
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
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146 Chs

Cold and strict boss

"Last week, while I was going back home after we left the waterfall, I met a guy who was stalking me" Dexter started narrating while Treasure was paying full attention to him.

"...he was huge, all dressed in black and he was wearing an eye patch on his face covering his left eye. He seemed like a lunatic because he was yelling at me to stay away from you. Could you imagine that?" Dexter said.

He explained everything to Treasure without adding the part where he got beaten up like a criminal because he felt too embarrassed about it.

Meanwhile, Treasure was breathing heavily as Dexter described her stalker. She was suddenly covered in fear.

"Treasure are you okay?" Dexter said and began snapping his fingers at her face because of how frozen she looked.

Treasure immediately froze out of shock that her stalker has met Dexter. 'Could this be the reason why Dexter has been ignoring me,' She thought to herself.

Her lashes began to flutter as Dexter started snapping his fingers on her face like he was waking her up from her trance.

"Bye Dexter I.. I... I have to go" she sputtered turning to leave in a hurry and Dexter held her hand to stop her.

"Treasure are you okay?" Dexter asked worriedly because she was acting weird all of a sudden.

"I said I have to go!!" she said aggressively and forcefully pulled her hand away from him and left the supermarket in a hurry.

Dexter was shocked and dumbfounded by her sudden behavior. He just watched her back view as she left the supermarket in a hurry without looking back. He wondered if she was okay and why she suddenly got scared when he told her about the psychopath.

He was expecting her to laugh about it but she surprised him and left. He hoped in his heart that everything was okay.


Monday Morning at NYPD***

Carl was in his office, sitting down on his swivel chair and typing on his laptop with a straight face, looking very serious. His serious face made him look like a cold and strict boss, yet he looked extremely handsome with that cold look.

He hasn't called nor texted Anne ever since she made it clear to him that he was wasting his time on her. And to nobody's surprise, Anne hasn't bothered to call or text him either.

He had stopped sending her flowers just like she asked and he was also working on moving on from her and forgetting her completely. He knew it wasn't going to be easy but to him, it was better than giving himself false hopes.

Presently, he was expecting a substitute secretary to be at his office but he or she was already twenty minutes late for the interview with him. His former secretary who used to keep records and take notes of their previous and present criminal cases is currently on a leave for a few months because she had just given birth so he needed a quick replacement until she gets back.

After a while, Carl heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said calmly but his voice was still heard and a pretty young lady walked in.

"Good morning Sir" the young lady greeted him, standing not too far from his desk.

Carl was certain it was the tardy secretary he had been expecting because of how she called him 'sir' when 99 percent of everyone he worked with in his company referred to him as 'prosecutor Carl'.

Carl lifted his eyes to see the young lady that wanted to be the substitute secretary. Seeing her got him nearly rolling his eyes because she arrived late and Carl doesn't tolerate lateness among his workers.

The young lady saw Carl's face and was taken aback by his handsomeness. Her jaw dropped seeing how stunning he looked. She had never seen such a hot fellow with mesmerizing looks like that in her entire life.

She had read about him on the internet, in newspapers, and also watched some of his interviews on TV but she never thought he looked better in real life.

However, this young lady wasn't looking bad herself. She has a pretty face and a very attractive body. She's thick in her boobs, hips, and ass which was obvious because of the black bodycon gown she was wearing, making her hourglass figure pronounced.

Her brunette hair was styled in a sophisticated manner like she took her time to arrange it and who knows, maybe that was why she arrived late.

She wasn't wearing much makeup but she still looked attractive to the eyes.

Nevertheless, Carl wasn't looking at or admiring her beauty whatsoever. He was in a daze at her beautiful silver eyes exactly like Anne's eyes. What attracted him to Anne at first, was her beautiful and seductive silver eyes. Her eyes were what drew him to her the first day they met on the subway.

Carl thought he was already daydreaming about Anne, seeing her bright silver orbs in the young lady's eyes in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes with his index finger to be sure he wasn't daydreaming about Anne but he still saw the young lady with the silver eyes.

He wasn't daydreaming, he really saw the silver eyes and it wasn't Anne's eyes.

"Are those silver eyes of yours real?" Carl asked all of a sudden. He still wanted to confirm.

The young lady looked lost, she wasn't expecting such a question from Carl at all and she wondered if it was part of the Interview.

The young lady shook her head "No, it's not, they're contact lenses, I wear them because it helps me see better" she said.

"Get rid of them NOW!" Carl ordered with a scornful look like he was irritated by the color of her eyes.

She was lucky it wasn't her real eyes if not, Carl would've fired her right away before she even get the job. He didn't want anything at all that'll remind him of Anne.

Meanwhile, the young lady was shocked at Carl's harsh behavior towards her. She has heard some rumors about Carl being a kind, humble billionaire but from how he talked to her, she felt the rumors about him being a kind man weren't true.

'how can he ask me to take off my contact lens after I told him it helps me see better…' she thought to herself with an astonished look on her face.

"Sir it helps me see better," The young lady politely said.

Carl glared at her.

"I don't care! if you don't have any plans in working here you can leave" he said rudely, gesturing his hand for her to leave.

"…I …I'm so sorry sir," The young lady apologized in fear and she immediately removed her contact lenses on the spot.

Her eyes were originally brown and it suited her more, though her vision was now a bit blurry.

"I'm truly sorry sir" she apologized again.

"What is your name?" Carl asked her looking at the screen of his laptop.

"My name is Cassandra Hills" she replied.

"Alright miss Hills, one thing you should know about me is that I don't tolerate lateness to work and you're already twenty-three minutes late to be interviewed by me. So I'll advise that the effort you used in fixing yourself, you should use that effort in being punctual cause it appears to me that you're the lazy type. Judging by your resumé" he said flatly, still looking at the screen of his laptop whilst typing.

"Uh… I….mm" the young lady, Cassandra couldn't find her words. She wondered to herself if she could keep up with Carl's attitude. He was just too blunt for her liking.

"...You can start tomorrow by 7: 30 in the morning. Once you come a minute late, you'll be fired just immediately, and remember you're a substitute, not my permanent secretary" he said, looking back at her.

Casandra feigned a serious face but she was screaming with excitement in her heart that she has managed to secure a job just like that. She came prepared expecting tough questions from Carl but she was lucky enough to have easily gotten the job without being asked a formal question.

Even though she wasn't a permanent employee, she was aware of how much she'll be getting paid. A huge amount of money that'll solve all her problems.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir" Cassandra showed her gratitude with a smile and Carl gestured his hand for her to leave his office.

Cassandra managed to see Carl's hand gesture and she turned her back to leave.

While she was leaving she accidentally bumped her forehead on the door.

"ouch," she muttered, massaging her forehead. Since she couldn't see properly, she accidentally bumped her forehead on the door. Luckily, it didn't hurt her so much.

"Do NOT break my door!!" Carl counted his words in a husky tone.

He was already annoyed with her because of the fake contact lens she was putting on that reminded him of Anne. The only reason he gave her the job that easily was because she was just a substitute which means she wouldn't stay long in his company.

"I'm sorry sir" Cassandra apologized and managed to leave his office.

At this point, she didn't mind if Carl was rude to her, all she wanted was not to get on his bad side to secure her job. Besides, she found him too handsome to even hate on him.


Days went by fast and things were still the same with Anne and Carl. They haven't spoken to each other at all.

Anne has been very busy delivering her pastries here and there because of the numerous orders she was receiving. Her recognition at Mr. Ross's birthday party as the one who baked his birthday cake made her more popular and the new customers she gained that day kept on requesting for orders. It made Anne to be very busy and she loved it that way.

Despite being busy, her mind was never off Carl. Sometimes she wondered what he was up to. If he was okay? But she still allowed her pride and her ego to consume her and not to talk to Carl no matter what.

Carl, on the other hand, was also becoming a workaholic, focusing more on his job than ever. As days go by, he feels he's already over Anne since he is no longer communicating with her or seeing her.