
Chapter 71

Rebecca circulated among the guests, introducing herself to the people she didn’t recognize and preening under their compliments. She had worked closely with the florists while Carol and Daniel had taken a walk down memory lane, and her attention to detail showed.

Paul sat on the front pew, looking pale. It almost looked like he was about to march down the aisle himself. “Mind if I join you?” Daniel asked.

Paul looked up, smiling a little. “Of course not.” He didn’t stay focused on Daniel for long. Soon, his eyes drifted back to Rebecca, who was in the middle of a lively discussion with a woman Daniel didn’t recognize.

“She looks nice, doesn’t she?” Daniel asked. “She gets it from her mother.”

Paul nodded. “Yeah, she really does.”

“Are you okay, son? You look a little green around the gills,” Daniel said good-naturedly