
Endless Desire

"Okay, I'm done with this!" Carl said with anger "Who do you think you are? Some kind of Aphrodite? Why would I want to impress a witch like you? Look, you might be pretty on the outside but you're hideous on the inside." He went very close to her face, staring deep into her eyes "you ain't shit!! And get that into your head that the world doesn't revolve around you." Anne raised her hand to slap Carl but he was quick enough to hold her hand just before it could land on his cheeks. “not today" he whispered as he let go of her and left with rage. ..................... "Carl, do you still love me?" Anne seriously asked Carl but he kept quiet. He didn't want to answer her question. Anne moved closer to Carl and clutch the collar of his shirt with both hands. "Do you still love me? ANSWER ME!!" Anne demanded. … Carl swiftly grabbed Anne and pinned her back to the wall. With his hands firmly on her shoulders, his eyes were fixed on her silver eyes with so much desire and determination. He couldn’t help but lock lips with her and kiss her passionately…. *** Endless Desire is a romantic story that tells the tale of a beautiful and hot-headed girl, Anne, and a filthy rich, sexy, charming man, Carl. They’re both lovers with insecurities but their love and desire for each other remain endless.

Skye_Lark_ · Urban
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146 Chs

A fucking coward

"I made him look like an outcast?" Treasure scoffed "He ruined my life!" she angrily said to herself.

Treasure switched on the light in the room she was in because it was so dark that she could barely see a thing. She looked around the room she was in and she noticed that it was filled with computer equipment. There were computers everywhere and each one of them was showing a video on the screen.

She looked at one of the screens of the monitor and she saw that it was showing a video of her bedroom.

How is it possible? She thought to herself. The only thing she could think of was that, there must be a hidden camera somewhere in her house. No wonder Shawn always know what she was up to.

She looked at the other monitors and she saw a video showing her living room, Kim's room, and also her bathroom where she takes her bath.

Treasure gasped as she saw it. She cried silently to herself as she thought of how Shawn must've been watching her naked body when she was taking her bath. She felt so disgusted.

What Shawn said to Noah about having an accomplice was just a lie to distract Noah and the cops. Shawn doesn't have an accomplice or anyone working for him. He does all his things by himself.

Suddenly, Treasure heard a loud knock on the door.

Bang bang bang

Shawn was hitting the door of the room Treasure was in. She quickly wiped her tears and swallowed her saliva hard, trembling like she was in a freezer.

"OPEN THE DOOR YOU STUPID BITCH" Shawn screamed at the top of his lungs as he was seriously banging on the door.

Treasure was as scared as a mouse. She moved all the hard furniture in the room to block the door so it would be difficult for Shawn to get through.

'where are you Dexter, you promised to protect me... Or are you going to abandon me?' she thought to herself with tears in her eyes.

Miraculously, she started hearing the sounds of sirens like the police were getting closer to where she was and Treasure had a huge sigh of relief. However, Shawn panicked. He wasn't expecting the cops to find him here so quickly.

Dexter, Noah, and the police had just arrived in front of Shawn's house. That was where Dexter's tracking device led them to. They saw the police car Shawn stole in front of the house and they confirmed that it was where Shawn must've taken Treasure to.

Meanwhile, Kim was driving at full speed, heading to Shawn's house to kill Shawn once he sees him. He desperately wanted to take revenge for what he did to his sister.

"Dexter, stay here with some of the cops for lookout," Noah said to Dexter.

"No! I wanna come with you. Treasure is in there waiting for me" Dexter said.

"But going inside might be too dangerous. Just let me and the cops handle everything" Noah said.

"Detective Noah, I know I'm not an experienced detective as you are but I won't be at peace if I don't go in. I can't just stand here doing nothing. Shawn is wounded and we can use that to our own advantage" Dexter was assertive.

Noah sighed, shaking his head. He knows that it was impossible to talk Dexter out of it because of how stubborn and determined he was. But despite Dexter's tenacious attitude, he loved him a lot like he was his son and all he wants is for him to be safe. Unfortunately for Noah, Dexter is here proving stubborn.

"Fine! If you're coming with me, then you'll need this" Noah said, handing a pistol to Dexter.

Dexter collected the pistol from Noah with shaky hands and he was trying his best for Noah not to notice that he was nervous so Noah wouldn't change his mind.

As much as Dexter has always wanted to be a detective, he has never thought of killing someone before. He was feeling very anxious.

Noah, Dexter, and two of the cops were now standing at the front door of Shawn's house and they were all with their guns.

The door was a hardwood door yet Noah was still able to kick the door open with his foot and they all found their way inside the living room of the house.

The house was totally dark and it was hard for the cops to see each other also, it was getting late at night.

Unknowingly to them, Shawn was in their midst but he was hiding behind a pillar with a gun in his hands waiting to shoot any cop who would see him first. He intentionally destroyed the lights in the living room when he saw that the cops were in front of his house so it would be difficult for anyone to see.

Nevertheless, Shawn could still manage to see with his one eye because it was his house. He knew every angle and he could also walk around with closed eyes.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Dexter whispered as he was tipping his toes not to make any sounds.

"Don't tell me you're scared. I told you not to follow the big guys in here" Noah said huskily.

"I'm not scared, I'm only concerned about why it's so dark," Dexter said. He managed to touch the walls to see if he could switch on the lights but he couldn't.

One of the cops among them switched on a big flashlight and the light shone so bright that it illuminated the whole room.

Noah's eyes widened as soon as he saw Shawn hiding behind a pillar, pointing a gun at the cop who was holding the flashlight.

"LOOK OUT!" Noah screamed.


Shawn already shot at the cop before Noah could warn him. The cop fell down with his flashlight and the flashlight broke so it was dark again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Noah fired shots at where Shawn ought to be hiding even though he was unsure if he was still standing there because he could barely see since it was dark.

"Sam... Sam are you alright?" Dexter said to the cop who got shot by Shawn. He was worried that the cop might die and it was this same cop who shot Shawn on his lap.

Dexter brought out his phone from his pocket and tapped on his flashlight which wasn't so bright and he saw that the cop was bleeding terribly in his stomach. The cop was still alive but he was partially conscious of where he was right now.

"Hello? Can you hear me? we need backup and we need an ambulance to get here as soon as possible" Dexter said on his wire that was connected to the cops outside.

"Don't be such a fucking coward come out and face me like a man" Noah yelled for Shawn to come out of his hiding spot.


Shawn fired a shot and the bullet hit the wall that was very close to Noah. It was a close call because the bullet almost touched his body.

"That was a warning shot and I'm definitely not wasting the next bullet," Shawn said to Noah.

Treasure who was still in one of Shawn's rooms has been covering her ears with her palms because of the loud gunshots she was hearing. She knew it was Dexter and the cops who were in a conflict with Shawn. Right now, she was praying in her heart that the cops would succeed in defeating Shawn and he would be out of her life forever.

Later on, Treasure finally freed her ears. The room she was locked in was becoming suffocating to her and she needed to go out to get some air but instead of going out, she decided to stay put before Shawn uses her as bait again.

Treasure saw a small window without a protector and she walked to where the window was and looked down. It was approximately five feet from where she standing and she felt the strong urge to jump down.

Looking down, it wasn't that high for her to jump down but since she was short a girl, the window appeared too high for her to jump. Anyways, Treasure was ready to risk it and jump down to feel safer.


Kim was getting close to Shawn's residence so he slowed down his car. He looked through the windshield of his car and he saw some police officers in front of Shawn's house.

Kim was confused and surprised at the same time. Why would the cops surround Shawn's house unless he was being wanted?

"Are they all here for one guy?" Kim asked himself because of what was going on.

If Kim had read Treasure's diary to the end, he would have known about the plan to capture Shawn because Treasure had written it down.

Kim came down from his car to have a closer look at what was going on because he couldn't see clearly since it was at night. He saw some police officers rushing a wounded cop into an ambulance.

Kim looked around him and he was clueless about what to do. He didn't want to get seen by the cops because they might start asking him questions and above all, he had a gun with him. Although, the zeal for him to kill Shawn was more than the cops seeing him.

Kim decided to go through the back of Shawn's house without the cops seeing him and luckily for him, when he jumped over the fence in the backyard, there wasn't a single police officer. Most of the police attention was on the wounded cop.

In the backyard, Kim was breathing hard from his jump and suddenly he heard a thud behind him. He immediately pulled out his gun that was tucked at the back of his trousers and pointed it to who or what was at his back

To his shocking surprise, he saw his sister, Treasure struggling to get up from the floor. She has just jumped too but from the window.

I'm truly sorry I haven't been updating chapters for a while now. I've been busy with personal stuff.

I'm about to finish Treasure and Shawn's story and go back to Anne and Carl's story so stay tuned.


Skye_Lark_creators' thoughts