
Chapter 17

It was twelve AM, the darkness of the night have covered the entire New York city except for the fact that the street lights illuminated the streets.

Ethan has already traveled to the dreamland as he kept snoring like a farmer who spent the whole day in the farm.

Meanwhile Ella was lying beside him with her potbelly, her eyes were wide open like a watchman who had to stay awake the whole night and watch over a city.

She kept turning sides on the bed while trying to doze off but it seemed that sleep wasn't coming where near her.

Ethan had tried cuddling her for almost an hour before she was able to doze off for the first time around ten PM, but around twelve AM she was awaken by the movement of Olivia the baby in her womb.

As she was lying on the bed her mind drifted back to the day that the doctor announced the gender of the baby to them.

Ethan couldn't withhold his joy, his expression made her remember the very day she accepted Ethan's proposal to be his wife.