
Enemy Chaser: I Want My Revenge

While hunting down a team that was said to be responsible for destroying his home, Adrian Dylan has sworn vengeance against all current members of Revelation. But in order to take them down, he needs to train and become strong enough to take them down. But in the very end, there will be a twist.

Anthony_Galloway · Fantasy
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24 Chs

King Of Kings.

The day had come. It was just a matter of time before they arrived at my gates. Yesterday was nothing but watching the Warriors train. I sat in the throne room with the newly constructed throne. I wouldn't say I liked the idea of a throne, but my Generals insisted since the throne is a symbol of leadership. Apparently, the damn thing had an effect on the citizens.

I found a new book, which was a continuation of the last one. The name was Cries Of War. I was reading a chapter named Retribution. There was a quote that really spoke to me.

"Amidst the pages of history, the wisest kings are those who etch their legacy not in stone, but in the hearts of their subjects, for their reigns are remembered not by the riches of their coffers, but by the richness of their wisdom."

This quote spoke on an intelligent level. What I took away was that. The most enduring and profound legacy of a wise King is not measured by material wealth or grand monuments but by the positive impact they have on the lives and hearts of their people. Wisdom and benevolent rule leave a lasting mark on history, as they are remembered and cherished by the citizens for generations to come.

I closed the book when I noticed a General enter the room. 

"What's going on, General?" I asked.

He walked in and delivered a message. He says that he sent a scouting unit to see any army nearby. He said that they had made it back safely and had located my uncle and cousin about three miles away. 

I thanked him and ordered him to split the army around Canaria and put them in absolute security. He bowed and dismissed himself.

I found myself at the main gate. I waited for them to arrive along with General Haloi and his small army that is stationed at the main gate.

"My Lord, if you end up getting dethroned, I will fight to my last breath," Said General Haloi. 

"That would never happen, General. I won't allow it," I replied.

The head gate guard shouted that people were approaching the gate.

Haloi and I approached the gate with twenty warriors. I told them to stay at the gate's doors as I walked slightly closer. 

Immediately, I could see that this was my family's unit approaching the gate. Their shields had our family crest on it. The crest was a sun with a white aura around the brim of it.

The unit stopped once I was seen. What made this worse was the fact that they came during the night.

"So the rumors are true. Prince Adrian is still alive, or is it King Adrian now," My uncle, General Kane Dylan, said sarcastically. 

All I could do was give him the death stare.

"I take it you know why we are here, Adrian?" He asked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He got off his horse and said, "I think we both know what I want. Don't play dumb boy."

"Watch your tone when you're talking to a King Fool," I replied.

He and his whole unit, including my cousin, hysterically laughed at me. This really pissed me off, but I had to keep my composure. I smirked and said, "I'm more of a King than any of you will ever be."

The laughing stopped, and my cousin said, "You illegally claimed the throne. You know as well as I how our empire works, fool."

I shot back and said, "If that was the case, where were you all while we got massacred by Revelation?" I shouted.

I then added, "Or when they left our Kingdom destroyed. Where were you when it was not in operation? Why Now?"

Then I felt spiteful and asked, "Is it because my father had the throne and you didn't?"

My uncle snarled and said, "On behalf of the Iron Empire, I, General Kane Dylan, legally claim the throne."

I drew my sword and said, "Let there be no doubt, I speak to you, and you alone. Harm our Kingdom, and you will regret it."

"You are nothing like your father, and I'll give you that," He said before he drew his sword and said, "You know good well I am a sword chaser boy; don't tempt me."

I looked back at Haloi and said, "General, Guard Canaria, with your lives."

He bowed his head and said, "Yes, My Lord."

I turned to my uncle and said, "You have one more chance before I hurt you, General."

"Bite me. Boy," He said momentarily.

I tapped on my sea,l and it gleamed. I summoned my durable training sword and dual-wielded them. I set one on fire, and one had Ice.

Seeing this made him second-guess himself to engage me.

"How could the likes of you have such a power? You are weak, just like your father."

I gave him one chance to back off, and he signaled his son to join him.

But this was a game changer. I didn't want to believe this, but I saw something suspicious about my cousin. I couldn't believe my eyes. I wasn't that close to them, but I swore that I saw the number ten behind his ear. 

It seemed like time froze. Chills ran down my spine, and the dots started connecting. What's the coincidence of my cousin having a number behind his ear? And suddenly, my uncle claims the throne.

It was clear. They were involved in the destruction of my home. My eyes widened, and the blood vessels felt like they were filling. 

"You bastards," I said wickedly.

The ground started to rumble, and I could hear Naldi laughing in my head.

I immediately stopped myself and said, "Get out of my home. Or I will kill you."

And then I uttered, "Traitors."

My uncle looked slightly confused. I explained what I had just seen and told them that I would obliterate them.

My uncle ordered My cousin to fall back with the army.

He summoned a sword called the Blade Of Fury and said, "You should've just died." And he engaged me in battle.