
Endless Legacy: The False Wizard

The protagonist named Markus wakes up from his nightmare and receives an invitation letter to take the entrance exam on a prestigious academy. He begins his adventure to find answers about his recent dreams.

Angery_boi · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Third Phase (3)

It was already too late for them to get out in time and had no choice but to hide themselves beside the door, including the magical stone with them. They tried to avoid making noise as much as possible as soon as the door opened.

"Oh? I thought I heard something."

"You found nothing?"

"Wait… I see a black puddle over there."

Both Markus and Angelina's heartbeat raced fast when the participant noticed the ink puddle on the floor.

Damn it, I screwed up.

As the participant is about to enter the room, the door slammed open from the other room, shifting their attention away from the room that Markus and Angelina are hiding in.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

One of the participants that barged in spoke. The same participant with the badge number 1 whose a beast race. The elven noble was displeased by his presence.

"This is no place for wild animals. Go back to your jungle."

"Trying to act cool huh? How about I hunt you down?"

As participant number 1 threatened the elven noble, everyone that was in the elf's group immediately gathered next to him. The other group did the same, giving Markus and Angelina an opportunity to escape.

"You seem so confident in your animalistic fighting style, king wannabe of the jungle. Quite unfitting for a noble, I must say."

Participant number 1 was offended by the elf's insults.

"Oh, playing model of a noble now aren't we? Reyham Fortunatus."

As both of them are about to make their escape, Markus suddenly froze as soon as the name was mentioned.

Reyham.. Fortunatus…?

"Oh yeah, I have one more thing to say."

"What is it?"

"There's a certain participant that I'll need you to be careful with."


"His name is Reyham Fortunatus. He's one of the nastiest nobles to ever exist and quite a handful to deal with. No matter what you do, don't try to eliminate him from the exam. Otherwise it'll be trouble for you in the future. Instead, defeat him in the final phase."

"Sure…but why?"

"It's the only phase where you have the chance of passing even if you lose. Meaning, he can't be eliminated at all cost as long as you defeat him in the final phase exam. Once you do, you will have less trouble seeking your answers. Got that?"

"I got it."

I see, so he's Reyham huh? I'm glad I remembered it sooner. As much as I find that tricky merchant very untrustworthy, I find it troubling the fact that he's very honest and serious when it comes down to giving me advice.

I still don't get why he told me to defeat that nasty elf in the final phase, but it seems it can't be helped if that mysterious merchant said so. After all, most of his advice is correct so far, so it's better not to go against it for my sake.



Markus creates a puddle big enough for the two of them to enter and get away from the others. Afterwards, the two managed to transport themselves to another room and got away safely.

That was close. We almost screwed up because of the ink puddle I made. Moreover, I wanna know why she was scared when she heard that elf bastard's voice.

"Hey, Angelina."


"May I know why you were shaking when you heard that elf guy's voice?"


I asked her why, but she's hesitating to answer. No, she's too scared to even answer at all. But it looks like there's nothing I can do about it right now.

"Hey, Angelina. If you're in trouble, don't forget to reach out for help. I'll definitely come to help you, okay?"

Markus attempted to encourage her with a smile to drive away her fears. Angelina's fear was immediately replaced with assurance and relief as she heard it.


Angelina smiled back at him indicating Markus's attempt at encouraging her succeeded.

"Let us go."


Markus was in complete confusion when Angelina gave no response again. But this time, he quickly realized something was wrong. He sensed her fear returning as her eyes fixated on what's behind him. He quickly looked behind and saw a thin golem standing from the distance gazing deeply at two of them.

What the…? First, those legless golems that cannot be detected by their footsteps. Second, those tall golems that can easily chase people with long legs. Now, this thin golems with another unknown ability? Great, so now there's three types of them. But…every cell of my body tells me how dangerous this one is.

Possibly even more dangerous... than the others.

"Angelina, do you still have energy left to run?"

"Y-yes, I can still run."


Without hesitation, Markus launches a barrage of large black thorns on the thin golem while he's creating another puddle for the two to escape.

"Now, go-"


Just in time, Markus manages to block the thin golem's punch with his trident who easily got out unscathed from his barrage of black thorns.

Angelina simply froze in shock when she saw how fast the golem is.

It's fast and heavy at the same time… I barely managed to react to it. As expected, Black Thorns wouldn't do anything to this golem. It seems it's aiming for our magical stone.


"Now, hurry!"

Angelina, left with no option, immediately goes through the ink puddle along with the magical stone.


Markus's sturdy trident gets damaged from the golem's blow.

As expected…

The golem lands another blow and completely destroys his trident. Markus strikes back by punching the golem on its face, sending it flying to another room.

The golem's face was badly damaged and disfigured thanks to the punch it received that was amplified by his magic.

It's tough… but I hope that'll do—


To his surprise, the golem was still standing despite the damage it took and more thin golems started appearing.

Oh jeez, this will be trouble for me. Hang in there a bit, Angelina.

Markus raised his guard and took a fighting stance preparing to fight the golems.

Few minutes have passed since I've wandered alone but Markus is still not here. I've been able to run without getting exhausted thanks to the potion Markus gave me. But…it won't help me escape that dangerous golem.

I heard somewhere before that this type of golem that has a thinner body and smaller in size compared to the other golems is the most dangerous of them all.

Its speed and power surpasses the other golem types and rivals an elite royal guard. It's also capable of tracking down its target for over 10 minutes straight. Some people say that once you have encountered that golem, all hope is lost unless you are talented enough to ward it off.

So please…Markus, please come back soon.

Angelina continued wandering for another few minutes to pass time and wait for Markus while remaining vigilant to her surroundings. Each minute made her concerns grow as Markus showed no sign of showing up. It continued bothering her for another few minutes until it eventually reached its limits.

Why…? Why isn't he back yet…? He should be here right now. So why? Could it be that—?

Angelina became restless as something had popped up in her mind. It was something she didn't even want to imagine. As she finds herself in the hallway—


Chill went down her spine as she sensed something she didn't want to encounter again. This thin golem was gazing at her from afar. She froze and trembled as it approached her slowly.

No ...not again.. I have no hope of fighting it… But.. If we lose here now…. No… I don't want to go back there!

Angelina's fear suddenly wavers as she creates a bow and arrow from magic and prepares to attack the golem.

I can do it… Markus had done it before… So I must too.

At this moment, she's determined to win. She then releases the arrow that causes a flash of light to cover the entire area as the attack strikes the golem. It was the same attack that she used on the first phase exam.

"Did I do it…?"

Angelina gazes from the distance as the light slowly dissipates. To her surprise, the golem is down on the ground and slowly disintegrates into light from the attack.


I did it.

She lets out a sigh of relief thinking it would be over. Angelina's relief however would not last as soon as she noticed countless pairs of red glowing eyes from the distance.


As her surroundings got more clearer, her eyes completely widened and all the courage she accumulated were now on the brink of collapsing.

Countless different types of golem are now coming at her from afar. She tried to go the opposite direction but she's shocked to see that the other golems are coming at her from another direction, cornering her from both sides.

No… I mustn't give up now….

Despite her shaking, she raised her bow and aimed it towards the charging golems that were closer to her. As she released her arrow, the arrow multiplied midway, hitting multiple golems.

The whole surroundings were blinded by light once again and every golem that was hit by the arrow slowly disintegrated into light particles.

Now's my chance!

Angelina took the opportunity to escape while the light that reduced the visibility of the surrounding limited the sight of the other golems. She immediately ran as fast as she could while trying to navigate her way out carefully. Thing seems to be in her favor for a moment until —


She made a sudden noise as she was struck by something and was sent flying to the wall.


Angelina coughed blood and she was surprised as she saw it.

How… How did they see me…?

Confusion, disbelief, shock, and despair what she had felt at that moment. As the surroundings regained visibility, fear suddenly filled her emotions as she saw herself being surrounded by the golems she thought she got away from.

"Is this…really it?"

She muttered in despair as she felt helpless in her situation. Her hope in her eyes began to fade as the attack made her immobilized.

That's right… It's always been like this… Even before… I'm still weak… I'm sorry… Markus…

As she's about to lose consciousness, she suddenly hears a voice.

"Hey Angelina, what are you apologizing for?"

Huh...? Who is it..? This voice….could it be?!

Angelina tries to regain her consciousness to get a clear vision and confirm whose voice it is.

"No way…"

Her eyes widened and couldn't believe who was in front of her eyes. Who appears before her was none other than Markus himself blocking the golem's strike from reaching the magic stone.

"I told you before, didn't I? 'If you're in trouble, don't forget to reach out for help. I'll definitely come to help you', Right?"

Despair and doubt disappears from Angelina's feelings as she hears these words.

"Come on now, we only have 3 minutes left until the timer runs out."

Markus reaches out his hand to Angelina while his other hand is intercepting the golem's attack.


Her emotions were filled with hope and happiness as she took his hands and got up from the ground.

However, due to the attack she received, she's having difficulty moving around freely.

Despite all of that, she seemed relieved at first until she saw another golem attacking him off guard from behind.

"Markus, watch out—"

To her surprise, the attacking golem was instantly sliced in two diagonally.

Huh…? What just happened…? It can't be—

Angelina remains speechless as she watches every golem around them collapse from being cut in half in different angles.



"You're having a hard time moving around, aren't you?"

"Eh? Y-yes, but how...?"

Despite Angelina's effort of hiding it, Markus's keen eyes quickly noticed it right away.

"But...don't worry about me. I'll just use my magic to enhance my body physically."

Even though my offensive spells quickly drain my mana, I'll try minimizing my usage of magic and not be a burden to Markus.

"Hold it."


"Hold my hand for a bit."


Angelina, who had just heard what Markus said, was dumbfounded about it.

She hesitated at first, but eventually nodded and decided to hold his hand.



Angelina was shocked as Markus's magic started flowing around her body.

This magic…. It's just like back then when he's confronted by Master Reyham…

It's dark…and sinister… No.. it can't be…

Angelina grows worried as she slowly recognizes the magic Markus possesses.

This magic…is similar to that of a….

"Alright, there you go."

"Eh..? Oh…"

Angelina was puzzled when nothing happened after Markus channeled some of his magic to her.

I have no idea what exactly happened during or after Markus poured some of his magic to me.

But… I don't feel anything at all—

" —?!?"

To her surprise, her body felt lighter and she could easily move around without much pain.

No way… I'm aware that his magic enhanced my physical abilities to temporarily ease my injuries.. But..my body…they're unnaturally lighter… But how…?

As she began wondering what made her body unnaturally lighter, she noticed her boots are now black.

She decided to take a look at it and was astonished by how the boot looked. The boots were black yet very fragrant.

"So, how was it?"

"Y-yeah... it was nice—"

"Angelina watch out!"

Markus quickly notices an incoming attack and warns her while Angelina was confused and startled at the same time by Markus's sudden exclamation.

Markus acts quickly and swings his trident in an attempt to intercept the attack.


Unfortunately for him, the attack was too fast and ended up damaging a portion of the magic stone and a deep graze on his neck at the same time.

Damn it…It's too fast….

Angelina was horrified by what she had just witnessed.


"Stay back!"

Angelina tried to approach Markus, but she was told to stay away.

"Ink magic: Ink wall!"

After Markus's quick incantation, countless layers of ink wall formed on both sides.

For these past minutes, these damn golems had gotten more aggressive and violent. Not to mention, that kind of weapon that was thrown at us…

Markus was internally disturbed as he saw what kind of weapon that was thrown at them.

A spiked club with sharp edges on every spike.

Even Angelina froze as she saw the deadly club stuck on the ground with Markus's blood in it.


"That bastard…"

I've been trying to deny it since earlier but…it seems that the discriminative bastard has been purposely sending an uncountable amount of golems on me on purpose since the third phase exam started. Just like in the second phase.


Both of them were suddenly startled as they heard that each of these ink walls was being broken down by the golems.

This is bad… They'll breach here in no time…

"Angelina, over here!"


Both of them entered through the ink puddle along with the magic stone just in time before the golem completely destroys every ink wall from both sides.

As they exited the ink puddle in another hallway, every wall behind them was destroyed and a horde of golems started appearing from it.

"You gotta be kidding me…"

They immediately start running as they get chased down by endless golems.

Amazing! Thanks to these boots that Markus made me… I'm now able to run much faster!

Dang it! They're still catching up to us. They're also much faster than they were before. We still have 1 more minute and 3 seconds left—

"Markus, look!"

Huh? What..?!

Markus was shocked when Angelina pointed out that there are endless golems in front of them from a great distance.

Tsk, they won't just stop coming huh?

Markus extends his hand and creates an ink wall in front of him at a distance where both of them and the golems are far from that wall.

"Markus…that won't—"

"Don't worry, just follow my lead."

Angelina nodded without hesitation while waiting for his next move.

They continued closing the distance between them and the wall until they were close enough to the wall.



Markus suddenly grabs Angelina's hands and enters through the wall.

Angelina was completely stunned by what just happened. But she has no time for that as they're in a rush.

They continued running as soon as they went to another location knowing they'll be relentlessly pursued by a horde of golems.

There's 55 seconds more until the third phase ends. Thanks to my ink coating the magic stone, it reduced the intended damage on the magic stone.

But...will we be able to make it? After all...these golems get faster and stronger every second. It seems we have no choice but to pick up the pace in order to keep our distance from these tenacious bastards.


"What is it?"

"Can you run at full speed for 50 seconds?"

"Yes, I-I think I'll manage."

After all, I can run without worries thanks to your magic.

"Alright, that settles it. Are you ready?"


Markus picked up his pace and constantly created an ink puddle on walls and floors for them to enter through while Angelina started running at full speed to match his speed.

More and more golems started appearing in every location they came in and chasing them down.

From walls to floors, Markus continuously creates another portal each time they enter one while those locations they enter in gets quickly breached by the vicious golems.

Each second passes, the maze filled with pentagon shaped rooms is slowly being demolished by the sheer quantities of participant-hunting golems.

Even the other participants from different groups were shocked and terrified as they saw a horde of golems passing through them.

Yes! 15 seconds left and we're good to go—


Markus's feeling of reassurance disappeared and were replaced with unexplainable feeling of elevating uneasiness.

What the hell…

My whole body…it's shaking so intensely…

Throughout his whole life, he was aware that his own body shaking intensely signifies the unprecedented danger that was about to come.


As Markus shouted desperately, he suddenly pushed Angelina towards the ink puddle, transporting her to another location.

At that moment, a huge ray of light struck where Markus was and caused a huge explosion blowing up the whole area.

The participants that are several miles away from the explosion tremble in fear.

Fuck…fuck…. Just what the fuck!

Markus is seen leaning on the wall, gravely injured, and blood coming out from his mouth.

That was a close call. What the fuck was that?

Markus tries to stand up while some of his injuries are slowly disappearing. But he struggles to do so due to his injuries.

During that moment before that devastating attack, I managed to deploy countless layers of ink wall while coating the magic stone with more ink.

But... I didn't think such golem could unleash dangerous attacks in the exam and still ended up taking some serious damage despite deploying numerous layers of ink wall—

Seriously?! You gotta be kidding me…

Suddenly, Markus sensed another incoming dangerous attack coming his way.

Markus took a stance with his trident to prepare for an incoming attack despite his injuries.

Damn it, there's 8 seconds more. Oh well, here it come—


Markus was shocked by what had just suddenly appeared before him. A gigantic golem with a four-sided spear on its right hand preparing to strike.

What the hell?! It's very huge compared to any golem so far, but how could it possibly be so fast?!

This is bad!! This huge chunk of material is aiming for the magic stone!

Markus uses all his strength to intercept the giant golem's attack with his trident.



Surprisingly, his trident was sturdy enough to stop the golem's attack.

This trident is far more sturdy than my previous tridents. After all, I imbued much more magic compared to the previous ones.

7 seconds left. I must hold out as much as I can.



Despite the increased sturdiness of Markus's trident, it could not withstand the force of the attack for a long time and ended up breaking.


Markus was already too late before he could even react and the golem's attack eventually reached the magic stone.

H-huh...? What just happened...?

Markus was surprised as he saw that the giant golem completely froze. He had no idea why it completely stopped working.