
Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

After all the things that he had done in his life, Alex realized that it was already his time to die. But a sudden encounter with a weird person will turn his whole life around. The formerly about-to-die teen shall now be a Traveler of different worlds! "You are an Esper? Then come and taste my saber!" "You are a Daoist? Then come and taste my fist!" "You are a Genie? Well, can you grant me infinite wishes?" Everyone shall witness Alex's rise on his endless journey! Disclaimer: (((Don't make me credit to einlion. His novel, Endless Paths: Infinite Cosmos, from the reception of his readers, is obviously good, but its an accident that my title is similar to his. Really.)))

kcgrabin · Fantasy
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794 Chs

Congregation of the Divine Senses! Part 1

[ASTRIA]: Why do you sound like you're not worried about the situation here? Isn't the first mission the one where most rookies from the Cosmic Guard usually dies? This is your first mission, so you should be f**king worried!

[WISTERIA]: I am worried, Astria. But what use is worrying right now? That won't resolve my problem, so it is better for me to just stay calm and collected…

[ASTRIA]: You said that you will stay calm and collected? Hmph, it seems like you have already forgotten that panic attack that you had when your batch mates pranked you….

[WISTERIA]: Wait, that does not count!

[ASTRIA]: It does not count? Lol, it counts! Hehehe, I can't even forget how you peed yourself at that tim-

[WISTERIA]: Hey! Stop talking about that already, for goodness' sake! Are you just here to embarrass me?

[Astria]: Well, I am not here to embarrass you. But I am here to remind you that you can't act like a weakling here. You do know of that, right?