
Enigma Of Love

A Master-maid relationship, formed from an accident. Alexander Luen, an influential figure in the country, feared by many and worshipped like a God in the business industry, 28 years of age. By accident, he hit a young girl who was crossing right Infront of his car. It was later stated that she had a memory loss due to the accident and she could remember nothing, not even her name. When she regained consciousness and found out about her situation, she had no choice but to plead with him to offer her a job since she had no one. With the job tag of a full time maid, what happens when feelings begins to spark between them? Including all the obstacle keeping them apart. He is a wealthy heir, she is just a maid in his residence with no background. He is a man, and she is just a teenager who fell in-love with her master. Just when Alexander planned on accepting his feelings for her, an unexpected turn took place. What will happen? will he still go on with his initial plan of accepting his love for her? Or will the sudden turn of event have an effect on that decision.

Author_Bright · Urban
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21 Chs

Family Fued

At the company, Alexander was seen busy with large stocks of paperwork, signing on and on. His schedule was full and packed for the day, leaving him bound to the office.

Something seemed to divert his attention, he dropped his pen and leaned back on the swivel chair. His mind travelled back to the occurance in the hospital ward.

He started to feel like he was at fault and he was to blamed for what befell her. He wondered if her parents are searching for her currently.

Bringing his wrist up to his view, he noticed that it was quite late already and it was time to head home. Sighing a bit, Alexander looked at the stack of files that still needed his signatures on them.

On a normal day, being a workaholic that he is, he would definitely wouldn't mind spending the night at the office working all night through. Besides no one is waiting for him at home, he doesn't have to hurry for anyone. But today was not just a good one, he didn't feel like it at all.

Silently, he pulled out his phone and tapped the dialer with the name 'Luke' on it.

The call was immediately answered in two rings. "Master, what can I help you with?" The male voice immediately asked without waiting for Alexander.

Hearing the man words, the words coming from the doctor earlier that day, reverberated in his head. Alex cleared his throat and then spoke. "The girl in the hospital. Deal with it."

Just those eight words and two sentences, was enough for Luke to properly understand what his Boss meant and wanted.

"Yes Boss." With a curt reply, the call was ending and the line disconnected.

Placing his phone on the table next to his laptop, his gaze were undecipherable. With a quick sigh, he slowly undid two of his shirt button, showing out his sturdy chest. His fingers were pressed softly on his temple, clearly he knew it was a migraine coming.

Alexander thought of going home, but before he could shut down his system, his phone vibrated before a ringing sound echoed.

Picking it up, it was the word 'Mom' shown on the caller Id.

For the upteenth time, he released another sigh, but this one sounds more of a frustrated sigh, he could feel the ache on his forehead increasing.

Without hesitation, he picked up his car keys and left the office with his suit just hanging on one broad shoulder of his. His long legs took large cascading strides to the parking lot.

Swiftly, he unlocked the car while he was still steps aware by pressing the unlock button on the key pad.

With blinks of light and a sound, it indicated that it had been unlocked. He entered and drove off the premises of the company.

The drive to the family mansion was a long one because it was located by the east side of the city. An isolated area only the wealthiest could afford.

Within thirty minutes he made his way there, because of the less traffic on the road due to the night time.

"Master." The butler greeted with a bow.

"Where is mother?" He spared no time and straightforwardly asked.

"Upstairs, in the study." The butler replied, seeing the master was in a haste.

Without much acknowledgement, Alexander quickly headed for the stairs. Taking fast strides, he arrived the long flight of stairs in no time.

Alex banged softly on the door to the study room.

"Come in." A soft but matured, voice echoed from inside.

He slowly pushed the door opened and walked in. "Mother, you asked to see me. What's the problem."

With swift movement, the chair which was backing him earlier, turned to his direction, thereby facing him.

The smile on the woman's face was wide and radiant, innocent infact. But it wasn't enough to move the man standing in front of her.

His face maintained the cold and frosty look he had as if it was natural and he was born with it.

Still then, the smile on the woman's face didn't falter or cease, one could tell she was used to this, immune even. Yes that should be the word. She was immune to it.

"Can't I ask my son to come see me without having a problem to report to him? Huh?" Her voice rolled out soft and sweet. But for him it made him feel nauseous.

Alex scrunched his face slightly in disgust. It wasn't masked for his mother to see, instead she reacted with an even brighter smile.

Slowly she stood from her seat and walked crossed the table to go to him. When she was meters away from him, she stopped. "I just Missed my baby boy."

The nauseatic feeling increased in piles hearing her corquetious voice.

"What do you want mother?" Alexander couldn't bear it any longer and asked directly.

The woman let out a pretend-surprised Yelp. "You still call me mother? Awwwn. I thought you hated me much to not even recognize me as your mother. I'm shocked." She said dramatically with her palms pressed against her chest.

"Ten minutes, get to the point I have some important business to attend to, rather than waste my time here." Alex said in a cold voice.

As if afraid of the threats, she got down to business. "Why didn't you accept the business proposal with the hargens?" That eerie smile had disappeared leaving no trace at all. It was though the person speaking now and then were completely different people.

Since he had arrived, this was the only time he released an expression apart from his usual stoic ones. A sexy slithering smirk graced his thin lips. "And why would I?" He asked back, tauntingly.

"What do you mean?" As furious as his mother was she tried to not lash out.

"Don't think I'm not aware of the shitty deals of that company,.....and, Mr hargen and you!" His voice dropped dangerously low.

"You…! what do you mean?" Her eyes were bulged out in an indiscernible way.

"I see you like that sentence a lot. Well mother! There's actually no need for you to worry about the company any longer. It has been handed over to me, don't worry, I won't let it crumble." He said with an evil glint dancing in his eyes.

"If you have nothing more to talk about, I will take my leave. No need to send someone to see me off. Bye." With his hands in his pockets, he strolled out rudely, leaving his mom struck dumb.

On his way towards the parking lot of the family mansion. His phone dinged indicating a new message.

He tapped on it to see that it was from Luke, his assistant. It read. "Master, she refused, she insists on seeing you personally.