
Chapter (114): something beyond expectations 


Qin Bai had no idea why did it happen when the prince touched him. He felt that his blood was boiling but he suppressed it however, as soon as they got out, he couldn't hold it back. 

"Are you alright?" Asked the prince in distress, not knowing what to do, or else did his sister know about him being a dragon? He looked around, making sure no one was around.

"How! How do you know what I am!"

The young boy gasped and asked but Qin Bai couldn't answer this question here, instead took him to the barn and they sat there on a box.

"Tell me!"

The dragon began to shiver when the prince took out a vial of the essence and poured it into his mouth.

"Drink this so you won't feel bad when I'm around!"

Qin Bai swallowed all the bitter content and leaned to the wall until his breath became stable.

"Can you keep my secret? They will be disappointed if they notice I shifted my shape."