
-PART 16- because I like you-


Tanya got a text from Ganendra, in which message ganendra apologized to Tanya if he hadn't heard from her for several days. Tanya then immediately replied and asked Ganendra for permission to stay away for the next few days. Tanya can't cope with her pain for the next few days, even feeling the need for hospitalization. The news of course made Ganandra surprised even though he left to place from his place at that time, he hurriedly called Tanya, But there was no response from Tanya, with a hurry Ganendra called and asked for an explanation from Dianne about Tanya.

"Hello, what's up boss?" Dianne said.

"Anne, is Tanya sick? What's up with her? "Ganendra said in a sound of worry.

"Calm down, Tanya's in shock, and now her body has been sick for the past few days she has a fever. Later after the break, she would have healed, just calm down dude I was here with her now" Said Dianne soothingly, but Ganendra could not calm down at all.