

Hooria_Tayyab · Action
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6 Chs




I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a voice."UGH! I have to go to school again"."HUH! who's there?". I asked totally confused looking around the room while rubbing my eyes but there was no one except me. So, I slept again but that voice didn't stop coming.


He kept on changing his sides putting pillow on his ears, suddenly he fell off his bed on his butt due to a scream."AHHHHH! 7:00 I got late today again, no no no no no".


I mentally screamed looking at the time as I was getting late, I quickly grab my backpack, suddenly I started feeling pain in my butt, but I ignored it and ran downstairs


"AHHHHH! SHIT MAN" he groan frustratedly and get up to go to school.


I came to school's front gate running, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath as my heart beat was too fast.


I was in the car With my brother and suddenly my heart beat became fast I put my hand on my chest."Chris" my brother Mike called my name."yeah?" "you okay?" "yes! I-i'm fine." I said and we drove off.



She was walking through the corridor when she saw best friend Lia, she excitedly ran to her and hug her, " you don't talk to me" she said being angry. " why?" she asked confused breaking the hug, "you're late again when I told you to come early ". Ava pout showing her puppy eyes which can even melt a stone and said, "sorry ". " I want to know from where did you learn how to convince someone?" she said looking at her in disbelief. Ava laugh, but soon there beautiful moment was ruin bcz of a huge group of girls screaming for the non other than the bad Boys of aur school. They both roll their eyes backwards, "How these girls get this much energy at early in the morning?"."I was thinking that what they see in them that makes these girls scream like a psycho?" she taking her books from the locker, " even if you hate Chris but you have to agree that he looks good". "Yeah there's only one good thing in him and that is his looks " they both laugh, suddenly someone bump his shoulder in her making her books to fall, she gritted her teeth and look up just to see her only enemy Chris Wheeler. She stares at him angrily while he was standing there smirking, "Oh hey! I didn't see you there ". he said making her more angry but she still keeps her calm face and said, "How many times I have to tell you that get a check up of your eyes they are getting blind day by day ". " I don't know why is your tongue is getting bitter day by day when you love eating sweet". She chuckles a bit and look at him, "I thought only your eyes need a check up but now I think your brain needs it too " , they both started fighting while everyone was watching their fight like a daily routine drama, but some of girls were jealous cuz he only talks to her even though she is always rude with him but still he loves to tease her and to pick on her.



I was sitting in the teacher's cabin bored she's literally just giving me lectures since half an hour bcz I got fail in math, that's when I heard the voice from morning, "Why's she calling me ?", at first I didn't notice it but now I know who's this voice is, the door knocked , and opened revealing Ava. "Now what's he doing here?" , it's her . " Chris you can go now". she said interrupting my thoughts, I left the cabin and stand outside of the room to hear their conversation.



She came out of the room just find Chris eavesdropping, he stands straight after seeing her. "Congratulations for being my tutor" , he said smiling while she just stare at him coldly. "Be at library after school" she turned around and was about to go when he pulled her hand to face him, "Why are you always act rude Infront of me, huh?" he asked innocently. "At library, after school, on time". He chuckles looking at her disappearing figure "Cute".

*To be continued*