
Enigma Lord

[WSA 2024] A man named Joe Walker wakes up in a mysterious place. He finds himself trapped without any way out, no doors, ventilation, or any other air ducts. Surprisingly, he doesn't need to breathe in that place. Slowly, he realizes that he has lost his memory. The only thing he knows is his own name, Joe Walker. He meet someone who introduces himself as an angel. This angel explains what is happening to him. As time passes, joe walker starts to uncover information about himself. He is also given some tasks, although strangely, he is not forced to do them. Feeling bored, Joe Walker accepts the tasks from the angel. As time goes by, he will discover his true self and his past identity. He eventually realizes that he was never trapped in that room. The room actually belongs to him. The mystery of his lost memory remains unknown to him. However, he will slowly uncover the reasons behind his memory loss. All the events he has gone through are interconnected. This is the journey of 'Enigma Lord,' the tale of a master from a 'enigma room' located beyond the entire concept of space and time. He is a chosen soul as the 'Enigma Lord' and becomes 'outer god'. Witness the enjoyable and laughter-filled journey he will face in various universes and different dimensions.

WhereIsHumanity · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Life [Part 6]

The scene of trees and even a pond is present in that place. The place is not wide, but its length extends to the point where it is not clearly visible because it is covered with trees there.

Alice immediately hugged Joe Walker at that moment because of her unbearable fear of heights. She even had to let go of the 2 boxes she was carrying just to do that.

"Alice, calm down, we are surrounded by transparent glass, so you don't need to worry," Joe said to reassure Alice.


"Yes," Joe replied with a smile.

Alice became curious and tried to touch the transparent glass with her own hands. She was surprised and intrigued by the transparent glass.

"Wow, this is amazing, how did the ancestors make this?"

"As far as I know, glass is made from sand."


"Yeah, but I don't understand the detailed process of how it's made."

Maria, who was also curious, touched the transparent glass with both hands and said, "So this invisible object is made of sand?"

Shortly after, they reached the bottom of that place.

But when Alice and Maria saw something right in front of them at that moment, they were puzzled. Then they spontaneously said, "What is this?"

Joe Walker laughed, remembering that he once said the same thing after seeing it.

What was in front of them at that moment was a large iron board that seemed deliberately placed there to welcome people who would use the bookshelf. But what confused everyone was that the iron board was engraved with a heart symbolizing love.

"Joe, what does this mean?"

"Maybe it's some kind of welcome gesture? I don't know either."

"The person who made this must have a personality like Maria."

Maria, irritated with Alice, said, "Hey, what's wrong with the heart symbol on this iron board? What does it have to do with me!?"

"It's because of your personality... Yeah, that's it."

"Hey! You're my little sister, right? Why do you always say bad things like that to me?"

"Because it's a fact. There's nothing wrong with stating a fact," Alice replied as she started walking in.

"Hey, wait!" Maria chased after Alice from behind.

Meanwhile, Joe Walker remained silent, still smiling. But suddenly, he realized something, and his smile faded.

I just realized it now, but... Don't I look like their father?

After thinking about all the things I've been through with them, it made me think that we are like a family.

So, am I their stepfather?

No! I don't want that! If we are a family, I want to be their older brother! Not a stepfather!

I think being an older brother is more cool.

Joe Walker thought about it very seriously. He continued to ponder it until Alice called his name. While chasing after Alice, Joe Walker didn't forget to bring the 2 boxes that Alice had left behind.

"Hey, Alice! Why did you leave these boxes?"

"Ah, sorry Joe, give them to me."

"It's okay, let me carry them."

"Oh... Thank you."

"Yes, my daughter!"


"No, sorry... forget it..."

During their journey, they found some plants like tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, and other fruits. Unfortunately, there were only a few left. However, they were not saddened by this because they had a limit on the amount they could carry from the beginning.

They also found some fruit-bearing trees like apples, oranges, guavas, and others.

Maria was very excited at that moment, she even climbed the apple tree and picked apples enthusiastically.

"Are you sure there are no problems with the fruits here?" Alice asked, still worried.

"Don't worry, I have tasted all the fruits here," Joe Walker said to alleviate Alice's concerns.

"But what if one of the trees or plants turns out to be poisonous?"

"Don't worry, I have tasted all the fruits from every tree here."

"All dozens of these trees?"


"And also some other plants?"

"You're right."

"Were you very hungry last night? Why didn't you tell me? I can cook food for you. Or were you hesitant because you saw me scolding Alice for eating without my permission? I was upset because she ate without asking me. If you had asked, I might not have been angry."

"Not really, I wasn't that hungry last night."

"So... why?"

Joe Walker smiled and replied, "It's like what you were worried about. I was also worried about that. That's why I did it."

"Ah...," Alice fell silent after that. But shortly after, she murmured, "Thank you, Joe."

"Huh? Did you say something?"


Alice quickened her pace so that she wouldn't walk alongside Joe Walker. She was too embarrassed to show her smile to Joe Walker at that moment.

Suddenly, Maria climbed a coconut tree very quickly.

Joe Walker, seeing Maria do that, panicked.

"Hey, Maria! Don't climb like that! You'll fall!"

"Are you my father?"

"Father...," Joe Walker was slightly surprised. But his concern made him not care, "Just don't do that again!"

"Okay, I won't."

Maria started picking one of the coconuts there.

"Be careful! You can't open it with just your hands!"

"Ehhhh? So disappointing!" Maria immediately threw the coconut up.

Maria immediately wanted to come down at that moment. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell from quite a high height. This made Joe Walker panic and he immediately prepared to catch Maria as she fell from above.

Alice, with her small body, realized that she couldn't do anything. She chose to pray to the God she didn't actually believe in.

Luckily, Joe Walker managed to catch Maria's body without them both being seriously injured. Joe Walker used all his strength to ensure that Maria's body didn't hit the ground directly. He used both of his hands and his entire body to protect Maria's body.

Unfortunately, although Maria survived the fall, Joe Walker's hand had to endure a serious injury because he had to bear Maria's weight while enduring the pain of the impact when he fell to the ground.

But Joe Walker had no regrets. Instead, he smiled knowing that Maria was still alive.

Suddenly, Alice screamed and fell to the ground. At first, Joe Walker was confused about what was happening to Alice. But after seeing a coconut near Alice, he finally understood.

It seems that Alice has now fainted because her head was hit by a falling coconut.