
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
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146 Chs

Dancing with the devil

"Hey, if you shoot me you two are going to lose your jobs" Noah fired back at the security guard. He had so much courage because his hands were now free from the handcuffs thanks to the long string he used in unbolting them. Although, he was still pretending like his hands were tied backward.

The third security guard walked closer to Noah and yelled at him "If shutting your mouth for good, will let me lose my job then I don't mind"

Noah smirked when the third security guard stood very close to him. He quickly pulled the security guard's groin with force and the security guard gave a loud scream and was writhing in pain.

The second security guard who just watched the scene was shocked at what just happened. He brought his gun with the intention of shooting Noah, but in a blink of an eye, Noah stood up to his feet and used the third security guard that was still writhing in pain as a shield for blocking all the bullets to get to him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After four bullets, the third security guard that was being used as a shield to cover Noah dropped dead. Even with the gun in his hand, he couldn't do anything because of how hard Noah pulled his groin and he dropped dead just like that.

However, the second security guard was still firing shots at Noah but unfortunately for him, he was out of bullets.

Noah heaved a heavy sigh of relief. That was a close call

"Not so tough huh, big guy," Noah said and the security guard started running because he was armless. He picked the gun from the dead security guard's hand and he emotionlessly shot the security guard running and the security guard fell down and died.

Noah immediately left the backyard of the hotel and rushed inside the hall where the party was still going on to look for Mr. Ross, Carl, and Sasha. His eyes roved around the place in anxiety until he saw Carl and Sasha dancing.

"What the fuck!?" Noah cursed under his breath. He couldn't believe his eyes to see Carl and Sasha dancing.

He rushed to them and said to Carl, frowning. "Prosecutor Carl, why the fuck are you dancing with this witch? …What about the gorgeous queen of your heart?"

Carl immediately broke free from Sasha while Sasha glared at Noah who was giving her a disgusting look.

"Wh... What happened to you?" Carl asked Noah worriedly. He saw how Noah looked like he just got into a fight which he literally did. His hair was messy and there were some blood stains on his face and his suit.

"Boss, while you were busy dancing with this devil..." Noah pointed to Sasha "...I was out there doing my job as the detective I am" he said.

Although, Carl wasn't in his right mind when he was dancing with Sasha. He was still thinking about his fight with Anne but at least the slow dance subdued his anger. But Sasha on the other hand has been drooling over Carl's chest muscles that were exposed because he didn't wear an inside shirt in his suit, just his vest. Carl's hot body was turning her on until Noah showed up.

"So should we thank you for doing your job as a detective?" Sasha said to Noah sternly.

"Sasha, please…" Carl said to shut her up "Noah, did you find anything suspicious in tracing who's plotting to kill Mr. Ross?"

"Yes I have and as a matter of fact, I know who's planning to kill Mr. Ross" Noah answered and Carl and Sasha pulled serious faces.

"What!? Who!?" Carl asked with so much curiosity.

"Uh... I didn't really get the guy's name but he's a light-skinned man, somewhat chubby, he should be 6 feet tall and he was in a blue tuxedo" Noah said, trying to describe Mr. Ross's manager.

"Oh, my God! that's Robert, Mr. Ross's manager" Carl chimed in with an extreme shock on his face.

Sasha gasped "Shit! It was a trap" She whispered with a sincere worried look on her face.

"Sasha, what are you talking about? What trap?" Carl asked Sasha anxiously.

"Mr. Ross left with his manager and a security guard to do something urgently, I just don't know where to," she said in a panicked tone.

"Goddammit!! I told you not to take your eyes off Mr. Ross and you let him fall into a trap" Carl glared at Sasha.

"HEY! don't blame me, you're the one who forgot how important your job was because you were too busy going to fight over a woman" she fired back.

"Guys! this isn't the time for us to argue" Noah voiced out, shutting both of them up. "Prosecutor Carl, that stupid ass manager took my phone, you can track it and we'll know where they are"

"Sure" Carl muttered and he started pressing his phone. "They're still in the hotel," he said.

"Mr. McAlester" Mr. Ross's first son, Michael Ross, called, walking towards the gang.

Carl turned to Michael. "Michael Ross, uhm... what's good?"

"There's a small problem, I can't find my father anywhere… He was supposed to raise a toast before the party is over" Michael said.

Carl let his fingers run through his hair. He usually does that whenever he gets anxious. He didn't want Michael to know that his father was in danger so he wouldn't freak out. He had to come up with something.

"Michael, your father is in a tight schedule right now and he's currently busy but I promise you, he'll be back shortly," Carl said, trying to maintain a positive attitude.

"Just tell the emcee to keep on making some silly jokes to keep the guests entertained so they won't get bored," Carl said

"Alright, I'll do that," Michael nodded and he left.

"Okay guys, let's all look for Mr. Ross we have no time," Carl said to Sasha and Noah.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ross's manager and the first security guard took Mr. Ross to room 46 which was on the second floor. When they got to the room, the lights were off and Mr. Ross switched them on.

"Are the documents in this room?" Mr. Ross asked his manager.

"First of all, SHUT UP!" Robert yelled at Mr. Ross.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Ross said with squinted eyes. He was shocked and confused at his manager's sudden disrespect and change of tone. Mr. Ross's manager has always respected him so his sudden change of tone came as a surprise to him.

Where is all this coming from?

Mr. Ross was so confused right now.

Before Mr. Ross knew it, Robert brought out a gun from the back of his trousers and pointed it at Mr. Ross. "happy death day Mr. Ross" he said with gritted teeth.

"You??" Mr. Ross glared at Robert with pains in his eyes like he was about to tear up.

"Robert, how could you do this to me? We've worked together for years till I no longer see you as my manager but like a son... when your father died, I employed you to be my manager so you could earn a living and this is how you repay me? What happened? What changed?" Mr. Ross said in a shaky voice, feeling betrayed.

Everything was like a dream to him. He would've suspected anyone to be after his life but not his manager who he trusts so much.

"Stop talking or I'll shoot!" Robert yelled at Mr. Ross, pointing the gun to his face with both hands.

"Whoa! Wait for a second, ...you're the one who tampered with my breaks right? You caused my accident" Mr. Ross said with a scornful look on his face. He figured it out because who else would've done that?

"Yes I did, I was the one who caused your accident and luckily, you survived" Robert boldly said.


Angelo, however, has been seriously looking for Anne. He wondered if she had already left the hotel and since he was familiar with the hotel, he checked for the possible places she might be.

Checking the bar of the hotel, he saw Anne talking to a young man. They were both sitting down opposite each other near the counter, sipping wine.

Anne didn't even look like she got into a heated argument with Carl rather, she looked relaxed. After her argument with Carl, she said to herself in the restroom that she wouldn't let Carl ruin her mood. She tried her best to cheer up that was why she stopped at the bar to chill and to get her mind off Carl. She didn't want to be anywhere Carl was because she was still angry at him.

Angelo walked to where Anne and the young man were sitting and he whispered something to the young man's ears. The young man immediately stood up and left without saying a word.

Anne gave Angelo a puzzled look, feeling confused at what just happened. Meanwhile, Angelo sat down opposite Anne where the young man was sitting. He couldn't bribe the young man like how he bribe the cameraman to leave Anne alone so he had to play a little trick to let the young man leave them. Besides, the young man with Anne didn't look like someone you could just bribe.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Anne said to Angelo.

"Doing what?" Angelo acted dumb and Anne rolled her eyes.

"That man and I were having a serious conversation. His wife's birthday is coming up and he wanted me to bake her cake" she explained.

"Oh" Angelo responded nonchalantly. It was as if Anne was talking to herself because his focus was now on Anne's beauty. He's ready to stare at her beautiful face all day.

'No wonder Carl is crazy about her' Angelo thought, gazing into Anne's eyes. If Anne had not explained to him that the young man she was talking to was talking business with her, he would've sworn that the young man was hitting on her. Anne is just too pretty that why.

"...And what did you tell him to make him leave?" Anne asked Angelo.

"I told him I don't like seeing people talking to my wife when she's alone," Angelo said flirtatiously.

"Your wife my foot!" she replied sternly and Angelo laughed.

"hmm… Are you despising me because of Carl McAlester? Are you two involved? …Do you like him?" Angelo asked calmly but he desperately wanted answers, especially from Anne herself.

"That's none of your business, Angelo Ross," Anne said with a straight face.

Angelo gave a suspicious chuckle that sounded annoying to Anne's ears. He has confirmed in his heart that Anne was in love with Carl because she didn't give him a straight answer. Either way, he was happy that he is the reason for Carl and Anne's misunderstanding.

"You're right, it's practically none of my business. But uhm… I'm only asking because I want you to be careful. Carl is not who you think he is" Angelo said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Anne asked.

"Well, I don't know if he told you this but Carl and I used to be close friends. I just don't understand why he hates me so much now" Angelo sighed, feigning a sad expression.

"You two used to be close friends? what happened?" she curiously asked and Angelo mentally praised himself for making Anne curious. He was ready to feed her with lies.

"I'll tell you what happened... There was this pretty lady I was seeing three years ago and before I continue, note, she wasn't as pretty as you" Angelo winked.

"I never knew she was in a relationship with Carl. I mean, if I had known she was dating my friend I swear I would've ended our relationship. One day, Carl found out about our affair and that was when things went sour for the both of us. I tried to explain to him that I had no idea that the lady I was seeing was his girlfriend but Carl wouldn't hear me out. Unfortunately, I thought the fight was between the both of us alone but I never knew Carl would go as far as hurting his girlfriend." He sighed.

"What happened?" Anne was anxious.

"He confronted his girlfriend, Aurora about what happened and the both of them got into a heated argument. During their argument, Carl pushed her and she hit her head on the wall… That was how she died." He said in a soft tone.

"For years, Carl has been trying to convince everyone around him that his ex-girlfriend got into a car accident but that's a lie, that didn't happen. He killed her" Angelo shook his head, looking down.

Anyone could literally feel sorry for him because of how sad he looked. Meanwhile, Anne scoffed making Angelo fix his gaze on her with a surprised look.

Why would she scoff after hearing his touching story?

"I don't believe you, Carl would never raise his hand on a woman no matter how angry he gets," Anne said certainly.

"Wow... and what makes you say that? Please don't let Carl's innocent look fool you. Carl is a jealous and possessive lover and being in a relationship with him is like selling your soul to the devil. He'll never let you breathe because of his fucking insecurities and for Christ's sake, he killed his ex-girlfriend just because she cheated on him." Angelo said, trying as much as possible to make Anne believe that Carl is a bad person.

Anne exhaled softly. She thought about her fight with Carl and remembering the harsh words he said to her made her slightly frown. Yes, she believed Angelo that Carl can be very jealous and possessive but killing his ex-girlfriend? that was too much for her to believe. After all, Carl has told her his side of the story a few months ago when they were together on his balcony.

Nevertheless, Angelo saw that Anne was in a state of doubt. He could tell from how quiet she was. His target now is to poison Anne's mind against Carl and keep her for himself.