
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
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146 Chs

An eye for an eye

"I would've killed you a long time than allowing you to threaten me here and there... Now because you Anne hates me. She doesn't want me anymore. The only woman I genuinely fell in love with.

You literally have no idea how much I love Anastasia and it breaks my heart to see her scared of me, she couldn't even look at my face… goddammit!!" Carlos cursed.

"Carlos… don't do this, you can still help me, I don't want to die… please" Linda begged Carlos, sobbing.

"Shhh!!!" Carlos made a shush sound with his index finger, pressed against his lips.

"don't speak. It'll only trigger the poison to kill you faster. You had an hour to live the moment you ate that poisoned apple." Carlos said.

"Carlos, please... I'm dying… help me" Linda pleaded, gasping for air.

She could no longer move, her body was now paralyzed and blood and saliva were dripping from her mouth.

Carlos squatted down and leaned closer to Linda.

"wow, this looks familiar… where have I seen this? …Oh I remember!" he giggled.

"Anne's grandfather was in this exact same situation, begging for his life and I didn't spare him. I let him die… if he had been minding his business and not trying to come in between me and Anne, I might've spared him." Carlos said.

Linda couldn't even get surprised at what Carlos just confessed. Her only regret was that she didn't listen to her father's advice to stay away from Carlos.

Carlos is dangerous and he shouldn't be messed with.

How can he claim he loves someone so much and kills her relative? Her grandfather who must've loved her. That is pure wickedness.

"…and if you weren't acting like a bitch, you wouldn't be in this painful situation right now…" Carlos said to Linda, standing up to his feet

The word pain was an understatement, Linda was going through agony and hell. She felt sore all over her body

"Thanks to you Anastasia has ended our relationship but I know I'm going to win her back… One of the reasons why I love Anne so much is that she reminded me of my mom. How she stands by me and supports me whether I'm right or wrong. She accepts me for who I am and she loves me despite all my flaws." he said

"No, she doesn't accept you for who you are… She accepts you for who she THINKS you are. She doesn't know you're a murderer…" Linda said in a low tone.

"This bitch is still talking" Carlos chuckled inwardly.

"The good news is, I might just let you live. The anti-venom to your poison is in this sliced apple." Carlos said, showing her the apple he was slicing before she showed up.

"Just one bite and you'll be fine, trust me" he smiled

"Please give it to me," she said under her breath.

"No, not so fast, you have to tell me where you kept the main video of me killing that delivery guy. I need to destroy it once and for all" he said vehemently.

"It's in my house, …in my bedroom. You'll see a safe at the back of my mirror near my bed…" Linda said and started coughing.

"speak up!!! I'm losing my patience, we don't have all day" Carlos yelled.

"The… the pin to the safe is 4 5 5 1, that's the correct passcode. There's a flash drive inside the safe that has your murder tape... Carlos help me, I don't wanna die." she said, groaning in pain.

"what if I give you the anti-venom and I let you live but it turns out that you were lying to me," he said holding the sliced apples.

"Carlos I swear I'm telling you the truth. Don't… don't let me die please…" Linda sobbed.

"well, these are just ordinary apples, you won't feel any better if you eat them… Yeah, I lied, there's no anti-venom whatsoever… Rest in pieces Linda" Carlos said with a devilish smirk.

Linda felt her heart shattered, how can someone she loves do this to her? Even though he felt nothing for her, he shouldn't treat her like she was worthless. She didn't deserve to die.

'you'll join me in hell real soon' Linda said in her head and exhaled softly.

That was her last breath, she has died but her eyes were still open. She even managed to stay alive for extra three minutes whereas the poison was meant to kill her after an hour.

"Linda," Carlos called her name, checking her pulse to confirm if she was dead or alive.

When he confirmed that she was dead, he shut her eyes close with his fingers.

He carelessly dragged her dead body and took it to his bathtub to hide the corpse.

He wiped off the blood on the floor that was from Linda's mouth and kept the place like nothing happened. He had already disposed the syringe he used in injecting the apple so all he has to do was get rid of Linda's dead body.

Carlos thought of dumping her body by the roadside but he shook his head.

The police will definitely catch him once they examine her body to know the last person that touched her so there was no need.

He also thought of burning up her dead body but all those thoughts made his head hurt.

The most important thing to him right now was destroying the flash drive that has his murder tape.


He drove to Linda's house and went straight to her bedroom. He checked the mirror that was on top of a drawer and behind it was a safe. Exactly how Linda explained it.

He confirmed the passcode and unlocked the safe and he saw the flash drive inside of it. Carlos took the flash drive with a big smile on his face. He was happy that he finally has what was used to blackmail him.

He searched her things to look for a laptop to test the flash drive if it really had the video he was looking for.

He eventually saw her laptop and he sat down on Linda's bed with the laptop on his lap and he switched it on.

"Damn it!" Carlos cursed as he hit the bed out of annoyance after seeing that the laptop needed to be unlocked.

The password hint was displayed on the screen as 'my true love' so he typed his name Carlos Gray but it showed an incorrect password.

Carlos scoffed. "So this bitch doesn't even love me like she claimed"

He tried the password again but this time he typed only his first name but it still showed incorrect password.

"shit!!" Carlos yelled.

"Who could it be then? Who's her fucking true love …I thought it was me" Carlos said, feeling frustrated.

Apart from himself, the only person he could think of was her father. He typed 'the drug lord' but it still didn't unlock.

"Alberto Louis" Carlos muttered. That was the drug Lord's real name.

"Please work," he said under his breath as he typed the name on the laptop and it was now unlocked.

Carlos heaved a sigh of relief.

He plugged the flash drive into the laptop and he saw the video of him killing the delivery guy. It was scary to watch but not to Carlos. He unplugged the flash drive and set it on fire until it melted.

Carlos felt really calm inside him that the evidence is finally destroyed. No one will blackmail him anymore.

Carlos got back to his house and he saw that the front door of his house was left ajar. His heart skipped a beat. He was sure that he locked the door before he left his house.

Why is it opened?

The door lock was broken and Carlos guessed that someone must've broken into his house but who?

He quickly rushed to his bathroom to check for Linda's dead body in the bathtub but to his surprise, she wasn't there.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!" Carlos yelled.

"No no no this isn't happening. What am I going to do?" he said in a shaky voice.

Both of his hands were on his head and his eyes were roving around the bathroom.

He was confused and paranoid.

'Who must've taken her? She didn't crawl out by herself because she was fucking dead!!' Carlos thought.

There was nothing Carlos could do right now. He can't start asking around for Linda's dead body.

He left his house and got into his car to see Kim. He believed that Kim would look for a way to help him find Linda's body because he always has a solution when it comes to things like this.

Immediately after Carlos left Anne's house, he called Kim and told him that he was ready to get rid of Linda. And without any questions from Kim, he gave Carlos the snake poison.


While Carlos was driving, his phone began to ring. He picked it up with one hand and he saw that it was the drug lord calling him.

"was it him?" Carlos muttered.

Linda's dead body is missing and now the drug lord is calling him. It's not a coincidence.

"Hello?" Carlos said on the phone after answering the call.

His instincts were telling him that the drug lord has already found out that he killed his daughter but he wasn't sure.

"CARLOS!!!" The drug lord screamed at the top of his voice in anger and Carlos could perceive the anger from the phone.

"I took you like you were my own flesh and blood and killing my daughter is how you repay me??" the drug lord yelled.

"She deserved it. Your daughter deserved to die!" Carlos yelled back.

"And that is why you're going to die with her," the drug lord said in a husky tone.

"what do you want to do? Kill me?" Carlos said on the phone still driving.

He removed his phone from his ear and decided to put their conversation on record.

"of course! An eye for an eye …I've  loosened some screws in your car tires and you're about to have a fatal accident." The drug lord said and unknowing to him, his conversation with Carlos was being recorded.

"No no no, you… you can't do that," Carlos said anxiously, he was scared for his life.

The drug lord scoffed.

"This will teach you never to mess with me …Goodbye son of a bitch." The drug lord said and immediately hung up.

Carlos's heart began to race. He wanted to park his car but his brakes were no longer working, rather, the car was at full speed and out of control, moving in different directions.

"FUCK!" Carlos cursed, hitting the steering wheel of his car.

Carlos's body was vibrating in fear. He knew that if an accident happens, he might not come out alive because the car was at full speed but Carlos desperately did not want to die.

He tried to open the car door but it seemed to be locked. He had no idea what to do. He started hearing some strange sounds from his car and he noticed that one of the car tires has flown out of his car.

Before his very eyes, his car somersaulted three times and landed upside down in the woods.

Does Linda deserve to die?

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