
Endless Marauders

In the Great Abyss Empire in the north, Liangzhou City, the story of a boy named Su Qi happened. The story is set in a fantasy world where people can practice different types of abilities. The protagonist Su Qi was originally a young master in Liangzhou City, enjoying wealth and glory, but at the age of 12, he underwent a test known as the "Heavenly Pulse Test". This test determines people's cultivation qualifications and direction. Su Qi was originally a genius, but in the test, he found that he was not given any "vein", which meant that he could not cultivate any ability. Since then, he has gone from a respected genius to a waste. Su Qi lost his place in the family, but he did not give up. Dissatisfied with his fate, he decided to use the remaining time to enjoy his power to the fullest, becoming the overlord of the city, willful and arrogant. He became a presence on the cusp of the limelight, feared and adored. But as time goes on, he is about to face the "Celestial Pulse Test" at the age of fifteen, and this time the results will determine the direction of his life. Although his past efforts have made him strong, he knows that if the test results are still "pulseless", he will be exiled to the ancestral land of the family and live the life of an ordinary person. At this critical moment, Su Qi's fate changed again. A mysterious voice appears, calling himself "System", providing him with a special power. This system allowed Su Qi to "plunder everything" and obtain all sorts of information and abilities. With the help of the system, Su Qi began a new journey of cultivation, using this power to gradually make up for his disadvantage of being "veinless". On the new path of cultivation, Su Qi encountered various challenges and opportunities. He makes new friends and enemies and uncovers the secrets hidden behind the world. He is no longer a passive waste, but a being with unlimited potential. But he also had to face various trials, including his inner struggles, and competition from other cultivators. As the story progresses, Suki gradually grows into a powerful being, but he also gradually realizes that power is not the only thing that matters. He began to think about the meaning of life and how he could influence the future of the world. Ultimately, he will be faced with a choice between continuing to chase power or choosing a more far-reaching path. "Endless Marauders" is a fantasy adventure story about a growth path from waste to power, and the protagonist's thinking and growth in the face of fate and choices. The story blends fantasy elements, cultivation systems and inner explorations to lead readers into a wonderful world.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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30 Chs

None of them are good

The end of the year was gradually approaching, and the heavy snowfall a few days ago was making this year seem very cheerful.

From time to time, there were small children running happily in the snow and having snowball fights on the streets of Liangzhou City, and a snowman of various shapes appeared in various places.

When the sun showed its head, the sky gradually brightened.

Mu Jin Kite stretched a lazy waist, these few days in the Su House life is not like before as often as being called for debts, also makes her very comfortable, after all, no one dares to come to the Su House to ask for money, is not it?

Unconsciously, Mu Jin Kite felt that this kind of life seems to be good? The only shortcoming is that she has to cook for that lazy son every day?

Thinking like this, Mu Jin Kite put on the leather jacket that Qi Li sent over to her, although she didn't know what kind of animal fur it was, but as long as she put on this thin looking leather jacket, she didn't feel cold at all.

After wearing it, Mu Jinqi went out of the room, she, to go make breakfast.

Su Qi at this time looked at Mu Jin Kite who entered the kitchen, the corner of his mouth also revealed a trace of treacherous smile, "Any you this woman has heavenly skills, still not unable to escape the old man's five finger mountain, have to obediently cook!"

Su Qi that day braved the wind and snow in Liangzhou after walking, the idea is also through up, he is no longer the previous life of the small white-collar, as Liangzhou's most cattle second generation, what kind of women can not be subdued it? Why should he be bothered by a woman?

So, Su Qi returned to the mansion, and Mu Jin Kite and Mu Jin Kite directly about three chapters, one of them, is that Mu Jin Kite in the future to be responsible for Su Qi's three meals.

However, this woman's craftsmanship is really good ah! Su Qi's face also revealed a trace of smile, in the past he just disliked the meals made by the mansion kitchen as being difficult to eat, that's why he went out to eat and drink, ever since Mu Jin Kite started to cook, he hadn't gone out of the mansion for a few days.

Furthermore, after these few days of getting along, Su Qi realized that his first impression was really a misunderstanding of Mu Jin Kite, although this woman is a little smart, but there is really not much heart, is a straight brain. Otherwise, it is not possible for Su Qi to agree with her as soon as she makes a date.

It is said that locking a man's stomach is not far from locking a man's heart, in fact, Su Qi also did not find, his heart also gradually to Mu Jin Kite produced a not small good feeling.

Of course, the premise of all this good feeling, or because Su Qi think Mu Jin Kite really look quite good.

Su Qi penned and finished writing this post, gently blew a breath and shouted, "Fourth child, stick this on the door for me!"

"Good le!" Guo Si happily answered, ran in and looked at the two couplets on Su Qi's desk, even though he didn't know the words, he still shook his head and sighed, "Good words! Good words! Gongzi this word is really like a tiger adding wings, drawing snakes adding feet ..."

"Alright, get lost! Don't put foreign farts here, dog shit!" Su Qi rolled his eyes and kicked Guo Si.

Guo Si hemmed and hawed and went out of the house.

Now Su Qi does not go out of the house to eat and drink, the yard is also more people, so he will Guo Si these people transferred over, in his yard to listen to the police.

Moving his muscles, Su Qi picked up another nameless tome on the table, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out a cold laugh, "This Liu family's father and son are really powerful!"

From Liu Yutuo body looted out of this booklet, inside actually recorded Liu Yutuo this guy every time to kill Liang risking his own deeds, as well as his father Liu Langzhang and Shazhou Liangzhou some of the officials of the money and wealth dealings.

This can really let Su Qi surprised not small, this pair of father and son really are not what good things!

Afterwards, Su Qi put this booklet back to the system item bar, he has to think about it, whether to take this thing to blackmail Liu family father and son's money, or to give this to his old dad, so that his old dad can take it as political capital.

Smelling the aroma of breakfast, Su Qi washed his hands again and went out of the house with a smile.

"Duke Su has a keen sense of smell! It's a match for the Bei Bei I raised as a child!" Mu Jin Kite couldn't help but let out a light laugh when she saw Su Qi's probing appearance.

Su Qi naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to ask who Bei Bei was, if he did, he would definitely be making a fool of himself.

To have just eaten breakfast, Su Qi saw a subordinate with an officer over, the officer is talking to Guo Si that old man called himself to go to the state pastor's residence.

Thinking of going to the state pastor's residence should not be publicized, Su Qi will only take Guo Si, the two people out of the courtyard, in the large house through a number of long corridors, only to the front of the House of Su ride on the carriage.

Just arrived at the state pastor's mansion, Jing Yu Ming greeted with a serious expression and said, "Go in later, don't talk nonsense!"

Su Qi saw Jing Yu Ming such a demeanor, the heart can not help but be a little surprised, he is still the first time to see Jing Yu Ming so serious, to Guo Si made a wink, Guo Si a drooped his head, then retreated in small steps, waiting in front of the carriage.

Jing Yu Ming brought Su Qi to the front of the council room and said in a deep voice: "State Shepherd, the Grand Duke has arrived."

"Come in." A calm voice rang out.

When Su Qi heard this voice, his heart was slightly at ease, having grown up in this world for fifteen years, Su Qi had already recognized Su Tianying as his father to the extreme.

As soon as he walked into the deliberation room, Su Qi was slightly stunned, there is no other, it is really that this deliberation room is a little too many people.

Liangzhou special driver Chen Ye Wang, Liangzhou Secretary Liu Langzhang, there are many people do not recognize, some seem to be officials, some dress is more ordinary.

Su Tianying was currently examining the body of a sleeping person lying flat on his back with a slightly serious expression on his face.

Seeing this occasion, Su Qi would not be brainless enough to open his mouth, and stood quietly to the side.

"Your son's pulse is indeed gone." After a long time, Su Tianying took his hand up and wiped it with a towel.

Liu Langzhang's face sank like water, "My lord, I think that your son may need to give an explanation to my humble servant!"

Only then did Su Qi see that the person who was lying down at this moment was none other than Liu Yuzuo.

Su Tianying ignored Liu Rongzhang's words, and turned to look at a few plainly dressed people, and asked, "Gentlemen, have you ever found out why Duke Liu's pulse disappeared?"

Those few people looked at each other, and one of them, a white-bearded old man, stood up with a shameful look on his face, "We are not talented, and have not found the real reason why Duke Liu's 'pulse' disappeared! However, according to the examination, external factors are less likely."

"Bullshit!" Liu Langzhang looked furious and directly cursed out.

Su Tianying looked at Liu Rouzhang without opening his mouth to speak.

Liu Rouzhang looked at Su Qi with a pair of dangling eyes gloomily, and said insidiously, "According to what my son Yu Pu said, Su Qi had shot my family Yu Zhuo with a crossbow, but there was not the slightest injury on my family Yu Zhuo's body, so, my humble servant would like to see what that crossbow machine actually is!"

Chen Ye Wang picked up his teacup, gently took a sip, and looked towards Su Qi, wanting to see with his own eyes, how this young man he has always been very favorably disposed to actually is.

For a while, everyone's eyes looked at Su Qi, who very frankly took out the three-curve crossbow from his sleeve and said, "This is it!"

Jing Yu Ming picked up the three-curve crossbow and presented it to Su Tianying.

Su Tianying took a glance at it and handed it to Chen Yewang, who was seated at the bottom of the table.

Chen Ye Wang got up and took it with both hands, glancing at it before handing it directly to Liu Langzhang.

Liu Rouzhang took this crossbow machine and looked at it for a few moments, even the small arrows inside were taken out and scrutinized.

"Lord Liu doesn't need to look at it much, this is an ordinary replica of the Nine Quarters Crossbow, and the small arrows inside are just the most commonly used chilling arrows in the military." Chen Ye Wang spoke indifferently, "The potion applied to this small arrow should also just be an ordinary anesthetic agent."

A hint of gloom flashed under Liu Rongzhang's eyes, still observing this triple curved crossbow, turning a deaf ear to Chen Ye Wang's words.

"Su Qi, have you indeed shot my son with this crossbow?" Liu Rongzhang raised his head, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly opened his mouth to question.
