
Endless Marauders

In the Great Abyss Empire in the north, Liangzhou City, the story of a boy named Su Qi happened. The story is set in a fantasy world where people can practice different types of abilities. The protagonist Su Qi was originally a young master in Liangzhou City, enjoying wealth and glory, but at the age of 12, he underwent a test known as the "Heavenly Pulse Test". This test determines people's cultivation qualifications and direction. Su Qi was originally a genius, but in the test, he found that he was not given any "vein", which meant that he could not cultivate any ability. Since then, he has gone from a respected genius to a waste. Su Qi lost his place in the family, but he did not give up. Dissatisfied with his fate, he decided to use the remaining time to enjoy his power to the fullest, becoming the overlord of the city, willful and arrogant. He became a presence on the cusp of the limelight, feared and adored. But as time goes on, he is about to face the "Celestial Pulse Test" at the age of fifteen, and this time the results will determine the direction of his life. Although his past efforts have made him strong, he knows that if the test results are still "pulseless", he will be exiled to the ancestral land of the family and live the life of an ordinary person. At this critical moment, Su Qi's fate changed again. A mysterious voice appears, calling himself "System", providing him with a special power. This system allowed Su Qi to "plunder everything" and obtain all sorts of information and abilities. With the help of the system, Su Qi began a new journey of cultivation, using this power to gradually make up for his disadvantage of being "veinless". On the new path of cultivation, Su Qi encountered various challenges and opportunities. He makes new friends and enemies and uncovers the secrets hidden behind the world. He is no longer a passive waste, but a being with unlimited potential. But he also had to face various trials, including his inner struggles, and competition from other cultivators. As the story progresses, Suki gradually grows into a powerful being, but he also gradually realizes that power is not the only thing that matters. He began to think about the meaning of life and how he could influence the future of the world. Ultimately, he will be faced with a choice between continuing to chase power or choosing a more far-reaching path. "Endless Marauders" is a fantasy adventure story about a growth path from waste to power, and the protagonist's thinking and growth in the face of fate and choices. The story blends fantasy elements, cultivation systems and inner explorations to lead readers into a wonderful world.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Taking Su Tong

The calendar was a record made by the people of each world observing the laws of nature, and the Pale Ten Thousand Worlds cycled around and around.

The beginning of another cycle of each cycle symbolized a new birth and was memorable.

The Central Great World was naturally no exception.

During the Great Abyss Empire's annual festivals, the clan's sons and daughters had to uniformly perform rituals to their deceased ancestors, while the clan elders even had to read out something that sounded lofty, reporting back to their ancestors about the year's harvests and consoling their ancestors' spirits in heaven.

Su Qi as the head of the family first son, naturally stood in the ancestral ancestral shrine in the first of the fifth generation of children, at this time on the stage stood a more than a hundred years old dying clan old, this although only mortal realm magician, but the longevity of the extreme, but also the seniority is also extremely high.

At this time Su Qi stood in the first place, can only have a serious face, waist straight, the afterglow to see standing in an inconspicuous position there are five generations of children yawning, and even drooping shoulders, can not help but extremely envious.

Of course, sometimes, while that person envied the ease of others, there would also be others who envied that person's glory.

Su Tong's eyes were full of cynicism at this time, he envied Su Qi who stood at the first place of glory, and hated why he could only stand in the crowd of ordinary Su Clan's children outside the Ancestral Shrine.

After standing for about two hours, the Su clan's annual festival came to an end only after the bell of the New Year's Day was rung, and several representatives of the Su clan's Elders' Council served the ancestors with sacrificial dishes.

After Su Qi followed everyone and bowed to the ancestral spirits, he slowly retreated with the crowd.

"It's good to stand outside the ancestral shrine! Retreating early!" Su Qi lamented.

On the side, a concubine son of the Su Clan who walked slowly glanced at Su Qi with a look of disgust, cursing in his heart, "What a bastard, you don't know how much effort my father put in to stand in the ancestral shrine for the annual festival!"

When Su Qi returned to the small courtyard, other than himself and his father, the others were already filled.

Mother was laughing and talking with Zi Cuckoo, Jing Yu Ming was sitting upright without looking away, and Su Tong was sitting on the side with a gloomy face.

Huh? It seemed like there was someone missing?

While Su Qi was just coming out with this thought, a sweet and creamy voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Su Lang ..."

Su Qi instantly shook his tiger's body and stiffly twisted his head to look at Mu Jin Kite who entered the door behind himself.

Mu Jin Kite revealed a sweet smile, and with her bright features, it was really nice to look at.

Su Qi knows that this guy in front of his own mother, has always been a virtuous wife and good daughter-in-law's demeanor, but her one Su Lang called too ... much is really unbearable ah!

System: "Host, you obviously rejoice inside, why are you so hypocritical?"

"No one takes you for a dummy if you don't speak!" Su Qi instantly rolled his eyes.

Mu Jin Kite took small steps to Su Qi's side and directly sat on Su Qi's arm, Su Qi had to walk with her to the dining table with a wooden face.

When Qi Li saw this scene, she immediately smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into slits, "Look, the two of them are a perfect match!"

Zi Cuckoo nodded along at the side, but her nails pinched into her flesh, somehow seeing Qi Li and Su Qi having a good time made her feel miserable.

"Su Lang, I just personally cooked your favorite round seed soup for you in the back kitchen, and will bring it over when sister Chun Xia comes over in a while." Mu Jinqi sat down and immediately said with a smile.

Su Qi blinked, wanting to say, that damn is your favorite food, right?

Picking up his teacup and taking a sip, Su Qi suddenly felt a hateful gaze on him, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Jing Yu Ming's eyes that were spewing with anger, as if he wanted to burn him to death.

Well, this is probably the anger from a single dog, right? Although little master I am also currently a single dog ...

Su Qi took another sip of water, and deliberately sprinkled some water in front of him in an attempt to douse the jealousy from the "fff" group.

"Why hasn't dinner started yet? There's no need to wait for me." Just as Qi Chunxia had just brought over the round soup and sat down, Su Tianying also entered the room and immediately laughed at the situation.

Qi Li just nodded her head slightly in a gesture.

Zi Cuckoo, however, immediately stood up with a springy face and pouted, "Master! You do not come, how dare we eat first ah?"

"Heh heh heh ..." Su Tianying laughed dryly a few times then sat down as well.

Zijuan and Su Tong's mother and son rarely sat down to eat with Su Tianying, so they naturally wanted to express themselves.

As for Jing Yu Ming, his parents died early, so he spent every year's festival with Su Qi's family, and at this time, he was just eating with his head in the sand.

Mu Jinqi was much more formal and dignified after Su Tianying came in.

After a meal was eaten, Su Tianying cleared his throat and opened his mouth, "When you go to the Nine Sect after the New Year, Su Qi, take Su Tong with you."

"Huh?" Su Qi, who was gnawing on a chicken wing, jerked his head up.

Su Tong also looked at his father with a face of surprise, his face full of excitement that was hard to express.

Su Tianying pondered for a moment and opened his mouth to explain, "Generally speaking, every five years, the state shepherds of the three states in the Northern Region have the right to recommend to the Nine Sect to sponsor one person to become an outer disciple, and the person who sponsors the person also has the quota to bring one person to become an odd-job disciple of the Nine Sect."

"I've thought about it for a while, it's better to let Tong'er follow you, the two of you brothers will go to the same sect together and take care of each other!"

Hearing that it was an odd-job disciple, Zi Cuckoo was not happy, "Master, how can you let Tong'er go and be some kind of odd-job man? Tong'er is no matter what, he's also the son of our Su family ..."

Su Tianying instantly frowned.

Jing Yu Ming faintly explained from the side, "Junior Senior Maiden, this ninth sect's handyman disciple is also a position that how many people can't compete for! One must know that in order to become a miscellaneous servant disciple of the Nine Sect, one must at least have a vein of the Xuan rank or above in order to have the chance to enter!"

"What's more, as long as an odd-job disciple performs well, he also has a great chance to become an outer disciple of the Nine Sect! As long as Su Tong works a little harder ..."

"Saying it nicely, isn't it still a handyman ..." Zi Cuckoo muttered in a small voice.

Su Tianying frowned: "Let Su Qi pick himself if he doesn't want to go, Su Huaizhi's grandson also wants to go!"

"Father, I'll go!" Su Tong hurriedly stood up to state his position, he was afraid that his mother would lose his place by fooling around with her own womanly opinion, it was the Nine Sect ah! Even if it's just an odd-job disciple, how many gifted people don't have a chance to get in!

Zi Cuckoo saw her son so anxious, but there was a hint of hatred in her eyes.

Qi Li smiled and said, "Eat eat eat!"

"Su ... father, can I follow Su ... oh, Su Qi together? I don t take up a place, I just want to go and see!" Mu Jin Kite suddenly hesitantly opened her mouth and asked.

Su Tianying saw Mu Jin Kite speak slightly, then laughed: "Naturally can, at that time I Liangzhou will organize manpower to escort all the youngsters with veins to the place where the nine sects open the mountain to try their luck, you want to go just follow, not in the way!"
