
Crimson Ray

No matter how great the lightning was, it always struck only one point. 

More often than not it was a spot high above the ground, towering over all other objects, but that only applied to natural thunder - the one moving at Adam was under the full control of the Crimson Monarch.

Adam didn't try to escape, he took up the Steel Knight stance from his memories. Now he would defeat the Steel Knight without lifting a finger, the power of his aura would be more than enough.

Yet, the monster that died at the beginning of Adam's journey was still with him and was still able to contribute to the fight against the Overlord Type.

The man and the girl turned around at the last moment. They thought Adam ran with them, but they saw only his serene silhouette awaiting punishment from the heavens. Unlike them, he realized that there was no point in running, only to fight.