
Enigma Lord

[WSA 2024] A man named Joe Walker wakes up in a mysterious place. He finds himself trapped without any way out, no doors, ventilation, or any other air ducts. Surprisingly, he doesn't need to breathe in that place. Slowly, he realizes that he has lost his memory. The only thing he knows is his own name, Joe Walker. He meet someone who introduces himself as an angel. This angel explains what is happening to him. As time passes, joe walker starts to uncover information about himself. He is also given some tasks, although strangely, he is not forced to do them. Feeling bored, Joe Walker accepts the tasks from the angel. As time goes by, he will discover his true self and his past identity. He eventually realizes that he was never trapped in that room. The room actually belongs to him. The mystery of his lost memory remains unknown to him. However, he will slowly uncover the reasons behind his memory loss. All the events he has gone through are interconnected. This is the journey of 'Enigma Lord,' the tale of a master from a 'enigma room' located beyond the entire concept of space and time. He is a chosen soul as the 'Enigma Lord' and becomes 'outer god'. Witness the enjoyable and laughter-filled journey he will face in various universes and different dimensions.

WhereIsHumanity · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Towards A Higher Level [Part 4]

"Are you sure we should pass through here?" Alice said, looking at the large building that had collapsed earlier, which unexpectedly created a bridge for them to cross the ravine.

"Yes, no doubt about it. The deceased person intentionally exploded the building to create a bridge using this building. That's why he chose the largest building around here," Joe Walker replied.

"Wow, that's amazing, isn't it?" Maria exclaimed while looking towards to the building that had become a bridge right now.

"But how do we climb up there now? It doesn't seem like a path Tony can walk on," Alice said, looking at the path leading to the top of the collapsed building.

"Hmm," Joe Walker looked pensive as he surveyed the area around the building.

"Isn't there any other way besides this?"

"Alice, trust me, there is no other way. There used to be a bridge around here, but it seems to have collapsed."

"I trust you, but... How do you know?"

Joe Walker fell silent after that, looking down briefly. But then he straightened up and said, "I'll tell you after we continue our journey. For now..." Joe Walker suddenly headed towards a path that seemed unfit for Tony to walk on and began to assemble some small building debris scattered around to create a path for Tony to climb.

"What are you doing, Joe?" Maria asked, confused about Joe Walker's actions.

"So, creating our own path from the pile of building debris to climb up, I think it might work," mumbled Alice.

"Alice! Alice!" Maria called out to Alice.

"What's up?"

"What is Joe doing?"

"You better ask him directly and help him right now."

"Oh, I don't know... but, okay!" Maria started running towards where Joe Walker was.

Joe Walker and Maria then worked together to create a path for Tony to climb.

Meanwhile, Alice tried to think of ways to help and found a way to lighten Tony's load to make it easier for her to climb. She unloaded heavy items from the vehicle to make it easier for Tony to climb up towards the collapsed building.

After Maria and Joe Walker finished their work, Alice began to try driving Tony to climb up.

Although it was a bit difficult and shaky due to the uneven path, Alice managed to push through.

Meanwhile, Joe Walker had already reached the top to assess the surrounding area to ensure a safe journey. After Joe Walker found the best route for Tony to cross the makeshift bridge, he returned and checked on Alice and Maria.

Joe Walker was surprised to see Maria trying to push their vehicle to make it easier to climb. He immediately rushed over, stumbling a bit. He hurried because he wanted to help Alice and Maria quickly.

His knee was slightly injured from the stumble. However, he didn't pay much attention to it and tried to endure the pain in his knee while approaching Alice and Maria. With all his strength, Joe Walker pushed their small vehicle from behind to help it climb.

Alice, who was driving at the time, glanced back a few times feeling puzzled. She saw Joe Walker's serious expression while pushing the vehicle.

Same with Maria, she also noticed Joe Walker's expression, which made her not want to fall behind and become more enthusiastic.

Upon reaching the top of the collapsed building, they felt relieved.

"Wow! It's so high! Hey, Alice, Alice!" Maria called out to Alice.

"What's up, Maria?"

"Look at this! Look at this!" Maria pointed towards the edge of the building.

"Hey! Danger! Don't get too close! There's a ravine down there! If you fall, you'll die! Maria!" Alice warned Maria, feeling worried.

Meanwhile, Joe Walker quickly approached Maria and aggressively grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the edge of the building that now served as a bridge.

"Ah, huh? What?" Maria was surprised.

Maria fell silent after seeing Joe Walker's serious expression. His grip on her hand was strong, making it difficult for her to move.

"J-Joe? What's wrong?" Maria was slightly shocked and confused by the situation.

Joe Walker realized that Maria looked scared. He regretted his actions and immediately smiled to cover up his current feelings. He also loosened his grip to ease Maria's discomfort.

"Alice is right, don't stand at the edge. It's dangerous, you know!" Alice said softly, trying to make her voice sound gentle.

"In that case, let me go!"

"Just wait a moment!" Joe Walker lifted Maria and carried her away from the edge of the bridge.

Maria fell silent, feeling confused. After being set down in a safe place, she looked towards Joe Walker and shouted, "I'm not a child anymore!"

"ehehe, I was worried you might be careless, sorry!" Joe Walker bowed to show that he genuinely apologized.

Maria smiled upon hearing the apology and said, "Alright, I'll forgive you if you lift me up again like earlier!"


"I want to fly and float in the air again!"

"Oh, okay...?"

Joe Walker fulfilled Maria's request. Maria had a great time as she was lifted and moved in various directions to experience the sensation of flying in the air.

"Ahahaha, ahaha! I'm flying! Hey Alice, look at this! I'm flying!"

Meanwhile, Alice stared at Joe Walker, realizing his strange behavior earlier.


Alice glanced at the items she had taken out of the vehicle earlier. She immediately headed back down cautiously to avoid falling.

Joe Walker, noticing Alice's movement, quickly asked, "Alice! Where are you going?"

"Our belongings and food supplies are still down there. I'll go get them quickly!"

Joe Walker immediately fell silent and didn't move an inch.

Maria remained silent, confused by Joe Walker's sudden stop. She asked, "Ray, what's wrong?"

Suddenly, Joe Walker put Maria down and started running, saying, "Sorry, Maria, I'll help Alice first!"

"Oh, wait me! I'll come too!" Maria ran after him.

Joe Walker passed by Alice, saying, "I'll go first!"

Alice was surprised by Joe Walker's sudden passing. Then she remembered something and shouted, "Hey! Don't run! It's dangerous!"

Maria also ran past her, saying, "I'm coming too!"

Alice became more annoyed and shouted even louder, "Hey, both of you! Stop running, it's dangerous!"

"Whoa, ouch!" Not long after that, Joe Walker immediately fell after stumbling over debris from the building. Luckily, his instinct was quick enough to prevent him from getting too severe injuries.

However, the back of Joe Walker had to endure some scratches. He was more focused on protecting his front body than his back.

Meanwhile, Maria managed to pass Joe Walker while laughing, "Haha, you're so clumsy at walking. I'm ahead of you, bye bye!"

Alice, who started to accelerate towards Joe Walker, shouted, "Hey, Maria! Stop running!"

"It's okay! I can do it! Don't underestimate my agility! I managed to pass Joe, you know!?" Maria said proudly with a smile.

"That's not the problem, you idiot!" Alice became more irritated.

Alice arrived at the place where Joe Walker fell.

Joe Walker was still silent in the same spot.

Alice felt worried and asked, "Joe, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Joe Walker was silent for a moment, realizing that his back was injured. The wound on his knee worsened, and there was a little blood. Fortunately, his military pants were tight enough to conceal the blood.

Joe Walker smiled at Alice and said, "It's okay, I'm fine. Haha, how careless of me, I forgot that I'm just getting used to walking with my legs."

Alice looked at Joe Walker for a moment. She glanced at some scratches on the side of Joe Walker's shirt. She chose to stay silent as she knew Joe wanted that too.

But as she was about to walk to catch up with Maria, Alice said, "I don't know why you're like this. But Joe, you look strange! What's going on?"

"Gulp... What do you mean?" Joe Walker swallowed nervously but tried to keep smiling.

"So you choose to stay tell nothing... You'll tell me about it, right? After this..."

"Hm-," Joe Walker's smile began to fade.

Alice started to move away from him, and Joe Walker watched from a distance.

He decided to take a short break because his body was in pain.

Disgusting... This smile is so disgusting. A smile full of lies that is very disgusting.

I even look like a fool right now...

Too hasty like a child that I ended up hurting myself. Really... I'm so foolish.

Joe Walker took out a small book from his pocket and looked at it.

I regret reading this...

Joe Walker put the small book back in his pocket.

After that, he took a deep breath to refresh himself. He cleaned the dirt on his clothes from the fall earlier. Then he slapped his cheeks to encourage himself.

There's no use complaining to myself. Alice must be worried about me. I have to make up for what I've done.

Joe Walker smiled again, but this time it was a genuine smile. He smiled as he watched two little girls in front of him chatting while working together to move things.

"Everyone! Wait for me!" Joe Walker shouted from a distance away from Alice and Maria.

"Yooo! Come here! Come here!" Maria shouted back.

While Alice smiled seeing Joe Walker regain his enthusiasm.

Joe Walker was about to start running again. However, his body stopped for a moment. He remembered the warnings Alice had given him before.

Joe Walker smiled.

I'm truly foolish, even though a sweet girl like her had warned me!

Joe Walker started moving, but this time he didn't run. He was no longer in a hurry and started to think about his surroundings, including himself. Therefore, now he chose to walk normally, being cautious.

After that, Joe Walker, Alice, and Maria continued their journey.

Alice, while driving, glanced at Joe Walker several times, who was silent, staring at the sky for no apparent reason.

Maria, noticing this, smiled teasingly and said, "Ohoho, I didn't know that Alice had such a relationship with Joe."

"It's not like that...," Alice replied.

"Again with that, don't be shy!"

"I'm not shy... can you just be quiet for a moment?"

"Nooooo, Alice is angry! Ehehe," Maria acted as if she was scared, but then she chuckled softly.

"You are so annoying!"

"Finally, you're back to being the usual Alice," Maria said with a smile. However, this time her smile was genuine, without any teasing intention.

"Ha? What do you mean?"

"You've been quiet all this time as if you were hiding something from me. What are you hiding from me? Joe also seems to be thinking about something, what are you both hiding from me?" Maria asked, still smiling.

Joe Walker, hearing Maria's words, was slightly surprised and immediately glanced at Maria.

Meanwhile, Alice said, "So you've noticed too, why are you just silent?"

"I also want to ask you that, Alice," Maria replied.

"Ugh...," Alice was surprised. For the first time, she couldn't respond to Maria's words. She took a deep breath and began to say, "It's better if the person himself says it, right?"

Alice began to glance slightly at Joe Walker, she couldn't turn too much as she was driving. Maria also did the same, even staring at Joe Walker with her smile.

Joe Walker took a deep breath and said, "Alright, I will tell you. I'm sorry for making you two worry."

"I-I'm not worried!" Alice said.

"Well, to be honest, I am a little worried. Just a little... At least I'm honest, ehehe," Maria said.

"You say that as if you're mocking me," alice replied.

"Ehhh? I didn't mean to! Why do you feel offended? Am I right?"

"Ughh... Maria, why is your brain so sharp when you're teasing others?"

"What do you mean? I always been a smart little girl, you know!?"

Alice sighed and murmured, "She doesn't realize it..."

Joe Walker suddenly said, "In that case, would you like to hear a story? More precisely, a story from someone who lived decades ago."

"Ohh, that sounds interesting! Tell me quickly!" Maria looked excited.

"We want to hear your problem, not someone else's story!" Alice protested.

"Alice, that's why I want to tell this story," Joe Walker replied, smiling at Alice's protest.

"...," Alice fell silent.

"Tell the story quickly! What's the title?" Maria said.

"Title? Hmm, you're right. A story must have a title. In that case, the title might be 'Rose's Diary' i think?" Joe Walker said, taking out a small book from his pocket.