
ENIGMA by dreamalittlefic

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it has an underlying truth. Both of them only have nothing to be tied to each other except their feelings. {MATURE CONTENT} THE REST OF THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE ON GOODNOVEL UNDER THE SAME NAME. "Are you saying that I'm pestering you?", she asked chuckling lowly. Had it been somebody else she would've fired them right away? As of now, her grip only tightened slightly on the little spoon in her hand while he slowly opened his cat-like eyes and avoided her gaze. "Torturing would be a better word," he whispered in hopes of staying alive so he could go home and cut his tongue for being so sharp. What was wrong with him? "Glad you understood my intentions."

dreamalittlefic · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"Ma'am?", Jae murmured finding Minjae fixated on her phone before she flinched softly and locked her phone as if she was scared of him catching a glimpse of the screen. He pursed his lips together and then nervously clasped his hands behind his back, the tea now placed on the table in front of her in white and blue china.

Minjae smirked at his nervousness before she brought the delicate crockery to her lips and sipped from it with Jae's eyes fixated on them. She maintained his gaze as the warm liquid spilled down her throat in a small sip and her eyes closed for a fraction of a second.

"Better," was all she said before flipping the menu card over and circling her blue manicured nail around the next drink which happened to be a caramel mocha. Jae looked back up at her, none of them uttering a word as she snapped her finger towards the counter like before. He complied rolling his shoulders back and loosening his tie a little after he had turned around.

"Do you have to trouble him so much? He'll be dead in these two days Jae," Joon mumbled raising a brow when she only smiled cheekily and walked past him in a flash. What a stubborn girl.

Joon turned his face to the side and smiled discreetly, he had known Minjae for years and if he said she didn't make him wanna rip his hair out for the first one year it would be a lie. He softly shook his head, pushing his glasses back up his nose bridge and resuming the whole ordeal of Gangnam branches.

He figured he'd have to go there for the next two days in order to sort out all the mayhem and though leaving Minjae alone would be a terrible thing to be done to Young-Jae, Joon had no say in it.

Jae waltzed back to the counter in a casual mood and his eyes casually fell to his phone which displayed three notifications from the same girl on his personal account. Biting down on his lips he contemplated checking it but then he also wanted to check out what 'Jaeminmin' looked like so he gave in to his desires and unlocked his phone only to stop with a sharp gasp.

'Jaeminmin' had sent him two pictures, one his own picture from his NSFW account and her own picture in lingerie in the same pose he posted his shirtless one. He had posted that picture in the morning itself. Now, this wouldn't have been a huge deal but how the fuck did she know his personal account? He wasn't ashamed of what he did but Jae figured it'd be too awkward if someone around him found out too.

Busy getting nervous and embarrassed over his complicated situation with the girl, he failed to notice Minjae quietly tiptoe from around him and stand with her back rested against the counter behind him.

"How is it going with my caramel Mocha?", She teased, arms folded across her chest as she poked her cheek with her tongue. Jae bit his tongue out of haste, eyes crinkled up in frustration.

"I'll get to it right away," he quickly mumbled, rolling his eyes when she chuckled sardonically.

"Forget it, I know you won't do it properly, let me teach you," she shushed him twirling around to prepare the coffee. quietly watched her every step nibbling at the sides of his nails, biting them after. He was anxious. First, he felt exposed because the girl knew about his deepest secret and second because his boss was the coldest person he even encountered also by the looks of it, it was as if she wasn't aware of that.

"There, done," she exclaimed pushing the drink towards him who took in a deep breath then proceeded to take a swig at the drink. He was amazed by how delicious it was and before he knew, he had gulped the whole of it in one go. Minjae's eyes widened, a little concern surfacing in her eyes as she saw him sigh deeply after placing the glass down and she almost asked him if he was fine but then was it her business? She didn't think so.

'Whatever it is, he'll probably get over it', is all she thought before burying that concern in the same locked away box inside her chest, behind her ribcage. It had always been thought for her, opening up, comforting others, just anything that had to do with emotions.

"That was delicious," he complimented and she simply nodded avoiding his petty gaze as she walked past him, their shoulders brushing against each other.

The first one, the first touch he could consider was even a touch.

As soon as Minjae was back on her previous spot, Young-Jae's shaking fingers had unlocked his phone and he typed out the reply he had formulated in his mind when he had chugged the coffee.

MINYOUNG: where'd you find that picture?

He waited for a few seconds before his phone dinged again and he hurried to switch back to her chat.

JAEMINMIN: I came across your other account on twt and then kinda recognized you haha.

MINYOUNG oh i see

MINYOUNG: can u like not tell anybody

JAEMINMIN: We barely know each other, don't worry. I'm not telling anybody! 😊

MINYOUNG: thank u that's very nice of u

JAEMINMIN: No worries! Tell me how you liked that picture?

It was then that Jae actually released the long breath of fear he drew in and then scrolled up a little to open the picture attachment again. His breath hitched, a tugging feeling of butterflies erupted in his gut. He hadn't noticed before but god, the girl had the body of a goddess. He could feel his veins protruding as the arousal sunk in slowly.

"Min Young-Jae! I'm gonna fire you the next time I find on that damn phone!" Minjae yelled, fake anger lacing her voice as she propped her feet up on the table carelessly, thighs being slightly exposed to the eyes of the world. But did she even care?

"My shift is over!" he paused before huffing out, 'Ma'am!'

He still wanted his job.

She grinned evilly and shrugged jutting her bottom lip out. She snapped her fingers catching both Joon and Jae's attention. The latter walked over to her table, silently hoping she lets him off the hook tonight.

"I don't have anything else scheduled for tonight, right Joon?", The said man nodded in exhaustion and leaned back in his seat with a grunt. The shop was empty as of now and it was the perfect opportunity for Jae to run back home but fate had other plans.

"Perfect! Young-Jae you'll be working with me overnight, learning the art of making coffee and tea," she exaggeratedly waved her hands in the air, knowing she had pushed him past his limits already.

"But-", Jae shut his mouth when she challenged him with a stern look and he gulped lowering his head with a nod, eyes directly meeting the soft supple skin of her thighs. This was the first time he had seen her in a skirt, unlike the two times he had seen her in a pant suit.

"Wait a minute," Joon murmured softly and held up a finger. "You had to meet someone today. Who was it? Ah yes, Hyun! Hyun's back in town," he explained further when he saw the confused expression on her face and then it slowly contorted to one of understanding and realization.

"Ah yes! No biggie, tell him we'll have that meeting here," she paused glancing at Jae before smirking and continuing. "It'll be so much fun."

She couldn't wait to be with that man again. He was, after all, the fuckboyiest of all fuckboys.


He ran a hand through his hair, thinking if he wanted to get rid of the mullet for a second but then again he thought it gave him a rich look so he shrugged and asked his driver to park the Maserati while he got off it with his wallet and phone in hand. The slight smirk never left his face as he waded in and stood at the door scanning the empty area before catching her gaze.

Hyun watched Minjae's eyes light up and slowly scan over the expanse of his chest and then his legs. He raised his brows at her, half-amused of the effect he still had on her as the girl waved her arm above her head to welcome him into her shop, and he found himself realizing how much he missed her in all these months.

He stopped walking when he just a few away from Minjae on the opposite side of the table and smiled gently, not knowing how to initiate the conversation.

"Hi," both of them exclaimed at the same time before husking small chuckles under their breath. Hyun stalked to her side, bent down to take her manicured and ring-clad hand in his palm, kissed the back of it, and smiled gracefully.

"It's so good to see you after so long," Minjae murmured springing up to her feet and softly taking the support of his wide shoulders to drop a small kiss to his cheek. He smirked with a light shrug placing his palm on the small of her back to pull the girl closer.

"I'd say the same," he chuckled and she nodded gesturing with her left arm for him to take a seat. Hyun obliged, sitting back in the seat with his legs crossed over one another in a powerful stance. He wasn't one to be taken for granted, Jung Hyun owned almost all of the hotels in the city of Seoul with a few branches scattered across the country but lucky for Minjae, both of them had a very good friendship since childhood so he let loose around her.

"Young-Jae!", she called for him, eyes never leaving Hyun who gave her a fond smile before curling his index finger and using the same one to point to his lap. You see, His aura screamed of beauty and control and he was the first man who had managed to keep Minjae tamed. Her ears caught on a shade of red and she coughed violently at the preposition. It wasn't an offer, it was an order she could never in a hundred years deny but to her fortune, Young-Jae walked to their table just in time.

"Get me an iced tea and as for my guest, bring him a Chocolate Frappe," she mumbled without breaking eye contact with the man opposite her. As soon as Young-Jae had turned his back to the pair, she got up and walked to his seat who immediately yanked her onto his lap sideways wrapping one slender arm around Minjae's waist.

"I was thinking of trying a new drink but never mind," he rolled his eyes playfully before he took in her attire. Minjae rarely wore skirts. She crossed one leg over the other on his lap and placed her palms flat against his chest and shoulders, emphasizing the points that her attire made.

"Oh? A skirt? For me?", he asked toying with the hem of her skirt. Minjae hummed in approval, gasping when his fingers dug into her thighs harshly. He chuckled before patting the side of her thighs silently asking her to turn around and so she did, straddling his thighs with her skirt riding up slightly from behind.

"So, I heard you broke off your engagement," he began softly, testing the waters whether or not it was okay to talk about it. Minjae smiled at Hyun's careful nature that he displayed only a few times before shaking her head to let him know it was okay to say that.

"Yeah, I'm happy though, he was an asshole anyway," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Did you miss me? We haven't met more than two-three times in the past two years," he asked slipping his hand under her skirt, resting it over her ass. "Because I did."

"Yes, so much," Minjae replied clutching his white shirt in her fingers, lips stretching in a smile.