
Chapter 88


Ariana held the bottle to her chest in tears, how could she have done this to her? As if telling Max her secret wasn't enough, she had to give him the bottle.

" I didn't expect this from you" she said in tears.

" Now I know something, no one can ever take the place of your real mum in your life" she said and wiped her tears.

She poured the content of Max's bottle into her own before peeking out her tent.

When she was sure no one was out, she took some sand and put in Max's bottle. She closed the bottle and cleaned it so as not to give her away.

What was she planning to do with sand? 

I guess only time will tell!!

She put Max's bottle in a place she knew she would be able to see it once she woke up before going to sleep.

But before going to sleep, she muttered, " game on"

   The previous night, Ariana had set an alarm on her phone for 5:00 instead of six. She wanted to be up before anyone.

After she woke up, she dressed her tent, took Max's bottle and hid it in her dress. She left her tent quietly and made her way to deep inside the forest.


   At exactly 6a.m, all the students woke up as a result of their beeping alarms. They changed into their swimsuits and left for the river to bathe and so did Ariana. 

They were all at the river having their bathe when suddenly they saw someone screaming in their direction. With the way the person was constantly itching, they felt it was a madman.

" I never knew mad men usually resided on camp grounds" a girl murmured to her friend.

The 'mad man' continued to run in their direction and the girls became scared and started to run out of the water in different directions.

Seeing this, the boys ran to the madman and held him down. They held him and took him to the campground where there was enough light and that was when they saw his face properly due to the lighting present on campground......... Max.

They were all shocked to see Max.

" You're the mad man?" Tony asked.

" I don't get it " that was Nicolas.

Max continued to itch and scream making his body turn red from all the itching. There were also sores all over his body which made the boys wonder what he'd eaten that made him itch so much.

The girls arrived and surrounded him after calling the principal.

" What is wrong here?" Mr Shawn asked.

" Sir, we were bathing only to....." A boy explained everything that happened without leaving any details out.

Mr Shawn thought hard, " check his tent, you might find something. Let's know what the cause of this is" he said and directed some boys into Max's tent.

Max became alarmed, what if they searched where he didn't search and found the bottle? What then? He'd definitely be expelled.

" Sir, I'll join them in looking" Ariana offered and passed Max a dreadful glare.

" Alright" Mr Shawn agreed and Ariana went to join the boys who were in Max's tent.

  After some time, the boys came out with Ariana.

" Did you find anything?" Mr Shawn asked 

" No sir" Tony replied. 

" I think he's allergic to campgrounds sir" a boy said and Mr Shawn nodded.

" You may be right. Once it's 9, I'll send Max back home" Mr Shawn said and left while others returned to bath.

  Max sighed in relief but his relief was short lived when Ariana spoke.

" Worried about this?" She asked showing him his bottle.

Max looked at her, " how'd you get it?" He asked.

" Easy. I joined the boys who were searching your tent⛺ and I found this" she said.

" But, if you found this, why didn't you tell on me?" He asked, still itching.

" That's because I wanna offer you a deal" she said with a grin.

" A deal!!" He scoffed, " I'm listening"

" Well, I have the remedy for your itching and in exchange, you don't tell anyone my secret"

" Never. I'll live with this itching but keeping your secret, it's not happening. You should have thought about your secret before you slapped me" he told her.

" Okay then Max. I accept but you should know that the leaves I used on you can lead to cancer If not removed immediately" she told him and made to leave.

Max became scared, he didn't want to be a cancer patient.

" Fine, give me the remedy and I'll not tell anyone your secret"

" That's more like it" she told him and threw the bottle at him before going to bathe.

Max sighed, he was going to get a better chance.

Ariana smiled to herself, " it was easier than I thought" .

Guys don't forget to tell me what you think. 

I've being giving hints on Ariana's secret so in the comments section, tell me what you think Ariana's secret is.

Remains your lovely author,

Star Macy.

Check out my other books;

Elena by Star Macy

An affair with my brother-in-law by Star Macy

Nikki the runaway bride by Star Macy