
Enigma ;the beginning of the end.

''Oh no!oh no! ,stop it ,stop destroying everything!!" ,"stop destruction,its not helping,everything we treasure and everthing we live for will melt away, please stop" Leah screamed and yelled with all she had,she was crying and was running after this ,this....she thought it was an android ;a robot ,but now she couldn't describe it ,the world around her lay in ruins and he was still wrecking more havoc,she saw buildings and skyscrapers and domes melt down kn split seconds ,he was unstoppable. She felt an itch in her throat and her as she yelled after him ,her voice felt croaky bit she could care less.she found herself running towards him with all the speed she could gather;she was really fast; "SHE HAD SUPERSPEED" ,it was a big bold thought in her head ,she ran towards him,managed to get a grip on his machine arm and started yelling and pulling at the arm but it didn't come off. She didn't even relise that he wasn't struggling,yet he didn't push her away . "Why are you doing this" ,"are you crazy?", "can't you see all the damage you've done?," "what's your gain in this ?,you gonna kill everyone" she was saying as she struggled with the arm trying to pull it off ,she didn't even realise they were two machine arms. He pushed her and she landed hard ,she tried to stand but she couldn't, she yelled in terror when she felt a bolt of pain jolt through her ,he knelt down to look at her,he held her broken leg and squeezed the broken part so hard she ran mad with pain . "I should stop,huh? ",the voice felt so hard and harsh,she had to look up at the face; she thought it wasn't a face at all,it was scarred and half of it was tattooed, it was gruesome, "You're asking me what my gain is ?huh", this voice felt so familiar she felt she had known it all her life,she felt as though she had known him all her life ,like he was drawn out of her; the voice;it was filled with rage and consumed with emotions . "You're asking if i can't see the damage i've done" "Do YOU know what damage you have done" ; there was so much emphasis on the "YOU" "But i don't know you" she tried to speak,she was fidgeting "you should have stopped,you should not have taken that decision" she had started moving back but then she felt a hand round her neck ,she felt jerked ;her body rising slowly ,she struggle to come down but his grip was too strong "Its all your fault ,you could have stopped it ,you could have averted this destruction but now its too late" "I was supposes to build this world but now i have to destroy it,better to be dead than suffer invasion and self destruction" She tried mumbling wordsbut she couldn't speak,life was slowly leaving her body. "It's all over,goodbye" "noooooo!!!" She screamed as he flung her on a rock,she stood from afar and saw her shattered bones,she tried to stop him but she no longer had a body,she was dead. He walked through her and saw nothing. Last thing she remembered was an explosion and hot lava . She woke up.

okeke_chinwendu · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Kira kept pacing round the room.

She was brooding over something.

" Why wasn't Leah here already".

She couldn't help but think.

Who were the people She said she was bringing.

What would they contribute.

How much do they know.

She didn't want to much people getting involved.

This was risky.

She was deep in thought when She heard booty at the door with them.

" let them in" She told him.

" Why did you call me so urgently".

Leah asked as entered.

Kira didn't reply.

She gave a nervous look.

She was upset.

Leah could read her well.

" This is Sia, Sia Cole".

" This is Jay, Jay Hilde".

" Can't say much about him, just met him today".

Kira wanted to complain but She just trusted Leah's instinct.

" I know a little about Sia".

Even Sia was suprised.

So Leah discussed about her when she was not there.

" Yeah ,Yeah". Kira said .

" She told me about you".

" Nice things anyway".

The atmosphere got serious.

Leah signaled to Jay.

" Go ahead".

Jay stood in the room center.

He extended his arm a bit and like as if making an imaginary ball or circle in the air.

A circular force starting forming from where he stood and spread to the entire room.

Sia tried to touch the shield created by the force field.

She received a shock.

" Arrrrrrgggghhhh".

" That stuff hit me hard".

She lamented.

" No other person can enter this force field ".

Jay explained.

" No Electrogmanetic waves can pass through the shield".

" Sorry". He apologized .

Sia felt jealous .

She wished she could control her powers just like Jay.

" Leah". Kira called her attention

" I need to go back".

" Go back to where?".

Leah asked even when she felt she knew what she was talking about.

" I need to go back in time to conceive".

Leah was shocked.

" Why do you think this is the solution".

She asked her.

Leah feared for her.

She knew time travel was risky.

It involved emission amd consumption of energy, massive amount of energy .

Radioactive materials were not available.

Zen could not afford anyone going back to correct any mistakes which could affect his rule

" I went back to the past".

Kira said .

Leah knew what she meant.

" What did you find out in Johannesburg ".

" The truth".

" The truth that I've been hiding from myself".

" The boy in the nightmare is my son, leah".

Kira was getting emotional.

" He killed me in the past, i can still be in the future". She repeated what he had told her.

" He told you that".

" Yes".

" I have to go back".

" I saw everything".

" It was all my fault".

" I was negligent".

" This could be risky".

" I have weighed the consequences".

" I am ready".

" But..." Leah helped her.

" I need your help".

" I have the time machine" .

Leah did not waste time to tell her.

" But i don't have any radioactive material to create enough energy to send you back in time and bring you back".

" I know that" Kira told her.

" I have made provision for that".

" I have frise dolls that were made with polonium".

" I think it would be enough".

Leah was suprised.

" How did you manage to hid it away".

She questioned.

" Same way you hid the time machine".

She gave her a knowing smile.

" When will you be ready".

" As soon as you can put everything in place".

" Do you have an idea when that will be".

" I'll have to work all night but i can get everything ready in two days". Leah said.

" I'll have to collect the dolls immediately".

" You guys, I'm fading out".

It was Jay.

They all turned towards him.

" I can't keep on much longer".

They all got the message now.

" You can seize" Leah told him.

" we won't need the shield for the rest of the game plan".

" Do you even know how to stop this..."

There was a blast.

Sia was going to ask him if He could destroy the field.

The blast cut her short.

" I'm sorry". He apologized.

" Creating energy barriers requires a lot of energy and i quite haven't figured out how to control a massive amounts to disengage".

" we understand".

Kira was saying.

" Just warn us next time, You're going to shut down ". She told him.

He nodded.

Kira sat in her massage chair.

She was too comfortable.

She turned it off.

She started thinking.

Leah had taken the dolls and had started extracting polonium out of them .

Polonium was the most radioactive element.

It could create a massive amount of energy.

In two days , She would be in the past.

She was nervous and She felt this wasn't something to be nervous about.

What would she take along.

Should She start packing up some clothes and shoes and blankets and feeders.

She was going back to have a baby.

When should she leave .

Two days to her delivery.

A minute to her delivery.

She was clueless.

The worst feeling was the feeling of knowing something big was coming and not knowing what to do about it.

She groaned .

She was weak within.

She knew she had to do this .

Zen would continue terrorizing the people.

Zen had control of over all the database from social media applications to work database to all the system database.

He had access to every AI Identity.

He could access every information he needed by gaining access into the robots interface and tampering with the robots program to manipulating it to gain and record information from humans.

Which was one of the reason she had locked booty out of the force field.

Booty was more than a robot to her but he couldn't get itself to control if Zen took control over it's system.

She stood up, she was very restless.

" Maam, i think you need a time out".

It was booty.

" Yeah, i know".

She said and sat in the massage chair.

Someone turned it on.

It was too comfortable .

She slept .

" Sia, take this".

It was Leah giving orders like in the past.

Sia took the thing that looked like a tweezer .

" what does this do".

" Ise it to extract polonium from the doll into that tube".

" Okay, then?".

Sia asked turning the tweezer like instrument around.

" Then you hand it over to me".

She replied sternly.

Sia groaned.

" can't we do something dangerous".

" something that required shooting lasers and stuffs".

She was already extracting.

" I mean something worthy of my powers".

" Sia, you should learn to control your powers first". Leah told.

" I know i have no control but there a trait".

" You see whenever I'm angry or afraid then lasers just shot out".

" So i think having control over my powers have to do with my emotion".

" Why do you think its that way".

Leah asked.

She had removed the protective eye googles.

" Don't know, probably had to do with our body whatever mechanism".

" Read your book, Sia".

Leah said.

" You see when you're scared or in a dangerous situation ".

Sia was interested.

" Your hormones secretes adrenaline ".

" It seems though in your case that your body secretes way too much adrenaline".

" Directly into the bloodstream to your target organ".

Sia has already stopped what she had been doing.

This would be useful, she thought to herself.

" Adrenal Hormones are usually ment to speed up reaction or flight and fight mode".

" The only reaction your organs know best is to eject larva".

" So let's say the tougher the situation, the more signals your brain sends, the more hormones are secreted which also determines the concentration of larva you can shot out".

"Wow ".

Sia rushed to hug her .

"That was brillant".

" Thank you".

Sia was going to back to extracting polonium when she something amiss.

" Leah is that supposed to be here".

Sia asked.

Leah turned to where she was pointing to.

They were lucky enough to see the spark.

" Ah" They exclaimed.

" I gat you guys covered".

It was Jay in time to shield them from the blast.

They were all in the force field .

After the blast .

They all stood up slowly.

Sia was faster.

She walked towards what should have been the time machine.

They were bits here and there.

Everything was a mess.

She immediately spotted the odd thing.

Then, Leah and Jay were already by her side.

Searching for answers with their eyes.

Nobody said anything.

She picked it up.

" This is not right".

Sai dangled the metal in her hands.


Leah dragged her sentence.

" Any idea what it was".

It was Jay

" No" ,Leah observed it like She could get an answer by doing so.

" This was never a part of the machine i created". She noted.

" It must have beem planted and fixed imto the machine".

It was a good call from Jay.

" Yah" They all nodded in agreement.

" I had inspected the machine".

" Everything was in place".

" This was not there".

" There was no presence of a foreign material".

" So we all agree ".

They looked to her.

" This was the cause of the blast".

They all nodded.

Leah made knowing gestures with her hands like She remembered something .

" I'll be back". She left.

She was back.

Back with a box.

An electronic metal box.

That had locks and combinations and could fold and unfold till it was a depressed flat metal.

" Here put it inside". She told Sia.

Sia did so.

Jay heaved a puffed or rather frustrated sign.

They all turned to him.

Leah felt bad for him.

She had failed on their first task.

She understood if He was frustrated.

" What's up, Jay".

It was Sia.

" We have to decide on what's more important".

" We have to focus on what's more important".

" We have to get Kira out of the present".

He was right.

" We're being watched".

" He knows".

" Whatever we're goanna do we have to do very fast".

He only made the obvious more obvious.

They let him talk on because it made them think.

They were in a state of realization.

" We have to focus".

" Which is more important."

" To investigate more or work more on sending Kira back to the past".

" I personally think we should focus more on sending Kira to the past".

" Kira is the gateway to Earth's freedom".

" Zen already knows we're plannimg a revolution ".

" He'll stop at nothing to stop us".

" We can maneuver and hid and run".

" If we can get Kira to the past, then we'll be rest assured that Kira will be able to give birth and Earth's hope of revolution will come".

This was the moment in aa event or gathering of elites and nations that someone gave an inspiring message of hope and greatness to come and the whole place erupted with an applaude.

Unfortunately this was not neither the kind of situation nor the kind of place .

" I agree with Jay, leah". It was Sia.

Jay looked elated.

" But we still have to find out what's going on".

" If Zen had tye sloghtest idea of what we're tryna do".

" We would have been dead by now".

Leah knew She was speakimg more in memory.

" He would have come for us".

That made sense even to Jay.

" There's Something more to all this and i know how we can find out".

" Fast". She added like it was very vital to have that information .

" But how".

" I know someone".

" All i need is 30 minutes".

" I'll be back with answers".

" That buys us time".

" We know what's going on"

" We have an edge on our next line of action ".

" We know at what pace to work".

" That leaves us both to fix the machine".

They had no option than to agree.

" Good thing the blast didn't cause the parts melt".

" We can still re-use them".It was Leah.

" I create a force shield ".

" To protect us", It was Jay.

That meant Zen.

Unconsciously and indirectly, they had acknowledged that they were aware that Zen was aware at least that they were up to something.

They had indirectly committed themselves to a task.

A task where the burden of the universe was on them .

" You have to work alone".

Jay was telling Leah.

" can't you create a field and let it run on its own" Sia asked.

" I maybe able to"

" Never tried it though ".

" It would be like generating an electric field and letting it run on its own, it cannot be deflected ". Jay said thoughtfully.

" Yes" Sia yelled in excitement.

" Its just like being a generator".

" You gather energy, determine where the field would be, Generate enough energy and power to keep it running".

" Sounds crazy but it should work".

Jay stood in the centre of the room.

He concentrated.

Gathered energy and concentrated matter and energy to the centre of the room.

He let it spread towards the ends.

Then He slowly let loose of the energy, particle by particle.

Till he was no longer the focus and source from which energy that fueled the field came through.

The field quickly waned off.

He tried again.

It was risky to have created the field and destroyed it there .

Large amount of energy was being created and destroyed and every inception, conception and termination.

Zen could locate a place where energy was being used up .

He would realize that it was either time travel or force fields.

After several attempts.

He finally was able to keep a lasting field running while they continued in the field .

" It's time i left". It was Sia.

They had all acknowledged and agreed without saying so that the most important thing was to get Kira to the past.

Leah had plan B.

She handed them both transporters.

" Why?" Sia asked.

" In case of anything" .

" You can quickly teleport anywhere".

" You can also shift in time".

That seemed more interesting to them.

" I mean you can shift between past minutes and seconds ,not up to an hour though".

" You're kidding ,right". Sia asked elated.

" I'm serious".

" So you're saying we can go back minutes in time" It was Jay.

" Uhnnn" She nodded.

" You can also teleport to another dimension".

" Just in case things really get tensed".

" This is crazy". It was Jay.

Jay's statement dawned on her like the day.

They were in danger.

Sia was about to enter the portal.

They were already in Jay's field running itself.

He was picking the bits of the machine.

" Wait!" She told them.

Sia was halfway through the portal, only a half of her could be seen.

" I'm sorry". She said.

Sia turned from the portal.

The portal shut down.

" Sorry?" Sia returned the statement as a question.

" For what?".

" I don't understand".

" Sorry i put you guys in danger".

" Phisss" Sia let out an amusing sound that sounded like " Really, this what you had to say".

" Leah there's nothing to apologize about".

" We'll talk later , i need to leave".

Leah wasn't suprised .

She had even anticipated an endearing story of why Zen needed to pay and how ready they were for the task and risks.

Sia had yo re-open the portal.

" We're prepared for this ".

" we're readu for this ".

" And whatever happens ,don't blame yourself". She said and jumped into the portal.

It closed.

Leah realised at that moment that She was now the Leader of a revolution.