
An Unexpected Visitor

It was a dark, windy night. Trees were swaying violently on the savage beach. Ferocious winds tore through the village and torrential rain pounded the attap roof in all its fury. A howling wail carried on by the wind cried, "Nak... Nak" in the middle of the night. The huddled figures in a frail-looking, wooden house shivered uncontrollably as the sound drew near... This was the scene playing on the television screen. My sister and I huddled together in a tight bundle as the ghost was suddenly on the screen. We were left all alone in a big and airy house with a heavy down-pour pounding on the roof.

Just as the climax was beginning to reach an all-time peak, The screen went dead. Just then, a bolt of lightning flashed past the sliding doors, followed by thunderous bang on the sliding door beside us. We shrieked in unison while trembling in the dark. The power supply was cut off and an eerie silence succeeded our frantic shrieks. A trickle of cold sweat made its way down my spine as my hair began to stand on its end.

Suddenly, a groan of anguish broke the air. The sound was from outside the front door. "An intruder," we whispered to each other in a hushed but profound way. I immediately took charge of the situation and dragged my sister toward me. I whipped a knife from the kitchen. With great conviction, I gripped the weapon in my delicate palm. I inched toward the front door stealthily. Then as I reached the door and braced myself to face the nemesis, I quickly opened the door without a second thought.

A pitiful injured little child appeared in front of me. "What... Why....?" I immediately asked him. Unfortunately, grimacing in pain, he was already losing consciousness as he was trying to reply in a slurring voice. Moans of pain escaped his lips which he kept biting. I swiftly took a glimpse around my house, but there was no one to be seen. For a moment, I panicked. Then, I immediately calmed myself down and racked my brain. I had to get him to the hospital as fast as possible. Quickly, I raced through the darkness and pounded on my neighbour's door.

My neighbour came out with his wife. I quickly explained the serious situation to them. They followed me back and after taking one look of the little boy, the emergency galvanized them. We swiftly put him into their car and my neighbour drove at a breakneck speed to the nearest hospital. Since it was an emergency, the medical staff attended to him immediately. After that, the hospital contacted his parents and told them about his condition. Finally, the doctor came out and said, "He suffers no permanent damage. He is safe now."

A heavy burden was lifted off my shoulder. Relief and joy overwhelmed me when I saw the little boy and his parents being reunited. They hugged each other tightly. Then the parents started to share with me the story behind the incident. It was a terrifying experience to the boy and also his parents who thanked me profusely for coming to their son's rescue.