
Endless Universes - Phoenix Rebirth Path - The 4325th

My Name is Red Everflame. I am An Arch God. I am A Heavenly Flame Phoenix Demon. I have reached the peak of the universe, only behind the owner of the universe. I am a champion, a winner, a master, a genius, and a hero. I am proud of that. However, I am just looking for a simple life. I want a wife who I love and also love me. But... What is Love? When the chance to escape from the numbness of the life on the peak arrived. I take it with both hand. The path is the path of a phoenix. I will reincarnate to reach another steps. I will experience new lives that I desire. From Ash I will return to the peak... That is to answer a question. Could I have the simple life that I desire? I become a normal farmer. I become a hunter I become a teacher I become a singer I become a dancer I become a general I become a princess I become a prince I become a queen I become a king I become an alchemist I become a talisman maker I become a formation master I become a blacksmith I become... I become... I become... Who? Who am I? Am I still Red Everflame, who soared through the endless sky? Am I Nong Min a simple farmer in a small village? Am I Lady Eshenesra Orira the female general of a wood elf tribe? Am I King Robert III the only king who conquered an entire continents? I got even more questions. [Writing Prompts Contest #1: Reincarnation] [Writing Prompts Contest #2: Modern Day Cinderella] [Writing Prompts Contest #3: Video Games] Warning 1: This isn't my main novel. Some surprise arc (reincarnation) might happen every new contest. I need some break from my main novel to escape from writer block and test some writing style. Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1.368th My Main Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10935403706210205 Warning 2: To reincarnate, each reincarnation would receive his/her ending. There would be many main characters. Different gender, different species, and different life background. Warning 3: Standard webnovel's original chapter (1.000-1.500 words long). My main goal was to practice faster pace with this novel. I want to keep each reincarnation under 5 chapters if it was possible. My main novel was (2.500-3.500 words long sometimes 4.000+). Warning 4: This should be the 4th novel on my idea queue, but I publish this to celebrate the event. This is planned to advertise my main novel. Warning 5: This Path had a connection with Young Master Path. Some very little spoiler would happen.

MasterRabbink · Eastern
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27 Chs

The Second Match

"Where am I?" Red had just merged his memory. He knew about Jason's life journey. Jason was Red, the same as Red was Jason.

"It is another small planet in the lower mortal realm. Most planets with high civilization would barely have cultivators." Master Rabbink explained.

"This Jason is a professional eSport athlete?" Red tried to read his newfound memory.

"Yes, a good one at that. I believe as an Arch God, you have already visited some planets who like the game like this, right?"

"Yes. However, this isn't as modern as I imagined. They still use the neural system to connect to the gaming world. A more advanced planet would totally live in the virtual world." Red said.

"What are you going to do right now? Your team is losing." Master Rabbink said.

"My Team?" Red read Jason's memory.

He learned that Jason was a player of The Steel Throne, the current number one game on the planet.

The Steel Throne was a MOBA game played by two teams consisted of five players each.

A MOBA game's main goal was to defeat the enemy team's base. To enter the enemy base, one would have to defeat the towers protecting the path first.

There were usually a limited number of paths or lanes. The Steel Throne used three paths, the Mid Lane, the Top Lanes, and the Bottom Lanes. It was based on the position on the map. Mid lane was the shortest.

While the area between the lanes was called the jungle. The jungle was the location where the neutral monsters appeared. Jason was playing in the jungle when he was ambushed.

The computer would play a squad of minions called creeps for each team. The creeps would appear from the beginning of each team path or lanes. Each time a group of creep appeared would be called a wave.

A wave consisted of three to five melee creeps added with a long-range creep. Sometimes a siege weapon, that could deal extra damage to a defensive tower, would appear after a certain number of waves. They were like the soldiers for the general players.

Since the mid lane was the shortest, the waves would be quicker. It would give more money and experience to the character positioned in the mid. Both teams usually put one character who could quickly kill the opponent waves there.

Red looked into the dark stage. A slightly dark-blue hue from below the neural machines made the atmosphere solemn. It was different from the huge roaring crowd outside the stage. All his teammates were inside the dive machine, which they used to enter the neural network to play the game.

He remembered Jason was a participant in this World Steel Throne League. This was the first match of the league. A match between two teams in The Steel Throne competitive match was the best three out of five matches. His team had lost the first match.

Red watched the monitor in the room while he took his smart assistant to hear the commentator on the online video streaming site.

The smart assistant had replaced the smartphones in this world. It would show the panel on the vision and stream the audio directly to the head. A user could navigate using the virtual panel touch or by ordering the assistant.

"This is almost the end period of the game, the end game. The V-Light team had managed to build their carry character, Merlin the Wiz. After the group supported him during the entire fight. The carry character had managed to purchase expensive equipment. This is the beginning of their attack. This is the time when the carried begins to CARRY the team to the victory." The commentator said.

"On the other side, the P-Tigre's carry character still needs to buy two more equipment. This is because he lost the battle too many times in the early game. Now the V-Light team starts to search a lone member of P-Tigre."

"OH, MY GOD!!! The V-Light's support character managed to locate the P-Tigre's carry character. The person succeeded to fill his role as the observer. He called his teammates and went to taunt the other P-Tigre's members in the mid lane. HOLY SHIT!!! The P-Tigre fall into the trap. THEY ARE NOOBS. NOOBS. 2 members of P-Tigre chase the support. He is only the bait, NOOBS!!!"

"OH, MY GOD! They would mob the lone player. The gank would start. This time the V-Light will RAPE the lone member hard. It was the P-Tigre's jungler character, the Grizzle Orc who once again is found out. After NoobKid23D was replaced by SilentBoy, the P-Tigre didn't change the character."

"This is FUCKED!!! Normally a jungler would go solo to hunt neutral monsters and avoided competing for gold and experience point with his teammates. This made them the easiest target for a gank sneak attack." The commentator explained the listener.

"Oh, God! The jungler, Grizzly Orc is unaware and picked another rune buff for his team, but... but... but... HE SHOULD PREPARE HIS HOLE since the gank would happen soon."

Red saw his teammate who used the Grizzle Orc character was surrounded by the enemy sneak attack. It was three versus one, it was a gank, an event where more than one member of a team attacked a lone member of the enemy team.

"OH... Oh... Oh... It's happened!!! The disabler character of the V-Light team starts with an immobilize attack. While the P-Tigre had banned the Shadow Knight. The V-Light picked another disabler character, the Troll Shaman. The Troll Shaman managed to disable the P-Tigre's jungler. It is his job and he brilliantly does that. The Grizzle Orc was stunned."

"V-Light's ganker character, the Shining Elf started to appear from the shadow. She had hidden in the jungle behind the Grizzle Orc. The assassin or the ganker continued to spam her attack. As a ganker, she would help to deal damage to the stunned enemies. She would chase if the enemies tried to run using her above average movement speed and her quick burst damage. The Grizzle Orc wouldn't be able to escape. WE SHOULD PREPARE!!!" The commentator started to become more heated.

The elf continued to use her normal attack and the quick Triple Shot to the Orcs in the screen.

"Their Carry, Merlin the Wiz had prepared another series of spells. Flame Bolt! HITTT! Fireball!!! HIT again! Oh No! Oh No! Nooooo!!! Hellfire next! HELFIREEEE!!! That's it! It is a fried orc takeaway!"

Red saw the old wizard character still did a basic attack while his teammate, the Grizzle Orc was stunned again by the opponent's disabler, the Troll Shaman.

"OH SHIT! FUCK!!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!! The Dizzling Orc is dead. Merlin had carried his team again. It is the same tactic and it happens twice. The P-Tigre need to check their heads to the doctor."

"OOOoooo!!! They started to gank another member of P-Tigre. This time it is their support character. The gank is another success. Two down!!! That is fast. Another stupidity of the Tigre."

"V-Light's Tanker, on the other hand, managed to protect his team's support. Both were chased by P-Tigre players. The support manages to run into their tower. The chase ends in disaster for P-Tigre."

Red saw the almost dead support ran. At the same time, the opponent's tank character used his attack to delay three of his teammates. A tanker could receive huge damage, so it was useless to attack him. The tank also had enough health point to run away even if he was targeted.

Their opponent's support recovered in a healing pool in their base. While his teammates regrouped.

"The V-Light had joined their team. They continued to push the middle lane, another tower down. Second tower down. The tanker becomes the bait of the tower's attack while his team destroyed the tower. Once again Merlin and the Elf deal huge damage."

Red saw another defense tower of his team started to get destroyed. Each lane had three towers, that was his team's last tower.

"It is free now. Five versus Three. It wouldn't be easy. The P-Tigre's disabler tried to disable the opponents. However, he missed the important enemy's disabler. The Troll Shaman managed to use area of effect, Paralyze Cloud!!! It is an AoE disable skill. That is the Toll Shaman's Ultimate attack. Merlin, the Wiz's Ulti is also used. THE METEOR!!! It is the most powerful skill of Merlin. Oh GOD!!! The GANGBANG is not over. It is not over."

"The Elf also uses the Blink skill. She teleported to behind the injured P-Tigre's members. She uses her Ultimate too, ARROW SHOWER!!!! GOD HELP THE TIGER!"

"The Tigres would turn into flat tigers after this. OMG. Two more down, Two more down. Only Tigre's tank manages to survive three Ulti in a row. It is a free HOLE for the V-Light now."

"They gank the lone tanker. Nooooo. They did it. The tanker died, that is a dead end for the Tigre. It is a clear field now. OOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!! They attack the base."

"DAAAAAAAMNIT!!! THE TIGRE IS FUCKED AGAIN!!! Two versus zero now. V-Light leads the match. I should not bet on the dickhead like the Tigre."

"Back to the topic, it seems their main Jungler, Jason the NoobKid23D had recovered. Will he fight in the third match? I doubt he would affect too much since V-Light had better teamwork. I will bet on V-Light on the third match. Your beloved commentator, CURSEboy here. Do not forget to gift me some Steel Coins!!! Until the third match, Listeners."

Chapter 03/08/2018 - I have tried to introduce MOBA term for reader who don't know. Feel free to ask if you still want to ask. I have tried to merge several different MOBA, each MOBA had their own roles.

Term here: Creep, Wave, Roles (Support (Observer, there is also Healer, Buffer), Tanker, Jungler, Carry, Disabler), and Gank.

Read my main novel:

Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1368th


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