
Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

After all the things that he had done in his life, Alex realized that it was already his time to die. But a sudden encounter with a weird person will turn his whole life around. The formerly about-to-die teen shall now be a Traveler of different worlds! "You are an Esper? Then come and taste my saber!" "You are a Daoist? Then come and taste my fist!" "You are a Genie? Well, can you grant me infinite wishes?" Everyone shall witness Alex's rise on his endless journey! Disclaimer: (((Don't make me credit to einlion. His novel, Endless Paths: Infinite Cosmos, from the reception of his readers, is obviously good, but its an accident that my title is similar to his. Really.)))

kcgrabin · Fantasy
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794 Chs

A Dumb Woman, a Shy Woman, and a New Woman?


"Hooman… you just went out for a few hours, and you became this strong already? How the f**k did you do this?" A red-faced Asteria, who was currently hovering behind Alina, seemed to look somewhat angered while asking Alex this reproachful question. "You said that you will be training, but this is not just training! This…  this is blatant level jumping!"

"Who cares if this is level jumping. As long as it benefits us, then there is no problem with this." Alex  replied while waving his notes in front of Asteria's face. "Why are you even angry? Shouldn't you be happy that I got stronger?"

"Of course I am happy hooman! But if you continue to improve like this, then how will I get to make you buy items?" Asteria's face continued to flush red at this point, as if what she just said was enough to make her angrier. "Huhuhu, you may not know it hooman, but I need you to buy stuff from me…"