

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
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37 Chs



After hearing that order, Dave's opponent Immediately charged at him with peculiar footwork while holding his sword on his right and the shield on his left.

"Go Noah!!" screamed a particular woman in the audience.

Dave's opponent goes by the name Noah. he has yellow buzz-cut hair matching his yellow eyes which being put together on his round face makes him rather cute.

After shortening the distance between him and Dave to 10 meters, Noah abruptly stopped and did a vertical slash on the air.


After casting his first spell toward Dave, he immediately resumed running toward Dave's left-hand side.

'This should make him expose his element' thought Noah as he kept running at Dave's left-hand side approaching his back.

All the time Noah took to try and make Dave expose his element, Dave just stood there looking at Noah expressionlessly. But after the spell Noah cast shortened the distance by another five meters, Dave suddenly sneered as he shut his eyes.

Suddenly, Dave's body became covered with a blinding Light that also started to expand. The blinding Light clashed with the wind slash and immediately dissolved the latter.


The spell didn't stop there, it also engulfed Noah which temporarily made him blind. While covering his eyes with his hands, only one thought came into his mind.

'Light Element'

But before he could plan anything against Dave, he felt a cold item on his neck while a whisper came into his ear.


Not accepting his defeat, Noah did a life-threatening spin which made a strong wind surround him.


The sudden cast of the spell made Dave be left unguarded and pushed back but made himself stable after being apart from Noah by 10 meters.

'Looks like I need to be a bit serious in this fight'

Dave thought while bringing out his other weapon from its sheath making him a dual saber fighter.

"OMG!, Old Long, I can't believe your second disciple has a light element with you," said Lawrence with an incredulous expression.

Not only him but even Old Manuel had a look of unbelief on his face. It must be said that the rarest element currently known in that world Is the light and darkness element. Although there are other rare elements like lightning, poison, and mist, the light and darkness element still stands as the rarest because light stands as harmony and peace while darkness stands as chaos and destruction.

"Hahaha, you better believe it since you finally believe I have good eyes in picking disciples," said Long with a triumphant smile.

But immediately, his smile became more triumphant after hearing Manuel's question.

"But which rank is this your disciple in?"

With a mysterious smile yet again, he replied.

"you will naturally find out when the time is right"

Back on the platform where Dave and Noah were standing facing each other with their respective weapons, Noah spoke with a solemn expression.

"It's truly an honor fighting against someone of the light element"

"Can you stop talking like a matured noble? let's just end this"

After replying to Noah expressionlessly, Dave suddenly dashed at Noah with a shocking speed. Before Noah could enter into a defensive stance, Dave suddenly appeared in front of Noah and did a simple down slash that carried a dangerous power.

with a surprised expression, Noah immediately raised the shield he was just recently holding towards the saber coming towards him not knowing that a black trail was being formed as the saber was descending.


When the saber clashed With Noah's shield, it shockingly shattered the shield and went towards his face. While seeing an imminent danger approaching his face without slowing down a bit, Noah slowly said with an unwilling expression.

"I... surrender"

(To be continued...)

Sorry everyone for the short chapter, I just want to dedicate this chapter to the MC's first fight against someone apart from his master.

Alalibo_Samuelcreators' thoughts