
Chapter 138



" So, are we going for Becks M?" One of the representatives from Zach devices asked.

" That'll be perfect" they all agreed.

" Wait a minute. How can you all agree for Becks M? Is she worth being the face of our products?" I asked. I was sick and tired of everyone constantly praising this Becks M whoever she was.

" Are you joking? This is the best strategy we can come up with. Becks M is the most followed on Maciana. She's America's most popular and talented actress and model. Don't you know her? " 

" And how will I know her? I don't follow up irrelevant things" I said

" Well, you'll see how our stocks will increase just by partnering with Becks M" a representative from my company said.

" Fine. You can all talk to her about it" I said, I was already tired of this whole Becks M conversation and I needed to prepare for my next meeting.

" Alright then, we'll speak to her and we'll give you feedback in a week's time" a Zach devices' representative said.

" Okay, thanks" Arnold said and we all got up and they left.

I was about to leave when Arnold pulled me back and locked the door of the conference room.

 " What are you doing?" I asked, trying hard to keep my cool.

" Did you know you just embarrassed yourself?" He asked and my jaw dropped. To me, this meeting went smoothly so how did I embarrass myself? It's not like I took a shoe and shoved it in my mouth.

" You embarrassed yourself by making it public that you have no idea who Becks M is. Even a new born knows who she is so how can you not? " Arnold asked and I rolled my eyes.

" Oh my goodness!! " I muttered. " It's always about her, everyone's favorite, Becks M. Isn't it enough that she's already the face of the company. So what's your deal if I know or do not know her? " I asked. I'd had enough with the whole Becks M thing. Who the heck was she and where did she come from because to me, she was nothing but a spotlight stealer.

" Raymond, you.... " Not waiting for Arnold to complete his statement, I fumed out of the conference room to my office where I instructed Maya to cancel all my meetings before I shut my door behind me.

I got to my seat and I quickly poured myself a glass of water before gulping it in an entire go.

I opened a little box on my table and a smile crept on my face after seeing that smile, that smile that one could kill for,, that smile that I left behind and couldn't see one more time before the owner passed away. I carefully took the picture of the box and I felt hot tears well up In my eyes.

" I'm sorry Ari, I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most and I'm sorry" I said before using the back of my palm to wipe my tears.

I knew what I did ten years ago couldn't be justified even though I had the perfect explanation for it. I still remembered how she'd called out to me when I was about to board that flat but I didn't listen to her. I still boarded the flight and what still hurts me is the fact that she left this world before I could explain myself.

I kissed the picture and like a drug, it had a soothing effect on me. Infact, thinking of Ariana always gave me a soothing effect and Arnold called it weird most times.

Most times, he told me I was dwelling on childish love and I just never paid any attention to him.

I gently put the picture back in the box before going out to meet Maya.

" I believe we have a meeting with Priya shoes now" I said and adjusted my suit.

" But sir you....."

" Don't be lazy. Let's go" I said and left a confused Maya standing to herself.

To be the boss, you have to make sure no one understands you and I just made sure of that.


Maya and I walked into the company ( Priya shoes). It was an Indian owned company that dealt in the production of both female, male and children sized modern and traditional shoes. I'd partnered with it to Convey a message as well as make more money.

" Mr Raymond Styles" the woman I presumed to be the boss' secretary called out.

" Yes"

" The third room by your left on the third floor" she said and left. Not saying too much but getting to the point.

" Learn from her Maya. Don't be such a blabbermouth" I said and got into the elevator with Maya.

" But I never talk too much. Infact sir Arnold thinks I do a great job as your secretary and..." She closed her mouth after realizing that she might have said too much.

" See.... Don't argue with the boss. I know better than you do" I said and immediately the elevator got to the third floor, I walked out of it and walked straight to the third room by my left.

Immediately I got to the third room, I knocked and walked in.

" Mr styles" a man in his mid forties greeted and we shook hands.

" Good morning Mr

Vasnani" I greeted before sitting opposite him.

" I'm so sorry for the impromptu of this meeting, I just thought I'd share with you a great strategy I just thought of in improving your clothesline" he said, smiles evident on his face.

" And what Is that?" I asked.

" Let's hire a model to advertise our products" he said happily.

" Which model?" I asked.

" Becks M?" Maya asked and I clenched my fists under the table.

" Exactly. How did you know? She's the best and...." Hearing Mr Vasnani call Becks M the best made me so furious that I didn't know when I got up and banged hard on the table.

'' she's not the best" I yelled in anger and he stared at me, shocked.

I knew he didn't expect such an unprofessional act from me but I didn't care. I was sick and tired of everyone calling Becks a goddess.

I sat back down, " I'm not interested in this deal anymore. If you're gonna keep talking about Becks M, I don't wanna partner with you" I said, hoping it'd stop him from talking about Becks M but it all backfired.

" Alright then, the deal's off. You'll get your balance tomorrow" he said and got up before walking up to me. " You ingrate" he yelled angrily before striking a punch across my face.

" How dare you" I yelled and before we knew it, we started a fight and if not for the timely intervention of his co workers, I'd have killed him.

" Tell them, tell everyone. Everyone should know that Raymond Styles is a hoodlum and he fights all his business partners"

I was about to rush to him when I suddenly heard my name.


" So what do you think about it?" Mr Vasnani asked me and then it dawned on me, nothing actually happened. 

I'd imagined it all!!!!

I heaved a sigh of relief.


Don't forget to check out:


An affair with my brother-in-law.

Both by Star Macy.

Good night lovelies.