
Enemy Chaser: I Want My Revenge

While hunting down a team that was said to be responsible for destroying his home, Adrian Dylan has sworn vengeance against all current members of Revelation. But in order to take them down, he needs to train and become strong enough to take them down. But in the very end, there will be a twist.

Anthony_Galloway · Fantasy
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24 Chs

General Arzola

As I waited for the spy to reach us, I drew a picture of the numbers that I had encountered while fighting Revelation. It has been a few months, and I've already encountered six members. VI, IV, II, IX, VIII, and X were all the numbers I remember seeing so far.

I began connecting lines from one number to the next based on which members were paired. The only numbers that had been singled out were II, and my cousin, which was number X. II, was Imani's brother, Jaimes Haulder.

I couldn't even fathom why this was such a topic of interest. My main focus should've been getting out of here. But I couldn't help but shake some odd feelings from that day. Why was Jaimes by himself that day? He knew well and well that attacking a place with professional sword chasers was not going to be an easy job to pull off. Also, conveniently, Imani was there as well, his sister. 

It's almost like he knew she was going to be there since he appeared to have no objective. I wrote this down as I thought it through. For the first two I encountered, they seemed too lax for what they had done. They almost seem inhuman at best. They have no remorse for killing or harming people, and, most notably, their nonchalantness makes it even worse to be on the other end of their weapon.

For the twins, they are a compelling pair. They work in the dark by taunting you, and they make it work somehow. But they have a strange aura. I feel like I didn't entirely kill that one.

As for my cousin, well, he was not one of my priorities. I know without a doubt I could kill him If I wished, so there's no worry there. But I don't understand his purpose in joining them. That much was unclear.

I stood up and got a clear look at what I had just created, and from behind me, I heard my uncle's voice say, "You. Nor anyone you know will stop them. It's pointless to map them out. They are an abomination. No one can stop them."

I slowly turned my head at him and said, "Well. You better hope I don't ever leave this cell because if I do. You're going to die a worse death than my father."

He noticed the aura around me and noticeably backed away from my cell.

"Well. Deathday is upon you, young prince," He said with a grin as he walked away.

As soon as the chamber doors had shut, I heard a "psst" come from the window. I snapped my head back, and there was the spy. "My Lord, I am here with news," I asked him what was going on on the outside. He said that they were building a guillotine for my execution. He also mentioned something about Arzola.

He said that he had already run into her and explained everything that had happened. I had asked him what she had planned. He said she had a plan and to give me three things. A blade, note, and a key were handed to me. He bowed his head and said, "For Iron, My Lord." and left the area.

I opened the note, and it read, "Lord Adrian, if this note reaches you on time, I have great news. I found some freelance chasers while I was away. Many will arrive in the future, but some decided to aid us directly. I have a plan. Just be ready to fight within the next hour and a half. Also, free any of our former warriors that have been captured." The note ended there.

I crumbled the note up and quickly went to the door. There was a guard at the end of the hall, and he wasn't in. our direct line of sight, but he was a reasonable distance from us.

I tossed the note across the room, and it caught his attention. Then, I quickly unlaced my boot and took the string off. The guard was one of my uncle's demons.

He approached my cell and said, "Don't be a fool, Adrian." But before he could finish his sentence, I used the dagger and entered it into his throat. I pushed his body into my General's cell, and they silenced him before taking the key and freeing us.

Once we were free, I snuck to the entrance, looked up the stairs, and saw two more guards. I devised a plan to lure them down so we could get them, too. The plan was to pretend to be in distress while one of the Generals hid and took them out.

We got into positions and began shouting for help. Haloi was the one we used to take them down. One of the guards came down and saw the guard web had been killed. Haloi crept from behind and took him down. The rest of us left our cells.

But from behind Haloi, I saw the other guard grab him and have him at sword point.

"Drop the dagger, or I kill him," The guard said. I looked Haloi in the eyes and nodded. I swiftly darted the dagger at the guard's head, and both of them dropped to the ground.

While leaning in to help Hanoi up, he held his stomach as if he was wounded. "For Iron, My Lord," he said as he took his last breath.

My body stopped moving. I had completely shut down. I held Haloi's hand and said, "May the echos of your valor resound in every battlefield, noble General. Farewell, and may your future in the afterlife be as glorious as the battles you've bravely faced."

I pulled the sword out of his wound and said, "We fight in the name of General Haloi."

I wiped the blood off, and all of us exited the room. Before anything, I told them we should divide and conquer. I ordered them to free our warriors while I confronted my uncle. They acknowledged me and were on their way.

Now, it was time for me to end this madness once and for all.