
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Your sister is here for you

Anne was lying down on her bed when she felt a masculine hand gently caressing her arm. She could also feel the man's warm breath on her neckline that felt ticklish.

She closed her eyes enjoying the sweet sensation that comes with it. She felt his hand travel down her arm to her small waist and then to her tummy.

Anne bit down her bottom lip hard, trying her best not to let a moan escape from her mouth. She was getting turned on.

The way he was slowly circling his hand around her tummy was making her breathe harder.

There was only one man who could make her feel this way. That man who makes her heart beat fast and her body wanting more.

Anne turned her body and saw Carl looking very seductive, lying on her bed right next to her. She noticed he was shirtless and her heart started pounding so loudly that she felt Carl could hear it since he was very close to her.

"…umm Carl?" Anne finally spoke up in a soft tone.

"Shh... it's me" Carl whispered, seeing that Anne was getting very nervous.

"Are… are you for real?" Anne stuttered, touching his face.

"kiss me and find out," Carl said, staring at her with a mischievous smirk that made him look so sexy.

Without any hesitation, Anne leaned closer to Carl and kissed him passionately. She wrapped her hands around his neck and Carl deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth. They both felt their blood rush and they were consumed by the raging fire of emotion.

With their lips still interlocked, Carl slowly got on top of her body, caressing her neck and Anne's body shuddered. Her head was lost in the cloud as Carl began kissing her in a teasing manner and all of a sudden, she woke up from her dream with a gasp.

Anne quickly turned her body to the other side of the bed, expecting to see Carl right next to her but she was all alone. It made her heave a sigh of relief after realizing it was just a dream because it felt so real to her.

She was relieved it was just a dream yet she felt sad. She actually wanted Carl on the bed next to her. She missed him a lot.

Anne sat down on her bed and started massaging her temple like she was trying to get her mind off Carl.

"Anastasia why are you still thinking about him?" she muttered to herself.

She subconsciously touched her lips as she thought about her dream. It wasn't the first time she was having such dreams about Carl. For the past few days, she had been dreaming and fantasizing about Carl. She couldn't force herself to stop thinking about him even if she tried.

Anne heard a faint knock and since she was awake she was able to hear it. She lazily got up from her bed and went straight to the living room to unlock the door.

As soon as she opened the door, Dexter fell on top of her body as if he was already resting on the door and Anne caught him in a hug.

Since Dexter didn't weigh too much, she was able to catch him and not fall to the ground because it was unexpected.

Anne adjusted her balance and held Dexter's face to have a clear look at him. She was surprised that he fell on her body like that.

"Dexter, what happened to you?" Anne asked in a worried tone.

Dexter looked at Anne with blurry vision. His head was spinning and he was finding it difficult to speak. There was blood at the corner of his lips and he looked so dirty like he came out of a garbage can.

Fear gripped Anne immediately as she saw the condition her brother was in. Dexter looked so pathetic.

"Anne…" Dexter said slowly in a creaked voice.

"Shh! don't say anything, your sister is here for you" she assured him.

She placed his right arm around her shoulders and helped him get to his room because he could barely walk.

Getting to his room, she could hear Dexter groaning in pain. His body was aching so badly from the rough encounter he had with Treasure's stalker.

Anne carefully laid him down on his bed and she took off the shirt.

She gasped with her both hands covering her mouth as soon as she saw terrible red marks all over Dexter's body like he was badly caned.

"Dexter?" Anne whimpered with a worried look on her face.

She wondered what happened to Dexter but she couldn't ask him just yet because he was already half asleep. He looked so tired and stressed.

She already felt like crying seeing her brother in this state. It hurts her so much.

Ever since her grandfather died, she turned all her focus on Dexter and promised herself to take care of him with her life. She loves her brother so much that she could do anything for him because he was the only family she had left.

Anne took off Dexter's trousers leaving him with just his shorts. She soaked a small towel in a basin filled with lukewarm water and used the damp towel to clean up his body.

Meanwhile, Dexter groaned softly with his eyes still shut as the wet towel touched his wounds.

Anne gently applied an ointment on Dexter's bruises. It was the same ointment the doctor gave to Anne the first time Dexter got beaten up.

After she was done, she was about to leave his room when she saw Dexter's phone beep. She checked it and saw a notification of a text message from Treasure. She was curious to read the text since the name was saved with three red love emoji attached to it.

Seeing how the number was saved, Anne already assumed it was Dexter's girlfriend. She thought it was the same girl Dexter went on a dinner date with and the girl who made Dexter get beaten up the last time.

'Dexter, are you back home?'

'did you get home safe?'

'please text me back, I'm worried'

Treasure sent those texts one after the other to Dexter, immediately after she received the text from her stalker, threatening he was going to kill Dexter. She was scared that something bad had happened to him and she hoped that he was okay.

Anne's face was red with anger. She had the urge of blocking Treasure's number from Dexter's phone because she believed that whatever Dexter was going through right now was because of her.

She had the feeling that Dexter was seeing Treasure behind her back despite her having a psychopath as a boyfriend. That was what Anne thought. She was angry that Dexter didn't listen to her.

Anne hasn't met Treasure yet but she hated her already for causing her brother so much pain.


The next day morning at Carl's house***

Richie was busy doing his homework in the living room when he heard a knock on the door. He got up to see who was at the door and to his wonderful surprise, he saw his mother standing at the doorstep with a big smile on her face.

She was wearing a black button-down flare dress and she was holding a designer suitcase in her hand that matched her outfit. She looked so beautiful and healthier than usual like she had been living her life to the fullest.

"Mom!!!" Richie shrieked with excitement and immediately hugged his mother tightly.

"Mom, I've missed you so much," Richie said in her embrace. His mother hasn't been around for the past six months and it felt like a year to Richie.

"I've missed you too my baby," she said.

Just then, Carl and his grandmother walked in after hearing Richie's loud excited voice.

Ms. Sarah McAlester nearly rolled her eyes as soon as she saw Carl's grandmother. She can't stand Carl's grandmother at all because Carl's grandma was against her getting married to her son which is Carl's father who is now late.

Since then, she had always despised Carl's grandma. Although, the feeling was mutual. Carl's grandma can't stand her either.

"It's good to see you mom. How have you been and how's Canada?" Carl said to his mom.

"Canada has been nice Carl, and how have you been? Let me guess, you're still single? No plans in getting married? Or you're still waiting for your ex-girlfriend to wake up from the dead" Ms. Sarah scoffed.

Carl's face turned sad and his grandmother who was at the scene noticed it just immediately. She reads Carl like a book and she knows whenever Carl was truly happy or sad just by looking into his eyes even though he was pretending.

Carl's mom has always mocked him for being single ever since his break up with his late ex-girlfriend, Aurora. Deep down, she worries in her heart that Carl wasn't going to find love and get married in the future because of his past experience with love. Although, she wouldn't let Carl be with Anne no matter what even though he wanted her. That is how much she hates Anne.

"Sarah! Carl is only 27, what's with all the rush with him getting married…" Carl's grandmother said to Ms. Sarah.

"…and what are you doing here in my house?" Ms. Sarah snapped.

"This is not your house, it's my grandson's house and I have every right to visit" Carl's grandmother fired back.

"Carl! are you just going to stand there and let this old hag talk to your mother like that?" Ms. Sarah said to Carl pointing at his grandma.

However, Carl left the scene to his balcony to chill without uttering a word to any of the women. He's used to his mom and his grandmother's constant argument and he's fed up with always trying to settle their differences.

Most of the time, he knows his mother is at fault but she always forces him to pick her side which he never does and it upsets her.

Ever since Carl was a kid, he had always been closer to his grandmother even more than his mother and it made his mother jealous of their bond.

But as for Richie, he's closer to his mother and even though he bullies Carl a lot, he'll definitely pick him over anyone in his life. He loves Carl so much.