
Enigma Lord

[WSA 2024] A man named Joe Walker wakes up in a mysterious place. He finds himself trapped without any way out, no doors, ventilation, or any other air ducts. Surprisingly, he doesn't need to breathe in that place. Slowly, he realizes that he has lost his memory. The only thing he knows is his own name, Joe Walker. He meet someone who introduces himself as an angel. This angel explains what is happening to him. As time passes, joe walker starts to uncover information about himself. He is also given some tasks, although strangely, he is not forced to do them. Feeling bored, Joe Walker accepts the tasks from the angel. As time goes by, he will discover his true self and his past identity. He eventually realizes that he was never trapped in that room. The room actually belongs to him. The mystery of his lost memory remains unknown to him. However, he will slowly uncover the reasons behind his memory loss. All the events he has gone through are interconnected. This is the journey of 'Enigma Lord,' the tale of a master from a 'enigma room' located beyond the entire concept of space and time. He is a chosen soul as the 'Enigma Lord' and becomes 'outer god'. Witness the enjoyable and laughter-filled journey he will face in various universes and different dimensions.

WhereIsHumanity · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Human [Part 7]

Joe Walker and his group continued their journey as usual.

Although it seemed like there were only three of them, in reality, there were three other members.

Alex and Violet were ghosts who borrowed Joe Walker's body as a temporary home for them, causing their territorial boundaries to shift around Joe Walker. They were now free to roam around Joe Walker but couldn't stray too far from him within a radius of a few hundred meters from his location. Only Joe Walker knew of their presence as he allowed them to accompany him.

While another rarely seen member named Jimmy, an odd creature with only two eyes and a round white body who could understand human language and obey humans, was the most mysterious being to Joe Walker. The origin of Jimmy's existence remained unknown and highly unclear.

"Maria, can I ask you something?" Joe Walker said, looking at Maria who was hugging Jimmy while lying down with her eyes closed.

"What is it, Joe?"

"That creature... No, I mean Jimmy... Why do I rarely see him?"

"Oh, that's because he can vanish."

"What do you mean?"

"He can become invisible. Do you want to see?"

"No, thank you. He might actually disappear for real."

"You underestimate Jimmy, you know? He's quite smart! He even understands what I say."

Joe Walker became even more curious after hearing this.

Camouflage? Is he really not dangerous? I would believe it if someone said that the creature was the result of a researcher's experiment.

Even Maria and Alice don't know what kind of creature he is!

He observed the creature looking comfortable with its eyes closed in Maria's embrace.

Am I overthinking this?

Suddenly, Violet came from a distance and shouted, "Joe! I found it! I found something! That! Um..."

"What? What are you trying to say?" Joe Walker used telepathy.

Alex also used telepathy from a distance and said, "Joe, we found another human in your next destination city."

"That's right! That's what I meant! A human!" Violet exclaimed.

Confused, Joe Walker asked, "Violet, why did you come to me? Can't you use telepathy?"

"Oh, you're right!" Violet truly didn't think about that.

"I'm starting to doubt whether you are a real scientist or not."

"I am a genuine scientist! You must think I'm stupid, don't you?"

"I'd be lying if I said no."

"You cheeky brat! I've been alive for hundreds of years longer than you!"

"But you're dead, right?"

"Oh, right... Oh, um, I'm dead," Violet thought about it deeply.

Meanwhile, Joe Walker grinned at the sight.

"Stop teasing my wife, focus on this now, Joe," Alex said.

"Oh, sorry... So, you met a human, right?"


"Can he see you?"

"No, they don't have the sixth sense."

"They? Are there more than one human you met?"

"Yes, they seem like a group."

"Do they have vehicles?"


"How many people?"

"4 people seen from what I found. 2 adult males, 1 young boy, and 1 adult woman."

"2 men..."

"So, what now?"

"I'm confused, I don't know if they are good or not."

"You're right, it's good that you're considering that. Think it through, and when you decide, let me know. I'll keep following them."

"Thank you, Alex."

"No problem, consider this as the help you get for allowing us to join."

Joe Walker smiled at that but soon his expression turned serious as he contemplated what actions to take.

Should I just ignore them?

What's the point of meeting them? Exchange information? I think the information I need is sufficient.

If it turns out to be disappointing, we just have to return to Alex and Violet's underground room. It's a decision we made together.

Furthermore, I don't know them at all. Even if they are good, I'm not sure there's any benefit in meeting them.

What should I do?

While pondering, Alice glanced back several times and noticed Joe Walker deep in thought. This made her even more curious about what Joe Walker was thinking.

Curious, Alice asked, "Joe, what are you thinking about?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Don't deny it, your face says it all."

"Damn it! I hate you, my face!"

"So, what's on your mind? Don't just stay silent, tell me!"

Joe Walker tried to smile and said, "It's nothing, just thinking about my personal issues."

"Your problems are the group's problems. I don't want any of us to keep their problems to themselves. Tell me now."

"Ugh, your kindness will be kill me, Alice!"

"Why are you silent? Hey, stop daydreaming and tell me quickly," Alice deliberately stopped her vehicle to look at Joe Walker.

Maintaining his smile, Joe Walker said, "I'm just confused about what to have for dinner tonight."

"Stop lying to me, your fake smile is disgusting."

"Ugh... Alice, where is your kindness?"

"What do you mean? I'm always like this. Besides, you expect my kindness while lying to me?"

"Who taught you to be this smart, Alice!?"

"Hey, why are you just silent?"

Joe Walker sighed and said, "Ugh, fine... I'll tell you."

"Good, then, hurry up..."

Joe Walker sighed again.

It shouldn't be a big deal if I tell her, right?

And honestly, I am curious about other humans in this world besides Alice and Maria.

After making up his mind, Joe Walker said, "There are humans in our next destination city."

"Are you referring to the city in front of us right now?"

"Yes, you're right."

Alice fell silent for a moment, puzzled about how to respond. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Are you sure?"


"How many of them?"

"There are 4 people. 2 adult men, 1 young boy, and 1 adult woman."

"How do you know that all?"

"I-I have the ability to sense the presence of beings around me," Joe walker is lying.

"Why didn't you use it when looking for Alice back then?"

"T-That's because I forgot, my memory hasn't fully recovered yet," Joe walker lied again.

"...," Alice fell silent again, pondering.

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you, Joe. So, where are they now?"

"Why do you need to know about their whereabouts?"

"Of course, to meet them, what else?"


"To exchange information, we don't know what's on the next level. They might have been on the higher levels and chose to descend."

"What if they didn't?"

"No problem, besides, I want to meet other humans besides us. I want to see other humans and know their condition. It's rare to encounter other humans in a world like this. You must be curious too, Joe?"

"Honestly, you're right."

"So, it's decided then, right? I'll go to them now. Guide me towards them, joe, " Alice said, restarting her vehicle to continue the journey.

"Huft... All right, i will... If that's what you want."

In the end, Joe Walker chose to comply with Alice's request.