
Engaged with the CEO's Heir

Chanty Alejandro has been sexually abused after attending her friend’s party. While Lucas Sarmiento needs to get himself settled into a married life to earn his father’s trust to allow him to be the heir of the prestigious five-star restaurant his family use to run with different branches across the globe. Two people have bonded together, mostly needing each other for their own benefits. Chanty needs to be married and have someone to be a father to her baby to avoid people shaming her family for becoming a rape victim. However, Lucas will need Chanty as his key to becoming the heir to his family’s legacy. Locked in an arrangement both of their families have agreed to, what kind of life do Chanty and Lucas expect to have? Could it be possible that love be formed in the setup where they have been locked?

SashiWP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

"Get one, and pass." The teacher has given the test papers to us, and when we receive the test paper, we can answer it.

My hand was shaking when I reached the test paper behind me to see who was scheduled to take it, because I was surprised that no one reached out. I looked back and saw Myka behind me. She just stared at me and didn't even move.

"Come on-"

"Just drop it on the floor."

I frowned. I would have been more surprised when I realized that maybe this was about the issue with me again, so even when I handed over the test paper, Myka couldn't reach it, I dropped the paper like she said, and she immediately collected it.

I don't think there is one of them that doesn't hate me. Even my classmates, they treat me like I'm a disgusting thing that they can't smell, sit next to and touch.

"I took a shower-"

I suddenly grabbed my head when I suddenly felt my surroundings spinning. I also started to feel like my stomach was turning upside down. It's like I'm on a dizzying roller coaster ride and... I want to throw up.

And just like that, I suddenly started vomiting in the middle of my classmates who were busy with the exam.



"OMG, what the fvck? My bag!"

"Miss Alejandro, are you okay?" The teacher immediately came to me. "Chanty, can you still see me?"

But I felt like I was frozen, and my eyes started to feel heavy. I'm dizzy and I don't feel good anymore.

"That's a sign, sis. Your frenny got-"

"Don't be noisy!"

I was able to hear Monica and Faye talking in the corner. Before I completely lost consciousness... At least I confirmed to those I considered friends in the classroom, I was betrayed.

"I don't even know who spread it, Mrs. Alejandro. It's just that this morning, the stolen pictures are scattered on social media and it's clear that Chanty is the one in the picture with a man in the bathroom. Well, maybe that's the reason why your dearest daughter is the center of gossip now."

That conversation between the nurse and my mum caught me when I woke up lying on one of the beds here at the school clinic. The two of them were not too far from me so I was able to hear what they were talking about.

"To add to the fire of gossip, it is said that Chanty suddenly became dizzy in the classroom in the middle of the exam and vomited. So, those who witnessed and spread gossip about it think that Chanty might have become pregnant. So, don't be surprised if the students' way of looking at your daughter seems to be different."

"Whoever spreads it will be responsible," I heard my mother say. "If I ever have the chance to know who spread the photos, I will really sue that person. If there is no law against that, I will make one."

When Mama looked back at me, she immediately approached me when she saw that I was wide-eyed. "You're awake. Are we going home now, dear?"

"Later, ma, Can we?" I weakly replied. "When there are no more people outside."

I bent down and just stared at the blanket wrapped around my body. As much as possible, I don't want to leave this room and let the students see me. They will only insult me. Judged. Prejudiced. Now that I know the reason why they have been looking at me differently since earlier, the news has spread about the scandal I was involved in.

Would I be surprised if I knew that Monica was the one who possibly spread those photos on social media?

"Don't worry, mum. I am not afraid. I mean..." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly for a second. "I'm just tired. Right now, I can't stand up and walk properly. I think I need a few more hours of rest."

"But can you test yourself, hija?" I heard the nurse ask. "Only when we can be sure if you will be positive on the pregnancy test."

In the test the nurse said, that's where I was really scared. This is one of the truths I can't face. This is the truth I'm afraid to know... and if only I could... I hope I never know.

"It's okay, dear... if you can't-"

"I can, ma." I stood alone without asking for my mother's support. "I also want to know if it's true that I'm pregnant. Because if not, I will really shout outside that I am not pregnant. For at least one of my issues... to die."

I took the PT that the nurse gave me and went to the bathroom. I waited for me to pee and when it happened, I did the testing on myself. A few seconds passed as I stared at the PT in my hand, still nothing had changed.

I went out and gave it to the nurse. I'm confident that it might not be two lines since more than ten seconds have passed.

"Wait-" said the nurse. It shows us the PT, and it's just starting to move... and the two lines form. "Hija, you are pregnant."


Monica has been spreading the word about my issue on social media. My newsfeed is just full of posts about me, and even about my pregnancy, they seem to already know. The information didn't even come from the nurse who looked at me, but it seems that they strongly suspect that I'm pregnant because of what happened to me yesterday.

You're still running as an honor student, sis. What have you done in your life? - Monica

Such a shame to have you as our friend. Yuck! - Faye

Do you know who? A woman you thought was modest, calm and kind but she still had a scandal? Link to the comment section, guys. That leech deserves to be ashamed. So disgusting! There's also hidden sexiness and lust for sex! - Jade

Not even surprised that this happened to her. It's obvious that the flirting of that girl is inside. Maybe they just weren't prepared, so they made a baby. Poor thing, soon to be a single mom. - Kate

Their four posts went through the newsfeed on social media accounts one after the other after I opened them. I couldn't read it directly. I need to use only one eye for reading, I hope I won't get hurt too much once only one eye can read there.

But it's still the same... the pain of insulting me came from the four of them. It started with the four of them.