more effort, I have a couple of weeks without action since I left the barracks, so I'll be busy with you from From now on, okay?"

Seon-Joo, who was believed to be a predatory woman, who could last several rounds with any man, failed to hear Robert's words as he had now fainted from pleasure.

And this was only the beginning


NA: Unlike the Spanish version, here Seon-Joo will be a sexual friend, she will no longer think about being with someone else and will only have sex with the MC. However, if we talk about Robert's Harem, she remains to be seen.