Jian Ying looked at the shy girl and grazed his thumb on her soft lips and then fired at Heng Nianzu.
"Yyyoung master. Please, can...can I close the... partition?" He stuttered.
He did not dare say the words.
"Close it!" He ordered him.
"Yes young master! Thank you, young master!"
He became a bit relaxed. Heng Nianzu quickly closed the partition, without further delay. He did not want to go blind! He could manage being deaf with their moans, but not blindness. He refused to.
Jian Ying quickly went back to his business. He started kissing Chen Lijuan softly again and then he was sweeping his palm through her thighs but was stopped immediately.
"Jian Ying...we can't here? We are in the car…!"
She felt embarrassed.
"We can do it anywhere, you know…! It's not just on the bed alone"
"Really?" She asked him.
"Mhm" He answered.