
Enigma of Magical Beasts

Keiron Silvius is one of the renowned detectives on Earth. When one mysterious case leads him to his untimely demise. But his life takes a turn when he reincarnated on a magical planet. Even he can't deduct why such a world exists. There are magical things that back then he only thinks are part of people's imagination and he often ridicules them. When he was just coping with the situation he is in, he realized that things might not be simple as it is. Join our detective Keiron Silvius as he uncovers the mysteries of the beast world. One by one, puzzles fit together. Enigma is now swirling in the light as Keiron navigates the unknown mysteries and riddles that have been lost in this world of beasts.

knight_of_spades · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Echoes of Awakening

After bidding farewell to his grandfather, Keiron went inside the Awakening Hall and find his own place.

A suffocating silence descended upon the hall as the students shuffled forward, their faces etched with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Keiron, an outsider to this orchestrated spectacle, felt a pang of empathy for their wide-eyed innocence. Unlike their nervous excitement, his own Awakening had been a solitary, brutal affair – a torrent of power that had forever reshaped him from the inside out.

He scanned the anxious faces, a lone wolf prowling amidst a herd of unsuspecting sheep. What secrets did these imposing walls hold? What transformations awaited these hopeful youths within the shadowed embrace of the Awakening Ceremony?

His gaze landed on Gareth Silverwing, his rival-friend. Gareth, ever the enigma, stood cloaked in his usual air of aloofness, a mask that only partially concealed the nervous flutter in his eyes. Memories flickered in Keiron's mind – snippets of shared childhood moments where Gareth's shyness peeked through the cracks in his cool facade.

"Think you'll end up with a giant, fluffy bunny, Silverwing?" Keiron quipped, a hint of amusement dancing in his voice.

Gareth's lips twitched into a reluctant smile. "And you, Silvius? A pack of chattering squirrels, perhaps?"

Their light-hearted banter served as a flimsy shield against the oppressive atmosphere of the hall. The air crackled with a dark undercurrent, a tangible tension that spoke of futures yet unwritten.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the throng. A woman of imposing stature strode towards a raised platform at the front, her presence commanding immediate respect. Her name was Davina Sunseeker, the esteemed leader of the Unstill organization.

The Unstill organization was a secretive, almost mythical entity within the Azure Federation. They acted as the guardians and arbiters of the Awakening Ceremony, ensuring a smooth and controlled transition for the next generation of Beast Tamers. Their importance couldn't be overstated. Beast Tamers were the backbone of the Federation's military might, and a strong Awakening Ceremony was the first step in forging a powerful bond between a Tamer and their natal beast.

Davina Sunseeker was more than just a leader; she was a living legend. A Beast Master of the Desolate Sea Realm, her power was a force of nature. Her companion, the Soaring Sun Eagle, a magnificent creature with feathers that shimmered like molten gold, stood proudly beside her. The eagle itself hailed from a Superior Dimension, its power a testament to Davina's unmatched prowess.

Her voice, deep and resonant, echoed through the hall, shattering the hushed silence. "Welcome, young aspirants," she boomed, her voice laced with a hint of hidden power. "Today marks a pivotal moment in your lives. It is the day you forge a bond with your natal beasts, companions who will walk beside you on your path as Beast Tamers. However, this path is not for the faint of heart. It demands unwavering resolve, unflinching discipline, and the willingness to walk the precipice between power and oblivion."

Her words, devoid of warmth, hung heavy in the air, casting a dark shadow over the ceremony.

Davina raised a hand, gesturing towards the attendants who scurried across the hall. Each student was guided towards a designated spot before an intricate, humming array. These arrays, painstakingly constructed with rare materials and imbued with potent magic, were designed to amplify the latent psychic energy within each youth, facilitating a connection with their slumbering beasts within.

A wave of Davina's hand signaled the beginning of the Awakening. In unison, the students assumed a meditative posture, their faces a canvas of contrasting emotions – fear, hope, and raw determination. Keiron, however, opted not to participate. This orchestrated spectacle held little interest for him. He yearned to witness the raw emotions, the unfiltered shock on the faces of others as their own transformations unfolded.

One by one, the students began to exhibit signs of connection. A gasp escaped a young boy's lips as a vibrant butterfly with wings of fire materialized beside him – a testament to his fire affinity beast. A girl shrieked with a mixture of fear and elation as a hulking earth elemental beast lumbered into existence, its form a grotesque parody of a bear. These awakenings, though impressive to the uninitiated, were mere sparks compared to the inferno burning within Keiron.

The beasts awakened within the hall belonged to various dimensions. There were Primary, the weakest, followed by Elementary, then Secondary, and finally, the coveted Superior dimension beasts. Each dimension represented a significant leap in power and potential. But for Keiron, these were mere categories, a mundane way of measuring the extraordinary. His Shadow Weaver Snake transcended these classifications, existing in a realm of its own, a realm forged in the crucible of his unorthodox awakening.

As the ceremony progressed, the air grew heavier with anticipation. Keiron watched, a detached observer amidst the rising tide of emotions. He scanned the faces around him, noting the wide-eyed wonder on some, the trembling fear on others. None of it resonated with him. He had already glimpsed the power that awaited, a power far exceeding the rudimentary awakenings taking place before him.

Suddenly, a surge of energy ripped through the hall, jolting Keiron from his observations. All eyes turned towards Gareth, his usually stoic face contorted in a mix of exertion and exhilaration. A blinding flash erupted from his position, momentarily silencing the gasps and murmurs that had begun to rise.

When the light faded, a magnificent creature stood beside Gareth, its every aspect a testament to raw power. It was a griffin, a majestic beast with feathers that shimmered like polished silver and a wingspan that rivaled a small carriage. But this was no ordinary griffin. Lightning crackled around its form, arcing between its sharp talons and weaving through its feathered mane. This was a beast of dual affinity – wind and lightning – a rare and formidable companion, the Skysong Griffin.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. A superior dimension beast, and one with such potent dual affinities at that, was an exceptional feat at this stage in a Tamer's journey. Even Keiron, despite his detached demeanor, couldn't help but acknowledge the impressive display of power. Gareth, his face flushed with exertion but a hint of pride flickering in his eyes, reached out a tentative hand towards his newfound companion. The griffin lowered its head, nuzzling Gareth's palm with a gentle snort, a display of immediate trust that sent a jolt of envy through the hearts of many onlookers.

However, Keiron felt a different emotion stir within him – a flicker of something akin to amusement. While Gareth's beast was undoubtedly impressive, it paled in comparison to the power coiled within him. His Shadow Weaver Snake, existed in a special dimension, a realm beyond the limitations of the Awakening Ceremony. Its evolved talents, infused with the essence of his own soul, granted him abilities that far surpassed anything a standard Superior dimension beast could possess.

Gareth, oblivious to Keiron's internal turmoil, basked in the admiration and envy radiating from his peers. A small smile played on his lips, a rare occurrence that Keiron secretly found endearing despite himself. This awakening, he knew, would be a turning point in their rivalry, pushing them both to new heights in their pursuit of power. The competition had just begun, and Keiron, with his unorthodox and far more potent beast, couldn't wait to see the look on Gareth's face when he finally witnessed the true extent of his power.

He closed his eyes, a surge of determination flooding his being. This wasn't just about proving himself to Gareth or anyone else. It was about harnessing the power that thrummed within him, a power that demanded control and understanding. With a deep breath, he delved into the familiar warmth that connected him to his Shadow Weaver Snake.

As he focused his psychic energy, a jolt of change ripped through the connection. It was a surge of power unlike anything he'd experienced before. The hazy, silver form of his beast began to solidify, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly sheen. The once wispy wings sprouted feathers, transforming into magnificent appendages capable of propelling it through the air with incredible speed. The single horn on its head grew, curving elegantly backward. The change resonated within Keiron, a confirmation of the bond they shared.

His mental connection with the creature deepened, and a flood of information overwhelmed him. He learned that the Awakening Ceremony, with its focus on primal awakening, had triggered a further evolution within his beast. It was no longer simply a Shadow Weaver Snake – it was a Shadow Weaver Soul Serpent.

This evolution brought a new affinity – the power of the soul. The Shadow Weaver Soul Serpent's existing talents, already formidable, had become more potent, infused with the essence of both his own soul and the creature's.

Furthermore, the Shadow Weaver Soul Serpent had awakened two entirely new talents. The first allowed him to form a temporary connection with the soul of another creature, granting him temporary access to their unique abilities. This opened up a vast array of possibilities, limited only by the type of creature he encountered. The second talent, both awe-inspiring and unsettling, was the ability to directly harm another being's soul.

[ Natal Beast: Shadow Weaver Soul Serpent (Former Shadow Weaver Snake)

Affinity: Psychic/Soul

Realm: Unearthed


• Soul Sanctuary (Evolved from Mind Fortress):This wasn't just a psychic citadel anymore. It was a sanctuary woven from the very fabric of Keiron's soul, an impenetrable fortress that repelled not just mental assaults but also soul-based attacks. Learning became effortless, knowledge seeping into his mind with an ethereal clarity, and his memory transformed into a flawless reflection, holding onto information with unwavering tenacity.

• Soulful Gaze (Evolved from Mesmeric Gaze): This wasn't just manipulating perceptions anymore. It was a soul-piercing gaze that peered into the very essence of a being. He could weave illusions so vivid they resonated with the target's soul, manipulate emotions with the precision of a maestro, and even exert a brief period of soul control, turning enemies into puppets dancing to his unspoken commands.

• Soul Weaving (Evolved from Psionic Manipulation): Gone were the simple telekinetic nudges. This was raw psychic power infused with the essence of his soul. He could manipulate objects with the precision of a sculptor fueled by divine inspiration, exert invisible pressure to create devastating force fields that pulsed with an otherworldly energy, and even project his thoughts with such intensity they could not only stun but also sear the very soul of weaker minds. He could not only read surface thoughts with ease but also delve into the deepest recesses of the soul, unearthing hidden desires, vulnerabilities, and even past traumas with chilling accuracy.

• Soulless Figure (Evolved from Phantom Shift): Invisibility was no longer a parlor trick. It was a shroud woven from the shadows of his soul, a tapestry so complete it defied detection on all planes of existence. He could vanish from sight, sound, and even the very perception of reality with a mere thought, his presence as elusive as a whisper in the void. Not only could he mask his physical and energetic form, but his very soul became an intangible wisp, undetectable by even the most potent soul-searching techniques.

• Soul Rend (New): This talent, both a blessing and a curse, allowed him to inflict direct harm on the soul of another being. It was a power to be wielded with utmost caution, for the repercussions of tampering with a soul's essence were severe and unpredictable. A careless strike could shatter a soul, leaving the victim a mindless husk, or worse, invite a powerful backlash from a stronger soul.

• Soul Entwined (New): This newfound talent allowed him to form a temporary connection with the soul of another creature, granting him temporary access to their unique abilities. The possibilities this presented were endless, limited only by the imagination and the type of creature he encountered. By forming a brief soul-bond with a creature with exceptional speed, for instance, he could experience that same speed for a short duration. This talent, however, required a degree of finesse and empathy, as a forceful intrusion into another's soul could be met with resistance or even outright rejection. ]

Even after years of integration here in this world, Keiron can't still help but marvel at the magical evolution and wonders here. It defied all his previous wisdom of science and obstructed the seemingly impossible.