
Endless Mage

This book has been abandoned. Thank you for those that read and allowed me to learn from my first novel. "Your favor to me is to live. Grow Strong and Overcome the calamaties of the world." With those words the Goddess Freyja had marked the start of a new life for the boy whos heart was too weak to handle his happiness. The reincarnated Elwen Vinswain must learn and grow while making the most of the three blessings bestowed upon him as he faces the challanges of a world in constant war and chaos. While he may not be as OP as the heroes in stories he read he has one thing that gives him an advantage. He is not limited by the skill system of this world, and he has the patronage of a god.

AinsworthE · Fantasy
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44 Chs

[Chapter 34 - Cum Gladio et Sale : With Sword and Salt Pt.1]

The next week or so went by relatively quickly, consisting mostly of time spent at the Academy engaged in training. Though minimal, there were some drills and basic endurance training, however a majority was spent in what Lichen called "practical application". 

This usually referred to mock battles, rehearsing different scenarios and circumstances as a duo, and other exercises focused more towards specific situations. I was honestly enjoying my time at the Academy. As a unit under Balor Academy we get dorms separate from and more upscale than the typical student body which was nice since a majority of my recent nights were spent there. Lichen insisted we needed to train to join in the mana zone hunt and would often keep us well into the night, and I suppose I agree with his reasoning. Though at times I couldn't help but feel I was learning to fight against people more than I am beasts.