
Endless Universes - Phoenix Rebirth Path - The 4325th

My Name is Red Everflame. I am An Arch God. I am A Heavenly Flame Phoenix Demon. I have reached the peak of the universe, only behind the owner of the universe. I am a champion, a winner, a master, a genius, and a hero. I am proud of that. However, I am just looking for a simple life. I want a wife who I love and also love me. But... What is Love? When the chance to escape from the numbness of the life on the peak arrived. I take it with both hand. The path is the path of a phoenix. I will reincarnate to reach another steps. I will experience new lives that I desire. From Ash I will return to the peak... That is to answer a question. Could I have the simple life that I desire? I become a normal farmer. I become a hunter I become a teacher I become a singer I become a dancer I become a general I become a princess I become a prince I become a queen I become a king I become an alchemist I become a talisman maker I become a formation master I become a blacksmith I become... I become... I become... Who? Who am I? Am I still Red Everflame, who soared through the endless sky? Am I Nong Min a simple farmer in a small village? Am I Lady Eshenesra Orira the female general of a wood elf tribe? Am I King Robert III the only king who conquered an entire continents? I got even more questions. [Writing Prompts Contest #1: Reincarnation] [Writing Prompts Contest #2: Modern Day Cinderella] [Writing Prompts Contest #3: Video Games] Warning 1: This isn't my main novel. Some surprise arc (reincarnation) might happen every new contest. I need some break from my main novel to escape from writer block and test some writing style. Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1.368th My Main Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10935403706210205 Warning 2: To reincarnate, each reincarnation would receive his/her ending. There would be many main characters. Different gender, different species, and different life background. Warning 3: Standard webnovel's original chapter (1.000-1.500 words long). My main goal was to practice faster pace with this novel. I want to keep each reincarnation under 5 chapters if it was possible. My main novel was (2.500-3.500 words long sometimes 4.000+). Warning 4: This should be the 4th novel on my idea queue, but I publish this to celebrate the event. This is planned to advertise my main novel. Warning 5: This Path had a connection with Young Master Path. Some very little spoiler would happen.

MasterRabbink · Eastern
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27 Chs

The Magic Disappear and The World’s Idol

A reporter was waiting outside a huge dome. In front of her, a cameraman pointed his camera into the reporter.

"Good Morning Viewer! Today in the biggest stadium in K-Country, the Nation's Idol Red will celebrate her birthday concert. This is unique since it is the first time we have a birthday party as a concert. Behind me, there are Everflame who keep shining Red path into the peak of the chart."

"Red!!!" An Everflame screamed.

"Red, I love you!!!" Another shouted.



"This is already interesting outside the dome. You viewer must not be able to wait for her performance tonight. Our TV station will broadcast her show tonight." The reporter ended her recording.

Inside the stadium, a team was conducting the final checking of the stage. Another was checking the stadium itself. This concert was already fully booked even when there were a live streaming and broadcasting on several channels.

Nayon was standing in front of the huge stage. She seemed small, but this small person was the holder of Nation's Idol title. The last rehearsal had been done. The background dancers had already returned to prepare their makeup and costume.

"I can't believe this. Why do you need to make my birthday into a national concert?"

"It is almost the time for the magic to disappear." Master Rabbink looked solemn.

"Eh?" Nayon couldn't believe that. [Is everything going to disappear like in the Cinderella story?]

"If it is like that, what would you do?" Master Rabbink asked.

Nayon looked onto the stage, which was still being prepared.

"I will back to this stage again." Nayon had changed. She had practiced hard during these 3 years.

"Really?" Master Rabbink asked.

"Yes. I have practiced hard. I have learned to perform. I am no longer a trainee."

"Good. That is Red that I know." Master Rabbink floated into the stadium.

[Wait! Master Rabbink!] Nayon followed her Rabbink Godfather into the stadium.

She entered the hallway where a huge poster of Red the Nationa's Idol was posted on the wall. A huge red carpet decorated the hallway to accept the Everflame.

Master Rabbink continue to enter the waiting room. A huge birthday cake was there.

"What is this?" Nayon asked.

"You will be 24 today." Master Rabbink said. "Remember! The Magic wears off after 24."

"What this means?" Nayon felt Master Rabbink wasn't the usual happy and glutton Rabbink.

"Dong... Dong... Dong..." Nayon heard a sound appeared in her head for 24 times.

She felt blanked and lost her consciousness.

"Welcome back, Nayon!"

"Or should I say... Nice to meet you again, Red Everflame?" Master Rabbink asked.

"Who am I?" Red tried to read his new memory. "I am Nayon, a trainee turned into a nation's idol?"

"Yes. Red is you. Nayon is you too."

Red looked into the building.

"Where is it?" He had a memory. No. She had a memory.

"Am I a female?" Red was even more surprised. She did what every man would do when he became a woman. She touched her body. [I don't have a bird anymore.] Red wanted to cry.

She touched her breasts. [So, this is the feeling.] Red had always a female bird as his partner. After he became a demon during his first life, Red always practiced like crazy and competing with the stupid dragon all the time. This was the first time he touched a female body. No. She touched her own female body.

"Ehem... You should stop experimenting, Red. At this time, you are in another mortal planet with a bit modern touch, but it lacked the spiritual energy." Master Rabbink said. "The people on this planet called this place K-Country. This Rabbink had made your reincarnation's wishes come true."

"Then it will be difficult for my quest to reach Primary 1 Star?" Red needed to think.

"You should not worry. Destiny path could solve this matter. You only need to do the missions and you will get destiny energy for cultivation. This is the time I gave you the special energy from your saving other villagers mission in Nong Min's life." Master Rabbink took a small ball.

Red accepted that. She felt a warm current ran through her body. Some impurities appeared on her body.

"I am a 0 Star cultivator?" She wondered.

"Yes. You are a cultivator now. This Rabbink thinks you should take a bath for now. Over there is the bathroom for you." Master Rabbink pointed to a door.

Red took some time to bathe.

[Red is longer than usual.] Master Rabbink waited while eating the snacks for Nayon.

1 hour later Red came from the bathroom.

"You know what is it today?" Master Rabbink asked.

"No." Red hadn't fully merged with Nayon's memory. She tried to read it.

"Your performance."

Red wanted to cry when she checked the memory.

"I have to perform in front of the mortal audiences?" She asked.

"Are you afraid Red?"

"No. Afraid isn't in my dictionary." Red said.

"Good Luck!" Master Rabbink said. It continued to eat the snack.

"Knock... Knock... Knock..."

"Red, you should prepare, your performance in 1 hour." Legi Unnie's voice was heard behind the door.

"Yes, Unnie." Red said. [Eh?] It was natural for her.

"Do you need my help?" Master Rabbink asked.

"No. I can do it." Red said. She had got Nayon's memory. Nayon already mastered the choreography, even she could dance using her muscle memory. Red also had practiced into 10 Star Modern Singer, 10 Star Modern Dancer, and 10 Star Performer. While those were for the male version, she could use the experience.

[I think I could learn to become a 10 Star Idol, 10 Star Modern Female Singer, 10 Star Modern Female Dancer, and more in this life. That Dragon wouldn't be able to beat me when I return being an Arch God.] Red thought.

"Good. The stage is yours then." Master Rabbink felt happy with Red's confidence.

That night Red performed in front of huge crowds. It was a new experience for the mighty Arch God.

[I can't believe people looking for my performance. This is a unique experience for me.] She thought when she danced. Red only performed to compete with the stupid dragon.

After that performance, Nayon or Red kept being the National's Idol. She went into the international stage and became of the brightest stars in K-Idol history.

Those were Red's destiny missions to increase her cultivation using Destiny Path. She completed the mission and used the destiny energy to level up.

Red put 2 portals in this world. 1 in her grandmother's house in the village so she could visit her in secret. The other was in her penthouse in the K-Country Capital, Soul.

Red retired after she reached the peak of World Music Chart. She didn't become an actress like what most idols became. Her final farewell stage had many fans cried. Red promised that she would record some albums, but no longer performed in public.

Red turned into Nayon and took care of her grandmother. Sometimes she released a mega-hit album to give those fans the dream. She became a mysterious legend. Behind that façade, she trained in destiny path and becoming a Primary 1-Star Cultivator.

At that time, Master Rabbink bid its farewell.

"It is nice to see you grow Red. This is the time for me to go. Until we meet again Nayon." Master Rabbink disappeared.

Red continued to make her second planet for her second reincarnation. It was a huge stage, her first debut concert.

[I will make this into a modern world where music rules the world.] Red was inspired by her life as an idol.

Life as an idol was fascinating for her. People screamed for her. They wanted to watch her performance. Some even got power for dreaming. She used her music to spread the message and encouragement to her fans, Everflame.

Red disappeared after her grandmother died. This time Red could experience being left by her relative. During his first life, as a phoenix, he already ascended and when he lost his family. This time it blew her hard.

[I don't like this feeling.] She cried on that day. Nayon or Red lost something in her heart. Someone who kept supporting her.

Her albums released also becoming longer and longer. It was hard for her to appear in the public. As a cultivator, she didn't age like other people. At 80 years old, she even looked younger than when she debuted.

Other villagers thought she was a younger grandniece of Nayon. While the staffs in REC thought she used modern K-Country beauty technology to look young.

Red also went to visit the previous world using her universe portal and found it had changed a lot. Drumossie Empire was no longer. Another Empire defeated the big Empire.

Nong Min's old village was changed. It had become a big city, Novantura City. In the center, a statue of a man killing a tiger with an empty hand was erected.

"Our hero. Our Brother. Our Family. Our Nong Min."

Red smiled when he saw those. She closed her eyes in front of the statue before using her Core Management skill to return to her universe.

She spent the rest of her life completing her planet and tending the farm. Red also launched her new career with REC. REC was a professional entity even without the Rabbink. She appeared as the granddaughter of Red the National's Idol.

Once again, she became a legend in the world. This time she used Nayon as her stage name. To the public, it was a tribute to the famous grandmother.

However, Red did it for a young trainee in her memory. The one who is kind and hardworking, but exempted from the chance she deserved. This time with her capability and without magic. Nayon became the World's Idol.

The first in the history. Nayon, The World's Idol.


"As the clock struck at midnight..."

"The Magic disappears."

Chapter 02/08/2018 - The End of 2nd Volume Nayon, a Trainee turned an Idol.

I think this kind and hardworking girl deserve to reach her success without magic with her efforts.

The same for Modern Cinderellas. They didn't need magic to wait for the princess. They grow strong to find their princes.

Nayon's prince is her dream, being a top idol. She reaches that.

Check my main novel:

Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1368th


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