

A captured princess, a bastard prince, joined by a wedding neither of them wanted. Once a warrior princess, Elysianne now lives the life of a slave. She had a solid plan to avenge her people - infiltrate the vampire hierarchy and eliminate the monarchs. But then all of it went to waste with one crazy mistake that ultimately led her marrying the enemy. Aleksander was rumored to be cursed. Believed to bring the kingdom's doom if he stayed at the castle, he was sent away to live in a rundown manor with only two servants. Brought together as a joke, mocked and set up for death, Elysianne and Aleksander were two opposite poles of a magnet with the same hunger for vengeance. When the reigning monarch dies a mysterious death, while the crown prince gets murdered in battle, the unlikely couple ends up rising to the throne! Bounded by an agreement solely on revenge, Elysianne and Aleksander turn the vampire kingdom upside-down. But what if they find themselves entangled in the heat of a passionate love they never knew could happen? Could enemies turn to lovers then?

jnmo · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 10: A Prince's Dilemma

Aleksander noted the slave had been wrapped in a black cloak. Frustrated that he could only make out her tiny figure but not her covered face, the vampire prince grimaced.

There was an entourage of servants behind them carrying luggage, walking as fast as they could to keep up with the vampire knight's trotting horse.

The knight's hood fell off, and Aleksander noted it was one of the younger knights. Teo's golden locks stood out, getting soaking wet in the rain as his horse came to a halt.

The prince's blood servant welcomed the knight and his company, and the man handed over a limp lady for them to take care of.

It looked as if he was just dropping cargo.

Not even a precious one at that with the way he tossed the cloaked woman like she was nothing.

Teo, the vampire knight, rode off towards the Ardorlean's castle right after – leaving behind the bastard prince's household to take care of someone who was totally unwanted.

Aleksander drank the last of his glass of blood, and with a flick of his hand, sent the glass hurtling past the attendant who stood by the door.

The breaking of glasses echoed in the bastard prince's chamber right in time thunder roared in the skies.

The broken glass nearly nicked the attendant's right cheek, but Henry stood still where he was, unfazed by his master's sudden outburst of disapproval.

"The king has ordered for the wedding to take place tomorrow at the first crack of dawn, your highness." Henry said without flinching.

"Damn be the king, Henry. I am not marrying any slave!" he hissed.

The attendant didn't take his eyes off of the prince as Aleksander paced in his chamber mulling over his current dilemma.

"You do know that you don't have a choice on this, your highness?" the attendant said. "If you disobey, it will not only be permanent banishment from the castle that you would suffer, but - "

"Death! Yes, I know, Henry. I know, thank you very much for reminding." The prince snapped.

He couldn't believe he was being sucker punched by his crazy father into marrying a slave!

This unacceptable 'bride' coming in to his rundown home was just a low blow.

Aleksander's hands turned to angry fists and he slammed them over his table, creating two big holes in its wake.

"A slave, Henry! A slave to marry a prince!" Aleksander was losing his wits. "This is preposterous! Utterly offensive in many ways!"

He wasn't the crown prince or anything, but a prince was still a prince. And who else to marry a prince but someone of status?

It didn't matter to him anymore if it was the lowest noble family a bride would come, so long as there was still nobility in it.

He has lived in everything of bare minimum for a prince since the day he had been banished from the castle. He could make do with that much – or that less, in a sense.

Aleksander scrunched his nose and thought hard.

What were his options?

He was confident in his strength and abilities from years on training day and night. He needed to get an edge over those lazy spoon-fed nobles and he did so with diligence.

But then one man wasn't strong enough to take on all of the vampires that supported his father's decisions.

Aleksander had been laid back from politics for decades since he was sent away, hiding from the eyes of those that could potentially bring him to his end.

Yes, he had been lowkey learning the ways of the court outside of the castle, but to repeat once more – he had no one to rely on to support him.

He was a lone vampire in a society where power was measured with who your allies were and what they could do for you.

The more allies one had, the more powerful one is.

And that such a man was his own father, the King Raxus Ardorlean.

The king might be crazy, but he was cunning and powerful too.

Aleksander's head hung low. He wanted to deny it, but Henry was right.

He will die if he does not marry the slave chosen by his father.

"Arghh!!!" the prince ripped his table off of the floor and threw it out his window. And as if empathic to his plight, thunder joined the prince roar in his song of fury.

The wooden table crashed outside into his front porch, and the screams of startled women echoed in the dark of the night.

"Your highness," Henry called out.

"Get out, Henry." Aleksander was furious, and he whipped his hand towards the door, pointing for his attendant to leave him be. "And tell Davika to come up this instance."

"As you wish, your highness. I will call on Davika, and then see to your bride that she will be ready by dawn."

Henry bowed and then proceeded to close the door of Aleksander's chamber.

"She is no bride." The prince whispered as his nails dug into his palms in fury.

He had been hopeful that one day he would be able to find someone powerful and willing enough to join him in marriage.

A politically driven matrimony so to speak.

So that when the time comes, he could use her to get back on his father.

But all his hopes for vengeance was crushed when the one that arrived to him had to be a…

He couldn't even say the word anymore.

What was even her name? Where did the disgraceful woman come from?

Perhaps he should just kill the woman right away so that he would be free of his responsibility as a husband.

Yes, that is one plausible plan.

He can make that happen.

It was as simple as eating pudding.

Slice through with a swift flick of the wrist. No spoon needed for it either.

He bet the slave was some human captive who was powerless.

His bare hands will do.


A/N: Any ideas what would happen during the wedding? And who is Davika and why is she being called to the bastard prince's chamber??? Comment down below your ideas hehehe