
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Action
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(Levar Point of View)

 I am just overthinking this. I need to calm down. She might think I am hiding something if I don't and then ask questions and then I would have to answer them and what's happening. Okay. Calm down, Levar. I look back up at her and I see her focusing on the meat as she looks at something on her phone. Maybe I should just leave her alone. 

"I think I hear something so I am going to look." I feel my face become a little red as I lie.

"Are you sure? I thought you wanted to talk."

"I do but I want to see what I heard."

"Alright. You can go do that."

I leave the kitchen and I sit down on the couch when I hear something run from under the couch and I get up and look but I don't see anything. I keep looking around but nothing. A few times I hear something running around but I don't see anything. After what feels like an hour, I see something go into a bathroom so I close the door behind it. I just look at the door. What was I thinking? Oh, ya. If I close the door it can't get away but now I can't see what it is. I should first see if that is all that got in. I look around the hallway and in some of the rooms but I don't hear or see anything else. I go to see if I can see what I have trapped in the bathroom when I hear Asaka calling me. I pause for a second before walking out to her. She smiles at me when she sees me.

"Your face is red. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I think I found what I heard but it's fast."

"Did you check it?"

"Kind of. I have it in one of the bathrooms because it ran in."

"How about we eat and then we can go together to see what it is?"

"That works out. We can do that."

We both sit down and I just look at my bowl. It smells and looks like bograč, but how would she know how to make it? 

"Is everything alright?" Asaka seems really nervous. 

I look up at her. "Yes, everything is. This just looks familiar." 

"I did look up Slovenian recipes and I found this. I had all of the ingredients so I made it."

I don't really know what to say as I look back down at my food. After about a minute, I calm down and take a bite of the food. "It's good. Thank you." It doesn't taste quite right but it is still good. 

After we both finish eating, I help take care of everything, even though Asaka keeps trying to stop me. Once everything is cleaned up, we head to the bathroom.

"How about this, you go in and I will stay here just in case it tries to run away, okay?"

"Alright. That should work."

I pause for a second before I open the bathroom door. I see something run under me and then Asaka speaks, "I got it or he from the looks of it."

I exit the bathroom and right Asaka is holding an orange kitten. He looks so small and dirty. I think he also has poop on him. 

"That is what I was chasing. I feel like we should take him to the vet."

"We can go now. After all, we have everything taken care of and there is a 24-hour vet clinic not super far away."

"Let's go to that but first, we should clean him up. He is dirty."

"Can you do that?"

"I can."

I take the kitten and I start the water in the sink. The kitten clearly hates it as he keeps scratching me. I do have to adjust the water a few times before the kitten seems alright with the temperature. I clean him up. He is a lot lighter under all of the dirt and doesn't look right. I don't know what it is. Once he is clean, I grab a towel to dry him off. He seems to like me more as he has stopped scratching me. I look up and I see Asaka looking at my arms and the kitten. 

"What happened?"

"He just didn't like the water very much at first."

"I can see that. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am. If you take the kitten, I can wrap myself up."

She takes the kitten and I wrap up my arms. Once my arms are wrapped, I take the kitten back. 

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am."

"Are you in a lot of pain?"

"No, it wasn't deep." And I have gotten a lot worse wounds but she doesn't need to know that.

I see her nod her head slightly before we head out into her car. I sit down in the passenger seat as I have the kitten in my lap. I play with him a little bit using my hand.