
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Action
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88 Chs


(Asaka Point of View)

When I get home, I take out the groceries when I see some blood on my car. Great, now I will need to clean that up. I bring everything inside and I put them away. I have enough room with everything that I got. I leave everything outside of my darling's room until he wakes up and then we can go through it all so I know that he likes all of it. I hope he does like all of this. Wait, is this crazy or too much? Maybe I should calm down a little bit, after all, I can't scare him off. That would be really bad. Maybe I should go check on him. Just to be safe. After all, I'm sure he will want his phone. Maybe I should look through it right now. After all, what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

I sit down on the couch and I take out his phone from my pocket. I open his phone and I check his contacts. He has me and his boss. That's it? I know he doesn't talk to many people but still, this is it? I write down his boss's number and then delete the contact. After all, he won't need it anymore. I go to set his phone down when I hear things falling so I set down my darling's phone before going to the noise. 

In front of me is my darling on the ground with all of the bags around him. It is almost a bed that he is lying on but made out of clothes and blankets. I walk up to him. 

"Darling? Are you okay?"

He looks up at me, confused. "Yes, I think so. What is all of this?" 

"Well since you are going to be here for a little bit, I thought I would get you clothes. I did have to guess your size but I was hoping we could go through them and I can return anything that doesn't fit you." Also, I looked through your clothes so I know your exact size but I did get some that would be too big and too small for you so it doesn't seem too weird. 

"What about the blankets?"

I won't tell the truth here because that could be bad. "I just needed some new blankets and I want you to have first picks for your new room."

I watch him look at everything below him for a minute. "This seems like a lot for me just staying for a few days." and hopefully forever my darling.

"Well I want to make sure that you are comfortable, plus the police are scanning the area you live in day and night so I don't know when they will be done and your place of work is still closed down." I smile at him with my eyes closed, knowing this is the easiest way to cover up a lie.

I see him nod his head slightly before standing up. "I can look through the blankets first."

I get down as I take the blankets out of the pile and next to him as I start sorting through the clothing. I should have gotten more but where I was I couldn't find much. I hope everything else I got can make it up. If not I can get more clothes for him. Plus, I can have things custom-made. I do own a few seamstresses that help fix or make anything that is needed. They work directly under me but in a different "branch" I guess it would be called. Because I have people working for the shop, some for the mafia, and some personal ones. The only personal ones are translators, seamstresses, an accountant, and I own a camera company. I make more money than I should but no one questions me and if they do, I know how to fix it. But then again most people that work for me are down on their luck so they don't want to lose their job that pays better than most will pay them. 

Once I have everything sorted, I can see that my darling has three piles around him. He seems to be looking at the blanket very closely. I smile at him before speaking, "You can have as many as you want."

He looks up at me with a surprised look. He is so cute. "I can?"

"Yes, you can. I don't normally have guests over and I mainly just need them for my room and I wanted to make sure you are comfortable as well."

"Thank you." 

He goes back to the blankets as he resorts the piles out but this time into two piles instead of three. I just watch him, enjoying how adorable he is.