
Endless Devouring System

"If survival of the fittest is the true law of this world, then I shall become the embodiment of darkness, devouring everything!"

JadePhoenixS · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Explanation of Mage Level and Combat Power Background

The power system on the continent of Lester is divided into ten realms, as follows:

1.Magic Apprentice (Levels 1-9): Novice magicians who have just learned to absorb mana from the air and store it in their bodies. They can only cast the most basic spells.

2.Primary Mage (Levels 10-19): At this level, the mage's internal mana reservoir is equivalent to a football field-sized pool, allowing the use of elementary magic.

3.Intermediate Mage (Levels 20-29): Mages at this stage have mana reserves as vast as rivers, enabling them to fly and use a range of medium-level magic skills, though at a high mana cost. Their attack damage range is between 1 to 9 meters.

4.Advanced Mage (Levels 30-39): Their mana is as plentiful as a lake, allowing for flexible magic use in battle and the ability to cast high-level magic skills, albeit with difficulty. A casual strike can destroy anything within a 10 to 99 meters radius.

5.First-Order Grand Mage (Levels 40-49): These magicians have begun to master the combat use of advanced magic skills, with mana reserves as vast as a huge mountain range. A casual strike can obliterate everything within a 100 to 500 meters radius.

6.Second-Order Grand Mage (Levels 50-59): The mage's internal mana is terrifyingly abundant, like the sea, greatly amplifying the power of advanced magic spells. A casual strike can destroy everything within a 500 to 1000 meters radius.

7.Third-Order Grand Mage (Levels 60-69): The limit of mana storage is as vast as the ocean, roughly ten times the sea. They can begin to use spatial teleportation magic (moving 100 meters per second but at a high mana cost, maintainable for one hour), and a casual strike can destroy everything within a 1000 to 5000 meters radius.

8.King-Rank Magus (Levels 70-79): The mage's mana reserves have reached a horrifying level, equivalent to five oceans, allowing for spatial magic teleportation of a kilometer per second, maintainable for an hour. A full-force strike can destroy everything within a 5 to 10 kilometers radius.

9.Emperor-Rank Magus (Levels 80-89): Their mana storage capacity is close to ten oceans, enabling them to use spatial magic to teleport one kilometer per second, maintainable for an hour. A full-force strike can destroy everything within a 10 to 50 kilometers radius.

10.Supreme Magus (Levels 90-99): At this level, there are no longer any limits on mana storage, allowing for the use of any magic at will and teleportation to any corner of the world. They are akin to demigods. A full-force strike can destroy everything within a 100 kilometers radius!

In this world, magicians only need to absorb mana from the air to cast corresponding spells. Common basic magic skills are automatically understood by mages once they reach a certain level through the mana sea, and they can release spells accordingly. However, there are also uncommon special magic skills, such as tracking spells, bloodline bonds, spatial movement, meteor spells, illusionary magic barriers, and space tearing, which require mages to learn from spellbooks. The grades of special magic skills and magical equipment are the same.

To give readers an idea of the power levels of magicians at each level, a brief summary has been provided. Note that adjustments might be made in the future to address any inconsistencies.

The magic crystals produced by the countries of the Lester continent are generally classified into three grades: Basic, Medium, and Premium. Their exchange rate is: 10,000 Basic magic crystals = 100 Medium magic crystals = 1 Premium magic crystal.