
Endless Universes - Phoenix Rebirth Path - The 4325th

My Name is Red Everflame. I am An Arch God. I am A Heavenly Flame Phoenix Demon. I have reached the peak of the universe, only behind the owner of the universe. I am a champion, a winner, a master, a genius, and a hero. I am proud of that. However, I am just looking for a simple life. I want a wife who I love and also love me. But... What is Love? When the chance to escape from the numbness of the life on the peak arrived. I take it with both hand. The path is the path of a phoenix. I will reincarnate to reach another steps. I will experience new lives that I desire. From Ash I will return to the peak... That is to answer a question. Could I have the simple life that I desire? I become a normal farmer. I become a hunter I become a teacher I become a singer I become a dancer I become a general I become a princess I become a prince I become a queen I become a king I become an alchemist I become a talisman maker I become a formation master I become a blacksmith I become... I become... I become... Who? Who am I? Am I still Red Everflame, who soared through the endless sky? Am I Nong Min a simple farmer in a small village? Am I Lady Eshenesra Orira the female general of a wood elf tribe? Am I King Robert III the only king who conquered an entire continents? I got even more questions. [Writing Prompts Contest #1: Reincarnation] [Writing Prompts Contest #2: Modern Day Cinderella] [Writing Prompts Contest #3: Video Games] Warning 1: This isn't my main novel. Some surprise arc (reincarnation) might happen every new contest. I need some break from my main novel to escape from writer block and test some writing style. Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1.368th My Main Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10935403706210205 Warning 2: To reincarnate, each reincarnation would receive his/her ending. There would be many main characters. Different gender, different species, and different life background. Warning 3: Standard webnovel's original chapter (1.000-1.500 words long). My main goal was to practice faster pace with this novel. I want to keep each reincarnation under 5 chapters if it was possible. My main novel was (2.500-3.500 words long sometimes 4.000+). Warning 4: This should be the 4th novel on my idea queue, but I publish this to celebrate the event. This is planned to advertise my main novel. Warning 5: This Path had a connection with Young Master Path. Some very little spoiler would happen.

MasterRabbink · Eastern
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Destiny Path, Job, and Universe Store

Chapter 7 - Destiny Path, Job, and Universe Store

"Where am I?" Red had just merged his memory. He couldn't see that Nong Min only knew the area around Drumossie Empire.

"It is a small planet in the lower mortal realm. The name is a secret." Master Rabbink said.

"This Nong Min lives a pathetic life." Red said.

"Nong Min is you." Master Rabbink said. "It's only you remembered your past life memory."

"I am Nong Min."

"Yes. You are also Red."

Red needed to take some time to accept his new identity. "I am Nong Min." There was a different light in his eyes.

"I will call you Nong Min then." Master Rabbink said. "Your goal in this reincarnation is to become a cultivator. After that, you will go into reincarnation again, Nong Min."

Red tried to check his body. "I can't use spiritual energy. This body didn't have any talent for cultivation." As an expert at the very peak, he could easily know about this.

"It is the time to learn about your power." Master Rabbink gave a ball of light to Red.

Red learned something.

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Quest Mode is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Status Checking Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[Status Checking Skill is mastered.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Quest Checking Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[Quest Checking Skill is mastered.]

"You should try the new skills!" Master Rabbink said.

Red used Status Checking skill first. He saw some panels in his vision.

[Name: Nong Min]

[Age: 39 Years, 8 Months, 25 Days, 12 Hours, 58 Minutes, 2 Seconds Old]

[Level: 0]

[Destiny Energy: 0]

"You could remove the unnecessary information by thinking about it. These panels also could only be seen by you." Master Rabbink said.

Red nodded before he used Quest Checking skill. Some new panels appeared.

[Lv 1 Mission: Get a buffalo.]

[Lv 0 Mission: Save 20 gold coins for the next farming season.]

[Lv 0 Mission: Plant 20.000 paddy rice.]

"What is this?"

"Those are the dreams of Nong Min. If you manage to finish them, you will get the destiny energy as rewards. You can use destiny energy the same as you absorb the spiritual energy. This is the example."

[Lv 0 Forced Mission: Get a praise from Master Rabbink!]

[Mission accepted.]

Red gave a confused expression to Master Rabbink.

"Some missions are forced, but for the normal mission, you will need to accept a mission before it activates. You can also accept or reject a mission. Try that in Quest Check skill!"

Red used his Quest Checking skill again.

"You need to focus your eyes to the panel with the mission that you want to accept and think to accept it."

[Mission Accepted.]

"You can also reject a mission if you think about it."

[Mission Accepted.]

[Mission Accepted.]

"There is no reason to reject these dreams of Nong Min. It isn't hard."


[Lv 0 Forced Mission: Get a praise from Master Rabbink!]

[Forced Mission completed.]

[User got 10 Destiny Energies.]

"You can also find more about a mission by increased your focus on the panels. You should try it."

[Lv 1 Mission: Get a buffalo.]

[Mission Reward: 10.000 Destiny Energy.]

[Mission Description: The life dream of Nong Min. He wants a buffalo to help him in cultivating his field. Can you make it true?]

"1.000 Destiny Energies are equal to a spirit stone." Master Rabbink said. "Try to absorb the 10 that you just get from Status Checking skill. You should focus on the destiny energy panel."

Red used the skill and focused on the panel.

[Do you want to use destiny energy for cultivation?] A beautiful voice was heard.

"Think about the number of energies that you want to use!"

"I want to use 10." Red said. He suddenly felt the energy again. It was close, but he still couldn't feel it.

"You will need to work hard."

"I think I have my own way." Red said. He was an Arch God and he knew many ways to start the cultivation. It would be hard with a 40-year-old untalented body. However, it wasn't an impossible thing for him.

"This is the second ball of light. This is your cheat." Master Rabbink gave another ball of light.

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Job Quest Mode is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Job Checking Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[Job Status Checking Skill is mastered.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Job Quest Checking Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[Job Quest Checking Skill is mastered.]

"Try to use those!" Master Rabbink said.

[Current Job: Farmer Lv 1 - Farmer.]

[Growth Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[Growth Lv 1 - 0/999]

"This is..." Nong Min said.

"That is your cheat. This Growth skill could increase the growth of your corps. However, you won't be able to increase the speed too much. Your spiritual energy is basically zero."

Red knew this. [I will train my body.]

He tried to use Job Quest Checking skill and got some panels detailing job missions. It wasn't hard, but he didn't believe he needed to level that. From his status, he knew this job level only gave a small status bonus for him. He also didn't believe he could maximize a probability-based job level up. Nong Min had been already a middle-aged mortal. Therefore, he might only have 20 to 40 years left to become a cultivator.

"Normally, I would suggest my student complete their job missions as much as possible to get a chance to increase your job level. But, I don't think you would live as Nong Min for long. However, you should try to complete as much as you can." Master Rabbink said.

"Is there anything else that I need to know?" Red had prepared some plans for his mission.

"Congratulations to complete the first lesson! You only need some rewards and learn to make a planet." Master Rabbink felt happy. It was easy to teach a smart student. "This is for you. It was the reward." Master Rabbink materialized another light ball.

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Universe Store is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! I Want to Buy Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[User can now purchase from and sell to the Universe Store. Do not forget to tip Master Rabbink after every purchase, Gwahahaha!]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Universe Core is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Core Management Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

Red found out more about his power. "I see."

"Do you want to visit my store?" Master Rabbink asked. It had a share in the store. For every new customer he had, he would get an extra bonus from the real owner, The Light.

Red used I Want to Buy skill.

"This is a hypermarket from the modern world?" Red already visited modern worlds and even more advanced worlds.

"Yes. The Light loved this store design. You can just pick items to purchase them. That counter over there is the place when you want to sell." Master Rabbink really wanted to use a new generation store from the most advanced civilization, but its share was only 1%. It lost in the voting during the last shareholder meeting.

Red looked around the store. "These are the items in my storage rings."

"Yep! Those were turned into a Core Energy. That core energy is the currency used to build your planet and your world. As a former Arch God, you must know that that energy is the same as spiritual energy. Also, 1 mortal spirit stone is worth 1.000 core energy."

"Yes. Then 1 core energy is equal to 1 gold coin." Red nodded. He knew that 100 copper coins equaled to 1 silver coins. 100 silver coins equaled to 1 gold coins, and 1.000 gold coins equaled to 1 mortal spirit stone. 10.000 mortal spirit stones itself equaled to 1 immortal spirit stone. While 10.000 immortal spirit stone equaled to 1 divine spirit stone

"Yes. You can check your items later. This Rabbink values the item based on the energy inside the treasure. While the selling price is added 20% margin for that. It is very cheap since This Rabbink had perfected those items. The Universe Store is the number 1 store in the entire universes based on God's voting. This store leaves all the rest without any vote." It felt proud. No students of him dared to choose another store after Master Rabbink threatened to increase the margin to 30% for those who didn't choose the store.

"Fine. Most of my items couldn't be used by a mortal or an immortal." Money had never been a problem for Red. He was an Arch God while he spent his younger lives as a demon beast. Demon beasts didn't need money, they needed only treasures and spiritual foods.

[I like this student of mine.] Master Rabbink felt satisfied. Most students would try to haggle, but at least they know the margin was very cheap compared to the benefit. Its store had never sold a defect product. Even defect products would be perfected before being sold.

"With Core Management skill, you could return to your universe. Your own universe would give you so many powers. While it is optional, you should not neglect it. It is your personal garden."

"I can make some rice fields in there?"

"Yes. However, the destiny mission will count only the plants in your origin universe for the mission." Master Rabbink said.

"That is fine. I want to see my universe." Red used the Core Management skill.

It gave him several options. However, he could only choose one. The rest was grayed.

"Focus on the option to select!" Master Rabbink introduced the system.

[Universe Portal] He focused his mind on it. Another panel appeared.

[Go to 'Unnamed' Universe]

He selected it. A dark hole appeared in the place where Red stood. He disappeared.

"This is..."

"Welcome to your universe!" Master Rabbink teleported next to him.

Chapter for 21/07/2018. The readers from my main novel must have seen the contents. This is for new readers. I will give an extra chapter today in exchange. It might be a bit late.

Please check my main novel to see the difference.


PS: I have a thought. Should I make Red follow every contest from Webnovel from now own? That would prevent this novel from hiatus.

The next theme is modern day Cinderella. I can make it Cinderello. What do you think?

MasterRabbinkcreators' thoughts