
Sea of Blood (Part 2)

This time the active trembling was felt by everyone, Phantom and monster alike, there were no exceptions. It was unlike anything that happened before as if waiting for a powerful earthquake ready to change the landscape forever.

Before the Phantoms and monsters could jump to any conclusions, a stream of blood gushed out of the ground near the eastern wall.

It was small, the top point didn't even reach the middle of the fortress, something like this couldn't bring destruction or change the course of the battle, but this was just the beginning.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Every second, at random points around the fortress, scarlet streams of water poured out, and in less than a minute the first bloody pillar appeared, massive and tall, towering over the walls.

Viron, watching the progression of events shook his head, his gaze filled with gloom.