
Engineer In Fantasy land

An Engineer has fallen into fantasy land with a hodgepodge of many races. See him as he makes a story for himself in this foreign land with his new family by his side. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Y9XrVuqujN

Amish_Scion · Fantasy
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19 Chs


It's been a month since Amish and Sophia got their main class. Their morning session includes getting up at the dawn of sunrise when the morning bell of the main church. They are made to run around the whole estate as the days go the number of laps is increasing.

"huff..huff I know why Amish is made to run, but why am I am running with him" Sophia complained while running alongside Amish.

Their Instructor Jhon who is responsible for training them answered "There is a saying a mage without mana is dead wizard, if you toil in your bodies at a young age it will be very beneficial for building a foundation for the strong body so that you don't die when your mana runs out. Now last lap, faster"

After completing the last lap they start their weapon training.

Sophia choose a staff of medium length and Amish choose a single edge wooden curved blade. They are made to repeat a set of moves to correct their posture So that they can acquire weapon-related skills.

After breakfast training continues until the next bell in which Sophia is taught mana control and meditation under Amelia and Amish goes to the commercial district in capital to train under the weapon shop as an apprentice.


The shop's name is Xenos it is a part of a huge group called Rose chambers of commerce. Rose Chambers of Commerce was created to control the market of the Candela Empire, Head of Rose chambers of commerce is seat appointed by the royal family their job is to regulate goods across the empire due to being the largest commerce guild they also control the flow of export and import from the border of the empire.

As you can see Rose commerce guild control almost everything because they have a royal family as backing, but they also have their competitors Lunar Tree Chamber of Commerce also known as the LT chamber of commerce, they are a joint front from dark elves and forest elves they mainly sell forest products like herbs, wooden crafts, and most expensive of their products are elixer that they create with the help of world tree and spirits.

After them are Artizan Association they many craftsmen learn from them as an apprentice they teach every known craft profession blacksmith, apothecary, potion maker, weaponsmith, armoursmith, carpenter, mason you name it they have it. They teach many people on the system of apprentice that's why they are never short on manpower.

And lastly, we have Walpurgis Chamber of commerce they are from the demon tribe and are the biggest supplier of monster materials.

Amish has taken apprenticeship under a master name Duran he is a dwarf. He is an old friend of Jean Yukline from his younger days.

"Master Duran I have returned" Amish announced as he enters the shop.

"Brat you are late, Now start beating those metals" Duran thundered.

Duran has three precious things in life his shop, his ale, and his wife Rumil from whom he is most afraid and he also has a son who will inherit his shop name Bavli who is 15 years old and a professional.

"Brother Bavli where is my hammer?" Amish asked while changing into work clothes

"They are on the table"

"Thanks, you are a lifesaver"

Amish after changing immediately takes the hammer and started hammering metal ingots on top of the anvil while activating a skill called CALCULADOR it is a skill that consumes very little mana which records his experience on an action he is doing or watching and helps him do better in future or warns him when he does something wrong.

Amish recorded when Duran showed him how to beat metal ingots into a proper flat piece of metal which will be stored and later used for making swords and Armours.

The skill Calculador shows him how much to heat an ingot how much to hammer an ingot, how to use his body which will help him in better power control, after that he has repeatedly used his body to engrave those actions on his body as muscle memory.

As they were engraved on his body he gained the skill Hammering which is level 2 after one-month training.

As he was hammering on the new ingot.

"Brat, come here fast" Duran called him

"Yes, Master,"

"What happened?"

"Today I will teach you how to make a knife, understood"

"Yes Master"

"To Make any blade there are three main steps first step is hammering a hot piece of metal into your desired shape, the second step is to quenching it is the most important step as it will tell you will your blade will save someone's life or kill them

with untimely breaking down and third sharpening which will decide the performance of the blade, a badly sharpened blade will quickly become blunt and a well-sharpened blade can be used for a long time. Now watch and engrave these actions on your mind."

"Yes Master"