
Endless Devouring System

"If survival of the fittest is the true law of this world, then I shall become the embodiment of darkness, devouring everything!"

JadePhoenixS · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Forced into the Blood Mist Forest

It was an arrow of thunder laden with the scent of destruction, its speed so swift that the naked eye could barely catch it. Faced with this lightning-fast, fierce strike, Ryan instinctively twisted his body, trying to dodge. However, escape seemed out of the question. Shortly after, the arrow of thunder exploded behind him, unleashing a cataclysmic force.

In that critical moment, the Dragon Heart Armor that Ryan was wearing seemed to awaken, suddenly bursting into a blinding brilliance. The light on the surface of the armor condensed into layers of dragon scales, tightly covering Ryan's entire body, bravely withstanding the impending doom. The fierce collision between the arrow of thunder and the dragon scale armor produced a world-shaking boom, filling the air around Ryan for nearly ten kilometers with wild, unrivaled thunderous energy, creating an utterly breathtaking spectacle.

Under the onslaught of countless bolts of lightning, the dragon-scale protective layer on the Dragon Heart Armor became extremely unstable, revealing more cracks on the already damaged armor. At this moment, Ryan felt as if every bone in his body was trembling, his clothes instantly shredded by the rampaging thunder, and blood gushed from his mouth like an unrestrained flood, following which he was violently flung away by the powerful impact.

At this life-or-death juncture, Ryan, without any hesitation, spent 1000 points to buy a bottle of Primary recovery potion and quickly drank it down. With almost no time to wait for his injuries to heal, he continued to flee, staggering from the inertia of being forcefully thrown, increasing the distance between himself and Regan.

Regan watched incredulously as Ryan's figure grew more distant, his mind in turmoil. He looked at the gradually widening cracks on his Thunderbow, his anger reaching boiling point.

As a Level 59 mage, Regan couldn't understand how his full-force attack with a legendary weapon failed to kill a Level 32 youngster! Moreover, if this young man, already so formidable at Level 32, were given enough time to grow... then he would become the Genis family's nightmare!

With these thoughts, Regan's gaze turned increasingly grim. Decided, he resolved that today, at any cost, he must eliminate Ryan, the threat.

Burning with hatred, Regan crushed dozens of supreme magic crystals in his hand and furiously chased after Ryan. With the boost from the massive number of supreme magic crystals, the speed of Regan's mechanical wings reached a new level, steadily closing the distance between him and Ryan.

Ryan's situation was dire, tormented by pain. The strike from the arrow of thunder had nearly killed him; had it not been for the Dragon Heart's sudden defense, he might have been nothing but a pile of flesh by now!

The closer Regan got, the colder Ryan felt. Knowing his situation was grim, Ryan thought,"Continuing to flee will only lead to certain death!" Pale-faced, enduring the excruciating pain, Ryan pondered deeply.

Then, a wildly desperate idea struck him.

Rather than dying painfully at Regan's hands, he decided to take a chance!

With a determined look, Ryan cast a cold glance at Regan, who was relentlessly pursuing him, and swiftly changed direction, heading towards the southern horizon!

Perhaps, the Blood Mist Forest to the south could offer a sliver of hope. Though fraught with extreme danger, it did not necessarily spell certain death, only that the chances of survival were slim.

Now, even a glimmer of hope is crucial for him!He had no choice!

Ryan's unusual actions quickly caught Regan's attention, who immediately discerned Ryan's intent.

"Thinking of entering the Blood Mist Forest?" Regan sneered menacingly, crushing a dozen more supreme magic crystals in his hand, and coldly remarked,"Let's see how long you can hold out! Today, you must die by my hands!"

In an instant, Regan's figure once again closed in on Ryan, the distance between them shrinking to less than ten kilometers!

Without hesitation, Regan took out more supreme magic crystals and crushed them in his hand, channeling tremendous magical power into his Thunderbow. He then pulled the bowstring taut, like a full moon, and released another arrow of thunder towards Ryan, this one imbued with a terrifying destructive force.

This arrow arrived in a blink, too fast to evade! Ryan had no choice but to brace himself against this strike! The Dragon Heart was activated once again, followed by a terrifying explosion as Ryan was violently thrown backward. Accompanied by a dragon-like wail from the armor, the dragon-scale protective layer shattered instantly, and the cracks on the armor widened once more!

Ryan felt an unprecedented wave of pain sweeping through his body, the agony rushing in like a tide, making it nearly impossible for him to maintain a flight position. Gasping for air did nothing to alleviate the piercing pain. His body, already severely injured, was now further assaulted, adding insult to injury. Every inch of his skeleton seemed to scream in merciless crushing. It felt as if his entire body was crumbling bit by bit, every cell shrieking in agony. The wounds on his skin, torn open by the immense force, resembled countless mouths silently articulating their suffering.

Despite this, Ryan's will remained unyieldingly strong. At this life-and-death moment, his desire to live burned brighter with every second, each bout of pain igniting the primal force within him. He knew this was not the time to succumb to agony. Enduring the severe pain, and despite his body reaching its limits, Ryan did not hesitate to spend another 1000 points to buy and drink down a bottle of Primary recovery potion from the system store. Then, once again leveraging the momentum of the forceful impact, he staggered towards the south in a rush.

Seeing that his two costly arrows had failed to take effect, Regan was beyond enraged, his fury mingled with exasperation. Like a wild beast provoked, his rage boiled over, yet he also felt a sense of powerless defeat. Watching as Ryan slipped through his grasp like an eel, this helplessness and anger nearly drove Regan to madness. The thought of having wasted a great deal of supreme magic crystals only to fail to even touch the hem of the boy's garment made his emotions crumble.

"Ry...an!" Regan's shout was filled with extreme fury, his eyes blood-red, almost spewing fire. The anger and unwillingness in his voice mingled into a force that seemed to solidify the surrounding air, each word squeezed out through clenched teeth, filled with destructive hatred. Regan's heart seemed to be filled with endless rage, his hatred for Ryan bone-deep. This feeling surpassed pain and morphed into an obsessive fervor.

Driven by this extreme fury, Regan put away the Thunderbow and took out all his remaining supreme magic crystals, crushing them, and propelled his mechanical wings in a frenzied chase after Ryan.

"What a madman!" Ryan cursed inwardly, accelerating his pace once more in this frenzied chase.

Amidst the madness, the two seemed to be weaving through the sands of time until a blood-red forest, filled with mystery and danger, emerged before them. Vast and enigmatic, the entire forest and its atmosphere were shrouded in a sinister blood-red fog, exuding an extremely eerie aura.

Ryan had reached his limit, fully aware that there was no turning back in this chase. Seeing Regan behind him, nearly broken by a consuming desire for revenge, Ryan felt a sense of powerlessness. Yet, at this life-and-death moment, despair transformed into a kind of reckless courage. With a determined heart, he quickly plunged into the forest veiled in blood-red fog, casting his fate into the dark unknown filled with peril.

Regan, observing Ryan's unhesitant dash into the forest, flashed a moment of surprise, which was quickly replaced by intensified fury. In his eyes, Ryan's act was nothing but a desperate struggle at the end of his rope, but this wouldn't make him give up! Though the Blood Mist Forest had a notorious reputation as a place forbidden to humans, as long as one did not delve too deeply, he, a Level 59 human powerhouse, was confident he could emerge unscathed!

Following closely, Regan dove into the blood-red fog without hesitation, his mind harboring only one thought – he was determined to make Ryan die bit by bit in utter despair before him!

As Ryan stepped into the Blood Mist Forest, a nauseating stench of blood hit him hard, causing his stomach to churn. Looking up, the sight that greeted him sent chills down his spine. A weird and dense red fog enveloped everything, giving off an extremely unsettling vibe, as if each wisp of fog had condensed from the blood of countless creatures.

Within this red fog, the shadows of Blood clan monsters could vaguely be seen roaming. These shadows appeared and disappeared unpredictably, their presence adding an aura of death and terror to the forest. They were either as silent as ghosts or moved like phantoms, every movement brimming with unpredictable danger.

The edge of the forest was still quiet, but as Ryan ventured deeper, the air grew thicker with the smell of blood, and the surroundings became increasingly twisted and terrifying.

Gradually, Ryan noticed various bloodthirsty and evil creatures on the ground. Their forms varied – some had pointed ears like elves, others were werewolf-like with massive statures, and even more indescribable beasts densely populated the forest, making every inch of land fraught with unforeseen dangers. Without exception, they all had ferocious, blood-red eyes and mouths dripping with foul saliva, filled with terrifyingly sharp fangs.

The scene before him made Ryan's scalp tingle, but with his enemy still hot on his heels, he clenched his teeth and ventured deeper into the forest.

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