
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
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146 Chs

Caused the death of his girlfriend

At the Hospital***

Mr. Ross was sitting down, resting his back at the edge of the hospital bed. Luckily, he survived the accident but with a minor injury on his head which was plastered with a small bandage.

His two sons, Michael and Angelo were with him in the hospital ward and just then, Carl and Noah walked in.

"I want to talk to Carl McAlester alone, the rest of you should leave," Mr. Ross said to everyone in the ward.

Noah was the first to leave, followed by Michael, Mr. Ross's first child who is adopted.

Meanwhile, Angelo and Carl were glaring at each other like they were fighting through their minds. It's been a long time since these two rivals met.

Mr. Ross shot Angelo a disdainful look, signaling him to leave and Angelo left them alone in the ward.

"Mr. Ross, I heard you got into a car accident. Please tell me how it happened," Carl said. He was happy that Mr. Ross seemed to be doing fine.

"Carl, my son, somebody is trying to kill me before my time," Mr. Ross said with a serious face.

"What!? Who? Wh... What are you talking about?" Carl stuttered in anxiety looking into Mr. Ross's eyes.

"The accident I had wasn't really an accident. Someone tampered with my brakes and I am certain it was Angelo," Mr. Ross said.

"What?!?" Carl exclaimed. "Mr. Ross, I know that Angelo might act like a bitch but I don't think he'll want to kill his own father," He said, still feeling shocked at what he just heard.

"That's what I thought but who wouldn't want my inheritance? I am one of the richest men in New York and the CEO of stone's perfume company" Mr. Ross bragged but it was a fact. "I am lucky to have survived this accident but I might not be lucky the next time."

"Mr. Ross nothing is going to happen to you." Carl sat down on the hospital bed close to Mr. Ross. "I promise to protect you at all costs," he said firmly.

"Carl, you don't have to worry I..."

"...NO," Carl interrupted.

"I wasn't able to protect my father when he got killed, please let me protect you," he said.

"Carl you are such a good man just like your father. I'm sure he'll be proud up there to see the man you've become" Mr. Ross said smiling and Carl nodded.

"I am transferring all my inheritance to Michael, my adopted son because he has proven himself enough to me and I know that Angelo is unhappy with it," he said.

"Mr. Ross, being the businessman that you are, I'm sure you have a lot of enemies who compete with you. There might be someone else who is after your life… not necessary Angelo" Carl suggested.

"That is also true my son." Mr. Ross said.

"Noah and I will start investigating who's after your life and I promise to catch him and put him behind bars" Carl assured.

Carl came out of the hospital ward and saw Michael, Angelo, and Noah waiting in the corridor.

Immediately he set his eyes on Angelo he was filled with hate because of what Mr. Ross said about him.

What if Angelo was planning to kill his father?

"Michael, your father wants to speak with you," Carl said to Michael and Michael went inside the ward.

As soon as the door closes, Carl voiced out to Angelo. "Angelo, your father told me his brakes stopped working while he was driving to his company, do you mind explaining that?"

"Oh great! you think I have something to do with my father's accident" Angelo shook his head in disbelief.

"And give me a good reason why I wouldn't think that when you know your father is not going to give you any of his inheritance," Carl said in a husky tone.

"I no longer care about my dad's wealth okay? This morning before my dad left to work, I apologized to him for not being the son he wanted me to be… My dad left that part, right? He only told you to start asking me stupid questions concerning his accident" Angelo scoffed.

"It's not your dad's fault, he knows how irresponsible you are and how cunning you can be when it comes to getting something you want because you're nothing but a snake," Carl said, looking at Angelo with disgust.

Noah who was watching the scene saw that Carl was going too far and was taking it personally as if he had something against Angelo.

"...yeah! coming from someone who caused the death of his girlfriend" Angelo snapped.


Carl delivered a swift punch to Angelo's jaw and Noah's eyes widened out of shock.

Angelo immediately got furious. He was about to retaliate but Noah quickly blocked him.

Noah made sure he was standing in between Carl and Angelo so that he can prevent them from hurting each other because of how angry they were.

"Prosecutor Carl, what is wrong with you?" Noah yelled at Carl not minding the fact that Carl was his boss.

"Detective, get out of my sight let me teach this bastard a lesson" Angelo yelled, trying to go through Noah.

"I dare you, motherfucker!!" Carl fired back with a clenched fist. He wasn't satisfied with the punch he gave to Angelo, he wanted to tear him into pieces.

"Shut up!! Shut up the both of you" Noah yelled at top of his voice and everywhere stood still.

However, Carl and Angelo were glaring at each other and Angelo was massaging his jaw which was hurting from Carl's punch.

Meanwhile, the owner of the hospital, some nurses, and some patients who have been watching the entire argument scene had no clue of what they were fighting about.

There were murmurs in the room but some voices were still heard

"Isn't that Carl McAlester, that prosecutor guy?" A random person said.

"And that's Mr. Ross's son, right? Why are these two hot fellows fighting?" Another random person said.

Those who watch updated news and commercials must've seen Carl and Angelo on TV and recognized them in the hospital.

Who doesn't know Angelo? He is a very popular model and a brand ambassador for his father's big company 'stone's perfume'.

Carl, on the other hand, is a famous billionaire that appears on the news almost every week. He takes his job as a prosecutor very seriously that no other prosecutor could compete with him.

Because of how rich and influential these two hot fellows were, the owner of the hospital didn't dare to tell Carl and Angelo to leave because of the drama they were causing. He could get sacked in his own hospital if he tried to force them out.

"Don't you too realize this place is a hospital? Both of you should leave this place at once" Noah yelled at Carl and Angelo.

The owner of the hospital heaved a sigh of relief and mentally thanked Noah in his head that Noah just did his job for him.


Noah was inside Carl's Bentley truck parked outside the hospital, he was in the driver's seat while Carl was in the shotgun seat. He was waiting for Carl to cool off his anger and also explain to him what Angelo meant by 'caused the death of his girlfriend' before he could start driving.

Although, Angelo has already driven home.

"fuck!!!" Carl kept on cursing, venting out his anger, and hitting his thighs with his fist.

"Prosecutor Carl, why were you acting like a kid back there" Noah finally spoke up to Carl in a high-pitched tone. He couldn't wait for Carl to cool off before he asked him what the problem was.

Carl took a deep breath with his eyes shut. He clicked his tongue and turned his neck to Noah "Mr. Ross said he suspects Angelo to have a hand in his accident." he said, trying to remain as calm as possible cause he was still angry.

Noah's face was expressionless, he barely knows anything about Mr. Ross's family. He was only concerned about Carl at the moment.

"That's not the answer I'm looking for, explain to me the problem you have with Angelo, it seems as if the both of you have a beef or something?" Noah said.

"Fine! Before my dad died, he used to be good friends with Mr. Ross, that was how Angelo and I became friends. Angelo's stepbrother, Michael is more of a workaholic so I wasn't that close to him... So there was this girl I was dating at that time..."

"You? You were dating?" Noah scoffed, finding it hard to believe because he felt that Carl has no time for women. Also, he has no idea that Carl is currently in love. That's because he is not that close to Carl. He started working at NYPD close to four months ago.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we dated for four years," Carl replied.

"So what happened? ...Let me guess Angelo took her from you?" Noah chuckled.

"Noah, it's not funny okay? I was hurt, I was deeply hurt. I found out she had been secretly cheating on me and was pregnant with him, can you imagine that? I can understand she probably didn't like me so she wanted to explore other men but Angelo was my friend for Christ's sake and he betrayed me" Carl angrily said.

Yes, he has moved on from Aurora but he was still angry about what Angelo did to him. He hates Angelo with passion and Angelo hated him too because he was jealous of his achievements.

"I mean, you can't blame the girl, that Angelo guy is kinda stunning," Noah said, indirectly adding gasoline to the fire and Carl flashed Noah a glare.

"Prosecutor Carl, you're much more handsome, no need to start giving me death stares," Noah said, trying to tease Carl so he could laugh but it wasn't working.

"Detective Noah, you never take anything seriously, no wonder you got divorced THRICE" Carl shook his head.

Noah didn't pick an offense, instead, he burst into laughter.

"Can we go now?" Carl said gesturing his hand so Noah could start driving.

"No, not yet. I'm sorry to ask but Angelo said you caused the death of your girlfriend, I know you had nothing to do with her death but why did he say that? And what was her name?" Noah asked because of how curious he was.

Carl sighed, he hated talking about his past with the former lover that cheated on him with Angelo because it reminded him of the heartbreak and the guilt he felt when she died. Because of that, he vowed never to fall in love again until he met Anne who swept him off his feet.

"Her name was Aurora. When I found out she was cheating on me, we got into a heated argument. I said things I still regret I shouldn't have said to her …and after she left my house, she got into a car accident and lost her life," Carl said in a low tone.

"Prosecutor Carl, her accident had nothing to do with you..."

"...it's easy for you to say but I felt guilty all this time. I told her I wished I had never met her and I wanted her to disappear" Carl lamented.

"Prosecutor Carl, I'm not saying this because you're my boss but I'm saying this as a friend. You're a good man and one of the nicest people I've ever met or worked with. I know you didn't mean those things you said to her, you were only hurt and you said those things out of anger. Stop blaming yourself okay?" Noah said, patting Carl's back with an encouraging smile.

"Noah, to be honest, it's all in the past now. I've completely moved on from that chapter of my life..." Carl said with a faint smile.

His mind immediately drifted to Anne, making his heart throb. Whenever he thought of Anne, his heart skips a beat and there's this peace of mind that comes with it.

Carl massaged his temple so he could come back to reality and stop daydreaming about Anne.

"hmm… since you've moved on, is there someone else now?" Noah teased Carl and Carl smiled.

"Yes, I am in love with someone else… I'm just waiting for her to love me too" he said.

The sudden lovesick on Carl's face made Noah roll his eyes. Anyone could tell that Carl really loved the girl he was thinking about.

"kids" Noah mumbled with a silent chuckle.

"So, do you think Angelo is capable of killing his own father?" he asked Carl.

"not sure" Carl responded.

"For now, let's set our minds on Mr. Ross's birthday party that is coming up this Friday. A lot of people are going to be there to celebrate with him. We have to be watchful because not everyone has good intentions and the killer might also be at the party. I'll also inform Sasha to come prepared. We'll go as guests to the birthday party and also go as cops to protect Mr. Ross" He said firmly to Noah.

"like an undercover mission," Noah smirked. He loved the idea.