
Three-dimensional combat tactics

"Good afternoon, cadets. I am Captain Theseus, and I will have the honor of being your teacher in this class of Three-Dimensional Combat Tactics. As you have already seen, the system has loaded a huge amount of possible tactics as large as they are inefficient on their own if not "We came to understand the nature of these types of combat in space in order to apply the most optimal tactics."

All the cadets were attentive, it was the first time they saw the modern simulation cabins, even the simulated command bridge that was really the classroom. Compared to the cabins in which they took the exam, these did give the sensation of being in keeping with the times in which they lived.

"Does anyone know what the difference is between three-dimensional combat and the normal combat we're used to?"

Many cadets looked at Telemachus, although this time he was as lost as the rest trying to understand what answer the professor wanted.

"Yes, Cadet Eneas, what is his response?"

"Although our reality and perception are in three dimensions, really in macro terms, our life is based on linear interactions in two directions; even if there are things at different heights, we would really be in a matter of planes within the same dimension and not in one "three-dimensional situation"

"Perfect answer; I couldn't have expressed it better. Indeed, although we live and perceive in three dimensions, most of our interaction actually takes place in two of them. This causes our mind to have certain vices or habits that we will not only try to eliminate, but we will also learn to exploit those habits."

Theseus's voice and the way he spoke made everyone in the classroom pay attention, as if they were children and they were being told a story.

"During the first five days, we will review these basic tactics, and from that moment on, the real simulation will begin. Here, where you are, this classroom will become your first ship to command, the Arcadia. In it, you will find up to 30 different roles, and day by day one of you will act as commander of this ship, assigning the different available roles freely, so think carefully about your configuration."

Captain Theseus paused again dramatically, and most of the cadets began to look at each other as they thought about who they would choose and for what. From what they could see, the "Arcadia" had 10 fighter simulators, 10 Mech simulators, two weapons positions, two pilot positions, two radar positions, a communications position, a defense position, one for the second on board, and the commander's position.

"The ship that we will simulate in our classes, the Arcadia, is a light cruiser-type ship, fast and mobile, but with a weak attack against large defenses. Each day, the assumption with which they will work will be different; it does not matter if they win in the simulation of the enemy or not, but whether they are able to apply and justify their decisions during the exercise"

Captain Theseus put an image on the screen of an elegant light cruiser-type ship; basically, it was a basic ship; normally, it could be handled by an officer with the rank of Captain.

"What is the first basic defense tactic of space combat?"

"Get out of the two-dimensionality of the enemy"

"And you understand why he is like that, Cadet Telemachus."

"If we take our trajectory out of the area of the front or sides of our enemy looking for the low or upper oblique angle, the enemy will have to locate us by radar, and the time delay of the system is an opportunity to continue moving and stop being a target easy"

"Cadet Ajax, if the defense tactic is to get out of two-dimensionality, is the basic attack tactic the same?"

"I understand that it must be the opposite, Captain Theseus, if we seek to position ourselves on a two-dimensional plane with respect to our enemy, our ability to attack or even prevent a counterattack will be easier or faster."

The class session evolved with questions and answers, from basic maneuvers to more complex questions. They still had days ahead to continue with the exercises before starting the simulations, but all the cadets were already dreaming of being able to command that imaginary ship.

Eneas had it clear for the day that it would be his turn as commander of the Arcadia, he would choose Telemachus as second in command; Ajax, Hector, Nestor and Jason would put them as users of Mechas, he would surely send the most conflictive ones like Agamemnon or Agamemnon to the fighters. Paris, and the rest would be distributed among the rest of the roles.

Classes were over for that day, and they were finally able to go to the common dining room to weigh all the surprises that classes had brought them. The rest of the groups had also finished, so it was the first time that everyone had met again since the previous day. The class of Hercules seemed especially chosen to be the elite; despite not being all those who had obtained the best results, a group of quite haughty cadets constituted it: the idol of the female cadets Apollo, the bully Ares, the chilling brothers Hephaestus and Hades, the haughty Athena...

Eneas would have to work hard if he wanted to be above all the other cadets and obtain a place in Argos.

While he was lost in those plans, Ogmios' voice brought him out of his reverie.

"Congratulations Eneas, the prize amount has been deposited in your bank account, you are now officially a rich man."

Eneas knew that he had to save to be able to pay his mother's ticket when the time came for the harsh end, but he was still a young boy; who wouldn't be tempted to indulge in something? Since that first day they would not have class after lunch, and he had the afternoon free, as soon as he finished eating and chatting with his classmates from group two, with the excuse of going to see his mother, he said goodbye and went out to the academy parking lot. With the intention of taking his Amaru... The time had really come to do some shopping...